That Elaborate and Matchless Pile of Art, Called, The Microcosm, or the World in Miniature: [Printed by Edes and Gill in Queen Street.] 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, XI. 465. AAS 1045. [Cut.] An Endeavour to animate and incourage our | Soldiers, for the present Expedition [against Canada.] Signed M. B [Mather Byles?] Boston: Printed and Sold by Green and Russell, in Queen-street. HARVARD COLLEGE. 1046. Quaestiones. 1047. Theses. Evans, 7681. KENNEBECK, PROPRIETORS. 1048. Deed. pp. 2. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY, PROVINCE. † PHS 1049. [Royal arms.] An Act | For the better recruiting His Majesty's Forces on the Continent of America; and for the better Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Desertion therein. Boston; New-England: Reprinted by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. pp. 4. Evans, 7677. AAS. MHS 1050. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | In the House of Representatives, February 26, 1756. | Voted, That the following Establishment of Wages be made for the Officers and Soldiers going in the intended Expedition to Crown-Point. † LC 2 pp. 1051. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable Spencer Phips Esq; ...A Proclamation (prohibiting the exportation of provisions and warlike stores out of the Province). Dated January 20, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. 1756. AAS 1052. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (On deserters from the Fiftieth Regiment.) Dated, February 12, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour. 1756. MHS 1053. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (Encouragements to inlist in service against the French.) Dated, February 18, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council, 1756. BPL. MHS 1054. By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; . . . A Proclamation (on reinlisting Battoemen for other Services.) Dated, March 23, 1756. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, March 25, 1756. 1055. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 29.] Dated, April 9, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1756. HC. MHS Evans, 7710. 1056. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; ...A Proclamation (prohibiting the exportation of provisions or warlike stores from the Province until after September 20.) Dated, June 9, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and | Council. 1756. † AAS 1057. By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq;. . . A Proclamation (royal grant of lands to soldiers serving against the French.) Dated, July 5, 1752. Printed in the Boston Weekly News-Letter, July 8, 1756. 1058. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; ...A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [July 22.] Dated, July 10, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. Evans, 7712. MHS 1059. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; ...A Proclamation, | For a Publick Thanksgiving. [November 25.] Dated, November 5, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governour and Council. Evans, 7713. BA. MHS 1060. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; . . . a Proclamation | For Proroguing the General Court [to January 6, 1757.] Dated, December 6, 1756. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to the Honourable the Lieutenant-General and Council. MHS 1061. By his Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; | ... | Whereas a Number of Battoe-men will be wanted. .. Dated, January 19, 1756. MHS 1062. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | William Shirley, Esq;... You are hereby required, in His Majesty's Name, immediately to cause the Enlistments of Soldiers in the several Companies, Dated in MS., April 15. . BPL 1063. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Honour the Lieut. Governour- | You are hereby required to cause all the military Companies in the Regiment . . . to be mustered on the Third Wednesday of June next. Dated, May 28, 1756. BPL. MHS 1064. [Royal arms.] Spencer Phips, Esq; . . . | Whereas notwithstanding the repeated Orders issued to the several | Colonels in the Province, there is a Deficiency in the whole Number | of Men ordered to be raised for the Service of the Crown-Point Expedition. Dated, July 8, 1756. Evans, 7711. LC. MHS 1065. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. | By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq;... Whereas the Quota of Men for this Province in the Expedition | against Crown-Point, was... determined to be Three Thousand Five Hundred Men. Dated, August [23]. 1756. 1066. Oaths appointed to be taken instead of Allegiance and Supremacy: | And Declaration. September, 1756.] MHS the Oaths of [Dated in Ms. † MA 2 leaves. Archives, XLIV. 309. The last words on the ninth line from foot of Declaration reads "of the Crown," instead of "of theCrown," 1067. Military Commission, [William Shirley, Captain-General and Governour in Chief], for the expedition against French at Crown Point and Lake Iroquois (Champlain). 1068. I EI. MHS do acknowledge to have voluntarily inlisted myself as a private Soldier, to serve . . . for the Reduction of Crown-Point. (With certificate.) Archives, LXXVIII. 205. MA 1069. Precept to elect representatives to General Court. (On verso is the return made.) MA Archives, cxvII. 137. 1070. A Portledge-Bill of Master and Sailors in His Majesty's Service [in the Expedition against Crown Point.] Archives, LXV. 230; ccxc. 42. MA 1071. Province of the | Massachusetts- | Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; Treasurer . . . (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 1, 1756. | ΕΙ 1072. Province of the | Massachusetts-Bay, ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer . . . (tax warrant). Dated November 2, 1756. PECK, ABIEZER. MHS 1073. On the Valiant | New-England | General. Dated, Rehoboth, April 5, 1756. JCB. MHS The General is John Winslow (1702-1774). 1757 1074. The Award and final Determination | Of the Referees respecting the Claims of the Proprietors of the Kenebeck | Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth, and the Company holding | under Clark and Lake, relative to the Lands on each Side Kenebeck River. [August Term, 1757.] Evans, 7837. GERMANTOWN LOTTERY. AAS. MHS 1075. First Class of the Germantown Lottery. (Granted April, 1757, for the encouragement of Manufactures in Germantown.) GREAT BRITAIN. MHS 1076. [Cut.] Extract of Articles | From the Treaty-Marine | with Holland, concluded at | London the first Day of December 1674, O. S. [On p. 3:] Extracts from the Articles of Peace, Commerce and Alliance between the Crowns of Great-Britain and Spain, concluded | in a Treaty at Madrid, the 13/23 Day of May 1667. Boston, New-England: Reprinted by John Draper, 1757. pp. 3. Evans, 7906. HARRINGTON, JOHN. MHS 1077. The Last Words and Dying | Speech | Of John Harrington, Aged 43 Years. | Who was executed at Cambridge, March 17, 1757, for the Murder of Paul Learned. Sold next to the Prison, in Queen-Street, 1757. MHS 1078. [Cut.] The Agonies of a Soul departing out of Time | into Eternity. A few Lines occasioned by the untimely End of John Harrington, Who is to be Executed at Cambridge this Day, being the 17th of March, 1757, for the Murder of Paul Learnard, the 1st of September last. MHS SPENCER PHIPS, Efq; Lieutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief in and over. His Majefty's Province of the Maffachusetts-Bay in New-England. A PROCLAMATION for a publick FAST. W the Territories in North-America, as as in HEREAS Almighty GOD is pleafed fill to chaftize us with the grievous Judgment of War, and to World, by the French, who have employed the Indians in these Parts, as Instruments of their Cruelty in fhedding the Blood of Multitudes of Women and Children, as well as Men, upon the Frontiers of thefe Colonies, with fuch Cit cumftances of Barbarity as are moft abhorrent not only to the trueSpirit of Christianity, but even toHumanity itself; And whereas the Preparations now made and making against us by our French and. Indian Enemy loudly admonish 115 of our Danger as alfo of our Duty, to acknowledge the righteous Hand of God in these Difpenfations of his Providence, and to feek a fpeedy Reconciliation to Him; and the Time of Action of the Forces raifed by this and the neighbouring Governments for recovering their juft Rights out of the Hands of their Enemies being probably very pear, the Voice of Providence doth evidently call upon us to feek to God for his Bleffing upon our important Undertakings, without which we have no Ground to hope for Success; have therefore thought it, with the Advice of his Majesty's Council and at the Defire of the Allembly, to appoint Thursday the Twenty-second of this Infant July to be observed thro'out this Province as a Day of publick Fafting an Prayer; hereby calling upon Minifters and People devoutly to foleumize the fame by the deepest humiliations for our heinous Offences, by which we have highly fucented the Divine Majesty against us, and have caused him to hist His face from us, and to punish us with the fore Calamities of Car; and allo to implore Dis Commiflctation of us, in our prefent Diferelles, and inercifully direct in the Forming and Er: ecuting of our military Enterprizes, and thereby to deliver us out the hauds of our Enemies, and enable us to recover our Rights and Properties, by them unjustly invaded; that he would keep all Sin out of our Camps, as well as from the whole Community, and inake us a penitent and reformed People; that he would inspire our Officers with Condua and Resolution, and our Soldiers with Faithfulness and Courage; and that, as the Captain of our Salvation, be bould lead them on to Succefs and Widory; That he would gracioudly preserve the important Life of our Sovereign Lord the KING with all the Branches of his Royal Houfe; and direct his Counfels and prosper His juft Arms for restor and preserving the Peace of Europe; and that the Divine promiles and predictions of the Universal and Spiritual Reign- of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, the Prince of Peace, may be fycedily accomplished. And all fervile Labour and Recreations are forbidden on the laid Bay, Given at the Council Chamber in Bolton, the Tenth Day of July 1756, in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD of Great-Britain, France and, Ireland, Kiso, Defender of the Faith, &c. By.Order of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, with the Advice of the Council, 3. Willard, Sery. GOD fave the KING. S. Phips. BOSTON: Printed by John Draper. Printer to His Honour the Lieutenant-Goternour and Council. No. 1058. |