THE Hiftorical Register, Containing An Impartial RELATION WITH A Chronological Diary OF ALL : The remarkable OCCURRENCES, VOLUME XIX. LONDON, Printed and fold by S. NEVILL in the Old Baily, near N. B. This Title is design'd for fuch Persons as think fit to bind the last Four Registers in one Volume: And for the fame Reason is added a Table of the Principal Matters contain'd in them. さいち ramysh :Harding A 11299 Nineteenth Volume. Abstract of the Proceedings of the and last Seffion Page 177, 322 Acts of Parliament fign'd at the Conclusion of 6th Seffion 89 180 192 to Applications made from Abroad 208 on an Addition proposed to the Land-Forces 215,234 on the Septennial Act 335 on the Bill to prevent Stock-jobbing 327 on the Removal of the Duke of Bolton and Lord Cobham 255 on limiting the Number of Civil and Military Of- ficers in the House 322 - Emperor's, of War 120 - of the Czarina to the Lithuanians 19 Decree of Hambourg, touching Commerce to the East-In- Expedition to Italy 61. Naples 284. of the French Secretary of State to Dunkirk 51 - of Dantzick Magistrates to General Munich 262 of King Stanislaus to the Primate and Grandees, to Dantzick of the King of Spain Motives of the French King for War 61 1 } THE Historical Register. *********************** ******** *** T NUMBER LXXIII. ******* ********* POLAND. HE late extraordinary Occurrences at Home, have indispensably engross'd our Attention for fome Time past, and left us no Room to take Notice of those no less extraordinary from Abroad. We refume that Province with the Affairs of Poland, the rather because our last Account from thence, clos'd with the remarkable Æra, viz. The Death of Auguftus II. Feb. 1, 1733, from whence may be dated the present unhappy State, not of that Kingdom alone, but of all Europe. The Primate was happy in his first Step of Authority: On the King's Death, his Serene Highness conven'd the Senate and Nobility, condol'd with 'em on the Loss of their Sovereign, and represented the imminent Danger of a Civil War from private Animofities in so moving a Manner, that several Illustrious Houses who were at Variance, came over to his Sentiments, and join'd in a folemn Reconciliation for the Sake of their Country. On the 2d 'twas refolv'd in full Senate, to summon the Dyettines for the 23d of March, and the General Dyet of Convocation for the 27th of April following, Orders were iffu'd accordingly. Soon after, several Grandees were observed to leave Warsaw, to use their respective Interests at their Country Seats, in the Election of Nuncio's to be fent to the Dyet of Convocation: There appeared three Parties, one for Stanislaus, the second for the Elector of Saxony, and a third for a Native exclusive of Stanislaus, purely to avoid the fatal Confequences which they apprehended mighs A |