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S. L.

earth, as it is in heaven: Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Question. What desirest thou of God in this prayer?

Answer. I desire my Lord God our heavenly Father, who is the giver of all goodness, to send his grace unto me, and to all people; that we may worship him, serve him, and obey him, as we ought to do. And I pray unto God, that he will send us all things that be needful both for our souls and bodies; and that he will be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins; and that it will please him to save and defend us in all dangers ghostly and bodily: and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlasting death. And this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore I say, Amen, So be it.

Question. How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church? Answer. Two only, as generally necessary to salvation, that is to say, Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord.

Question. What meanest thou by this word Sacrament?

Answer. I mean an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, given unto us, ordained by Christ himself, as a means whereby we receive the same, and a pledge to assure us thereof.

Question. How many parts are there in a Sacrament?

Answer. Two; the outward visible sign; and the inward spiritual


Question. What is the outward visible sign or form in Baptism? Answer. Water; wherein the person is baptized, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost.

Answer. Water; wherein the person baptized is dipped, or sprinkled with it, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Question. What is the inward and spiritual grace? Answer. A death unto sin, and a new birth unto righteousness: for being by nature born in sin, and the children of wrath, we are hereby made the children of grace.

Question What is required of persons to be baptized?

Answer. Repentance, whereby they forsake sin; and faith, whereby they stedfastly believe the promises of God, made to them in that Sacrament.

Question. Why then are Infants baptized, when by reason of their tender age they cannot perform them?

Answer. Because they promise them both by their sureties; which promise, when they come to age, themselves are bound to perform.

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Answer. Yes; they do perform them by their Sureties, who promise and vow them both in their names; which when they come to age, themselves are bound to perform.

Question. Why was the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ordained?


For the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of the death 2 and of the benefits which we receive thereby.

of question. What is the outward part or sign of the Lord's Supper?

I be [1604] [S. L.]

2 and the benefits [1604] [S. L.]

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earth, as it is in heaven: Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.


What desirest thou of God in this prayer?

Answer. I desire my Lord God, our heavenly Father, who is the giver of all goodness, to send his grace unto me, and to all people: that we may worship him, serve him, and obey him, as we ought to do. And I pray unto God that he will send us all things that be needful both for our souls and bodies: And that he will be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins; and that it will please him to save and defend us from all dangers ghostly and bodily: and that he will keep us from all sin and wickedness, and from our ghostly enemy, and from everlasting death. And thus I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Jesu Christ. And therefore I say, Amen, So be it.

this [1552] [1549]



S. L.

Answer. Bread and wine, which the Lord hath commanded to be received. Question. What is the inward part, or thing signified?


The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received 'by the faithful in the Lord's Supper.

Question. What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby? Answer. The strengthening and refreshing of our souls by the body and blood of Christ, as our bodies are by the bread and wine.

Question. What is required of them 2 who come to the Lord's Supper? Answer. To examine themselves, whether they repent them truly of their former sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life; have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death; and be in charity with all men.

The Curate of every Parish shall dili-] [3 The Curate of every Parish, or some gently upon Sundays and Hoty days, after the Second I esson at Evening Prayer, openty in the Church instruct and examine so many Children of his Parish sent vnto him, as he shall think convenient, in some part of this Catechism.

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And all Fathers, Mothers, Masters and
Dams, shall cause their children, ser-
rants, and prentices, which have not
learned their Cathecosm to come to
the Church at the time appointed, and
obediently to hear and be ordered by the
Curate, until such time as they have
learned all that is here appointed for
them to learn

So soon as Children are come to a compe- |
tent age, and can say, in their Motheri
tongue, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer,
and the ten Commandments; and also
can answer to the other questions of this
short Catechism; they shall be brought
to the Bishop. And every one shall!
have a Godfather, or a Godmother, as
a witness of their Confirmation.

And whensoever the Bishop shall give | knowledge for children to be brought unto him for their Confirmation, the Curate of every Parish shall either bring, or send in writing, with his hand subscribed thereunto, the names of all such persons within his Parish, as he shall think fit to be presented to the Bishop to be confirmed.

And, if the Bishop approve of them, he shall confirm them in manner following.

1 of the [1604] [S. L.]

other at his appointment, shall diligently upon Sundays and Holy days, half an hour before Frensong, openly in the Church instruct and examine so many children of his Parish sent unto him, as the time will serve, and as he shall think convenient, in some part of this Catechism.

And all Fathers, Mothers, Masters and

Dames shall cause their children, servants, aut prentices (which have not leaned ther Catechism; to come to the Church at the time appointed, and obediently to hear and be ordered by the Curate, until such time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn.]

So soon as the Children can say in their Mother tongue the Articles of the faith, the Lord's prayer, the ten Commandments, and also can answer to such questions of this short Catechism, as the Bishop (or such as he shall appoint) shall by his discretion appose them in; then shall they be brought to the Bishop by one that shall be his Godfather, or Godmother, that every child may have a witness of his confirmation.

[↑ And whensoever the Bishop shall give knowledge for children to be brought before him to any convenient place, for their Confirmation, then shall the 4 Curate of every Parish, either bring, or send in writing, the names of all those children of his Parish, which can say the Articles of the Faith, the Lord's prayer, and the ten Commandments; and also how many of them can answer to the other questions contained in this Catechism.]

And the Bishop shall confirm them on this wise.

2 which [1604] [S. L.]

3 These two Rubrics within [ ] do not occur here, but infra; they are brought to this place for comparison.


Presbyter or Curate [S. L.]

5 mistresses [S. L.]

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[The Curate of every Parish, or some other at his appointment, shall diligently upon Sundays and holy-days half an hour before Evening Prayer openly in the Church instruct and examine so many Children of his parish sent unto him as the time will serve, and as he shall think convenient, in some part of this Catechism.

And all fathers, mothers, masters and dames, shall cause their children, serrants, and prentices (which have not learned their Catechism) to come to the Church at the time appointed, and obediently to hear and be ordered by the urate, until such time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn.]

[7 The Curate of every Parish, once in six weeks at the least, upon warning by him given, shall upon some Sunday or holy day, half an hour before Evensong, openly in the Church instruct and examine so many Children of his Parish sent unto him, as the time will serve, and, as he shall think convenient, in some part of this Catechism. And all fathers, mothers, masters and dames, shall cause their children, servants, and prentices (which are not yet confirmed) to come to the Church at the day appointed, and obediently hear and be ordered by the Curate, until such time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn.]

So soon as the Children can say in their mother tongue the articles of the faith, the Lord's prayer, the ten Commandments, and also can answer to such questions of this short Catechism, as the Bishop, (or such as he shall appoint j shall by his discretion appose them in; then shall they be brought to the Bishop by one that shall be

his godfather, or godmother, that

every child may have a wit

ness of his Con-

[7.And whensoever the Bishop shall give knowledge for children to be brought afore him to any convenient place, for their Confirmation; then shall the Curate of every Parish either bring, or send in writing, the names of all those children of his Parish, which can say the A:ficles of their faith, the Lord's prayer, and the x. Commandments, and also how many of them can answer to the other questions contained in this Catechism.

And the Bishop shall confirm them on this wise.

6 This Rubric contained within [ ] does not occur here either in [1604] [S. L.] [1559][1552] or [1549] but at the end of the office for Confirmation.

7 These Rubrics within [ ] do not occur here in [1559, 1552, and 1549] but at the end of the office for Confirmation; and are brought to this place for comparison only. Evensong [1552]



The Order of Confirmation,


Upon the day appointed, all that are to be then confirmed, being placed, and stand ing in order, before the Bishop; he (or some other Minister appointed by him ` shall read this Preface following.


O the end that Confirmation may be ministered to the more edifying of such as shall receive it, the Church hath thought good to order, That none hereafter shall be Confirmed, but such as can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the ten Commandments; and can also answer to such other questions, as in the short Catechism are contained; Which Order is very convenient to be observed; to the end that children, being now come to the years of discretion, and having learned what their Godfathers and Godmothers promised for them in Baptism, they may themselves with their own mouth and consent openly before the Church ratify and confirm the same; and also promise that by the grace of God they will evermore endeavour themselves faithfully to observe such things, as they, by their own confession, have assented unto.

Then shall the Bishop say.

O ye here, in the presence of


D God, and of this congrega

tion, renew the solemn promise and vow that was made in your name at your Baptism; ratifying and confirming the same in your own persons, and acknowledging yourselves bound to believe, and to do, all those things, which your Godfathers and Godmothers then undertook for you?

And every one shall audibly answer,
I do.

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