Williams, David: 164, 183 tions for letter of marque for Beggars Bennison, 236 Williams, James (Pvt., Continental Marines): 1011 680 Williams, John (Quartermaster, Massachusetts Williams, John (Capt.): 947n (Betsey) Williams, Jonathan, Sr.: from: Jonathan Williams, Williams, Jonathan, Jr. (Continental Commer- 655 448, 451-52, 467-68, 526-27, 546-47, 549, from: Silas Deane, 464-65; Gléyo La mentioned, 622, 631, 648, 653, 676 Williams, Nehemiah (Steward's Mate, Continen- Williams, Richard (Seaman, Connecticut Navy): 117 to: American Commissioners in France, 414, Williams, Samuel (Cook, Continental Navy): 505 Williams, William Peere (Capt., RN): from: Lords Williamsburg, Va.: 118, 151, 266, 267, 279, 291, Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser: 1777: 25 July, off, 165, 328, 737, 745 vania militia, 337; British wounded sent to, Wilmington, N.C.: 789 Wilmington Creek, Del.: Royal Navy ships off, Wilson (Capt.): 241 Wilson, Alexander (Capt.): to: Massachusetts Wilson, Botteril (Capt.): 588 (Saville) Wilson, George (Seaman, General Montgomery): Wilson, John (Capt.): 884 Wilson [Willson], Richard (Seaman, Continental Wilson, Thomas (Capt.): 538 (Harriot) Windsor, Thomas (Lt., RN): appointment to com- mand Falcon disallowed by Lord Howe, 54, Windward Passage, Cuba/Hispaniola: 672 Winyah Bar, S.C.: 745 Wiscasset, Me.: Boston off, 259, 282, 304, 330-31, 382, 700, 790n; British attack on, 910-11,949 Witear, Richard (Capt.): 437 (Vigilant) Wodden, John (Seaman, Massachusetts Navy): 914 Woggs, Samuel (Seaman, Continental Navy): 832 Wolfe, sloop: captured by Fanny and General Wolf Trap Rock, Chesapeake Bay, Va.: 748 Wood, Arthur (Capt.): 704 (Neptune) Wood, Cuff (Ordinary Seaman, Continental Wood, John (Pvt., Continental Marines): 818 Wood, Samuel (Pvt., Continental Marines): 832 Woodburry, Lemuel (Able Seaman, Continental Woodcock, Barnabas (Lt., Continental Army Wooden Ball Island, Me.: 20 Woodhouse, James (Capt.): 287 (Chester) Woods, -: 357 Woods, George: 351 Woods, John: 164, 183 Woodsides, John (Cooper, Continental Navy): 505 Woodward, James (Gunner, Rising States): sent 423 Woodward, John (Lt., RN): 535 Woodwill, Gideon (Carpenter's Mate, Continen- Woodworth, Jonathan (Midn., Connecticut Navy): 786, 879, 972, 972n Worcester, HMS: with Mediterranean convoy, 437, Worcester County, Md.: Committee of Observa- Workington, England: militia stationed at, 498; Worth, Andrew (Capt.): from: John Brown and Worth, James (Capt., RN): 371, 372, 415 830 Wright, (Mrs.): 8, 193 Wright, Reuben (Pvt., Continental Army Row Wynkoop, Cornelius (Lt., Continental Army Wynne, Atkinson (Capt.): 658 (Wensley Dale) Yankee, Massachusetts Privateer Sloop: 445, 540, Yarminaren, schooner: captured by General Wash- ington, 962, 962n (James M'Cauley) Yarmouth, Nova Scotia: 189, 190n Yates, Christopher P. (Maj., Continental Army): from: Philip Schuyler, 176; mentioned, 176n Yeule, George (2nd Lt., British Marines): 263 York, England: 450, 548 York, John (Capt.): 355n (Success) York River, Va.: Continental and Virginia Navy York River Shoals, Va.: 165 Yorke, Sir Joseph (British Ambassador to the Yorktown [York], Va.: 78, 119, 135, 165, 800 Young, James (V. Adm., RN): concerning con- 812; impressment practices, 98-99; on illegal to: Henry Bryne, 91-92; Johannes de from: William C. Finch, 858-59; Johannes mentioned, 27, 52, 166, 166n, 188, 268, 295, 607 See also Navy, British Yowart [Yoward], John (Capt.): from: Lambert Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico: 241 Zanga, Massachusetts Privateer Brigantine: 909 Zante [Zákinthos] Island, Venice: 658 Zephyr, HM Sloop: captured: Betsy, 596 (Robert |