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By the Honourable


For the Province of the Maffachusetts-Bay in New-England.



HEREAS the General Affembly have in their prefent Seffion paffed an A to prohibit the Departure of all Ships and Veffels from any Port or Place within the Province; and of all Fishing-Veffels, fuch only excepted as are not ufually abfent more than four Days at a Time, until the Twentieth Day of April Inftant, without fpecial Permiflion from His Majefty's Council, or the major Part of them, on Penalty of forfeiting One Hundred Pounds, to be paid by the Maker; and the like Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to be paid by the Owner or Owners of every fuch Ship or Veffel departing as aforefaid:

AND WHEREAS Provifion is made in faid Act, that His Majefty's Council, or the major Part of them, fhall, if they fee fit, lengthen out the faid Embargo the First Day of June next;


E have therefore thought it, in Council, to illue this Proclamation hereby giving pub Notice of the aforesaid Ad of Governinent; and Arialy forbidding all afters of Owners of any Ships or Wellels within the Province to fuffer any fuch Ships or Weffels, without fpecial permillion from His Majefty's Louncil 02 the major part of them, to depart out of the fame, oz to proceed to any of the Fishing-Banks until the Twentieth Day of April Inftant. AND we do hereby forbid all Officers concerned in the Clearing of Wellels to give Certificates of Clearances for any Ships or Wellels whatsoever within their respective Diftrias to depart out of the province, during the Continuance of this Prohibition oz Embargo, without Bermillion as afozefaid.

AND all his Majesty's good Subfeds who Chall 02 may discover any Ship 02 Weffel Drivately oz clandeftinely loading within the Province, 02 departing out of the fame contrary to Law, are hereby delired to give immediate Information thereof to his Majefty's Council, oz to any of the Officers aforesaid, that all Perfons offending may te profecuted according to Law for any fuch Offence.

GIVEN at the Council-Chamber in BOSTON the Seventh Day of April 1757, in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of GreatBritain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, c.

By Order of His Majefty's Council,

A. Dliber, Sec"

A. Oliver
Joseph Pynchon
John Otis

Tho. Hutchinfon
Benja. Lincoln
John Erving
Richd. Cutt
W. Brattle.

GOD Save the KING.

Wm. Pepperrell
J. Osborne
Jacob Wendell
Benja. Lynde
S. Danforth
Sam! Watts
George Leonard
John Hill
James Minot

BOSTON: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.

No. 1086.

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1079. Theses.

Evans, 7910.


1080. In the House of Representatives, January 27, 1757. | Voted, That the Arms and Accoutrements belonging to this Pro- vince. . . be returned into the Commissary General's Office.


1081. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; . . . | A Proclamation. (On sending provisions to the French by way of the West Indies.) Dated January 11, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governour and Council.


1082. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; . . .│A Proclamation. (Encouragement to inlist in expedition under the Earl of Loudoun.) Dated, February 25, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour and Council.


1083. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; A Proclamation, (Embargo on vessels until April 10.) Dated, March 9, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour and Council. MHS

1084. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; .. | A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 21.] Dated, March 18, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1757.

Evans, 7950.


1085. Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, | For the Province aforesaid. | A Proclamation. (Establishing and confirming all military commissions not heretofore revoked or superceded. | Dated, April 5, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council. 1757.


1086. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, For the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | A Proclamation. (Embargo on ships until April 20.) Dated, April 7, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.


1087. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, for the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. | A Proclamation, (embargo on fishing vessels until May 10. Dated, April 18, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council. 1757.


2 Am. Ant. Soc. Proceedings, XI. 466. 1088. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, ... | A Proclamation. (Embargo on ships until May 20.) Dated, May 9, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.


1089. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, ...A Proclamation | For a publick Fast. [June 30.] Dated, June 17, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757. BPL. MHS Evans, 7951.

1090. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, .. A Proclamation | for Proroguing the General Court [to July 21.] Dated, June 28, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's | Council, 1757.


1091. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, ... A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 4, 1757.] Dated, July 12, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's | Council, 1757.


1092. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, ...A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to August 16.] Dated, July 26, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable His Majesty's | Council, 1757.


1093. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; |... | A Proclamation. (Continuing officers in the exercise of their trusts.) Dated, August 3, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty's | Council, 1757.


1094. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq;...A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to October 5.] Dated, September 10, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.


1095. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | His Majesty's Council, ...A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to October 19.] Dated, September 26, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.


1096. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; 1. ..A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to November 2.] Dated, October 8, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.


1097. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; ...A Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to November 23.] Dated, October 20, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, 1757.



1098. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; A Proclamation | For a Public Thanksgiving. [November 17.] Dated, October 27, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty's Council. | 1757.

Evans, 7952.


1099. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (Embargo on exportation of provisions or warlike-stores.) Dated, November 19, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council.


1100. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (Mutiny on the ship George.) Dated, December 5, 1757. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to his Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable his Majesty's Council, 1757.


1101. By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; | ... | Whereas by a late Act of Assembly, now in Force, Eighteen Hun- | dred Men, inclusive of officers, are to be raised out of the several Regiments in this Province (to serve under the Earl of Loudon). Dated February 21, 1757.


1102. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excellency the Governour, | To . . . Having received certain Intelligence, that a large Body of the French and Indian Enemy have invested Fort William-Henry near Lake-George. . . . Dated August 8, 1757.


1103. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, | By His Excellency the Governour, | To . . . Having received certain Intelligence, That a very large Body of the French and Indian Ene- | my have made themselves Masters of Fort William- | Henry . . . Dated, August 13, 1757.


1104. Military commission [Spencer Phips, Lieutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief].

MeHS. MHS Commission to Province of the Massaof the Captain ——

1105. His Majesty's Council, | for the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. . . . Military commission. Dated, [April 19,] 1757.

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1106. Province of the Massachusetts- Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1, 1757.

1107. Commission of Commissary of Musters.



1108. A Return of Men inlisted for His Majesty's Service in the Regiment of Militia whereof Esq; is Colonel, on the

intended Expedition against Canada.


1109. The Muster-Roll of the Company in His Majesty's Service under the Command

1110. A Muster-Roll of

of Captain, Viz. Dated, [Feb

ruary 23, 1757.]


the Company in His Maj

esty's Service under the

Command of


[November, 1757.]


1111. Pay Warrant (Council).


Archives, XXIII. 384(2).

1112. Warrant of distress under an Act in Addition to the several Laws already in Being for the more speedy finishing the Land Bank or Manufactory Scheme.

Archives, c. 515.

† MA

1113. A List of the Estate Real and Personal of the several Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Town of

in the

County of | taken (pursuant to an Act of the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, intitled, An Act for enquiring . . . passed in the Thirtieth Year of His | present Majesty's Reign.) . . .


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