Imágenes de páginas


985. Tax bill.



986. Laws Of the Marine Society, at Boston in New-England, | Incorporated by the Government, as by Charter, | February 2, 1754. [On verso:] List of the Members Names, and the Time of Entrance.

Pp. 2.



987. A copy of a Letter, Found in the Study of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Belcher, | Late of Dedham, since his Decease. An Answer to this Question, How to live in this World, so as to live in Heaven? [Boston] Printed and Sold at the PrintingOffice in Back-Street. [by Zachariah Fowle.] † PHS

Back Street, dating from 1708, forms part of Salem Street. Zachariah Fowle printed there from 1751 to 1754, when he removed to Middle Street (part of Hanover Street) in 1755.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

991. A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, | Upon the Excise-Bill now under Consideration. Dated, Boston, 7th June, 1754.

pp. 3. Evans, 7227.


992. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [April 4.] Dated, March 16, 1754. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1754. BPL. Evans, 7251.


993. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; .A Proclamation. (On raising a force for defence of the Eastern frontiers.) Dated, April 19, 1754. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and | Council. 1754.



994. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (On assembling and reviewing regiments of the militia.) Dated, June 21, 1754. Boston: Printed

by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1754.


995. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation | for a publick Thanksgiving. [November 28.] Dated, November 2, 1754, Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour & Council. 1754.

Evans, 7252.


996. Anno Regni Regis Georgii Secundi Vicesimo Septimo. | A Bill | For further ascertaining the Descent of Real Estates | of Persons dying Intestate without Issue. † MA Archives, XIX. 76.

997. Province of the Massachusetts- | Bay. ss. [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer. (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 3, 1754.


998. Precept to elect representatives to the General Court. Archives, XLIX. 391.

† MA

999. To the Select-Men or Assessors of the Town of (Order of Justices of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace to assess Province Charges.)


1000. A Poem, | On the joyful News of the Rev. Mr. Whitfield's visit to Boston. | Dedicated to all the true Friends, etc. Boston, Printed Oct. 1754.


No. 1003. Apparently the cut used on No. 652, with one of the


figures cut out.

1001. Summons from Grand Inquest for the Body of Suffolk.




1002. To His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; | Representation and Petition of Ebenezer Wadsworth of Grafton, and Samuel Robinson of Hardwick, in the County of Worcester, and Richard Seaver of Roxbury, in the County of Suffolk, . . . † MA

It was dated in print for the General Court of May, 1754, but was changed by pen to October 17, 1754. Archives, xii. 518.

1003. [Cut.] A Warning to Young & old: | In the Execution of William Wieer, at Boston, the 21st of November, | 1754, for the Murder of William | Chism, on the 6th of April last. † JCB WELCH, WILLIAM.

1004. The last Speech & Dying Words of William Welch, 23 Years of Age, Who was Executed at Boston in New-England, on the 11th Day of April, 1754, for the Murder of Darby O'Brian, on the Evening of the 19th Day of November, 1753. Evans, 7333.


1005. Articles of apprenticeship. Archives, LXXIX. 770.



1006. An Elogy | On the death of Mr. Nathaniel Burt, Deacon of the Church of Christ at Longmeadow, and Lieutenant in his Majesty's service; who was killed in the memorable battle at Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755, | in the 45th year of his age. † PC 1007. Earthquakes | Improved: | Or solemn Warning to the World; by the tremendous Earthquake which | happen'd on Tuesday Morning the 18th of November 1755, between four and five o'clock. [Cut.] Sold by J. Green, opposite Mr. Church's | Vendue House. † BPL

Evans, 7518, but he has confused it with Newland's verses, No. 1042, infra.

1008. A few Lines | On Occasion of the untimely End of | Mark and Phillis, | Who were Executed at Cambridge, | September 18th for Poysoning their | Master, Capt. John Codman of Charlestown. [Cut of gallows.]

Evans, 7415.


1009. Quaestiones

1010. Theses.

Evans, 7429.




No. 1007. Compare with No. 783.

1011. The Lawer's Pedigree, | Tune, Our Polly is a sad Slut. Boston: Printed and Sold below the Mill-Bridge. 1755. AAS Printed from type set by Isaiah Thomas, aetatis 6. 2 Am. Ant. Soc., Proceedings, XI. 465. Evans, 7446.

1012. Lines made after the great Earthquake, in 1755. [Boston: 1755.]

Evans, 7450, who describes it as containing thirty-six verses in three columns.


1013. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; A Proclamation. (Embargo on vessels, outward bound.) Dated, February 22, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. BPL. MHS 1014. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; │. . . | A Proclamation for a general Fast. [March 20.] Dated February 27, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1755. BA. BPL 1015. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation (On stamp duties upon vellum, parchment and paper.) Dated, March 14, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council.

Evans, 7476.


1016. [Royal arms.] By his Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; │. . .│A Proclamation. (Publishing articles of the expedition against the French.) Dated, March 26, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1755.


1017. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation. (Pay and allowances given on the expedition against Crown Point.) Dated, March 29, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governour and Council. 1755.


1018. [Royal arms.] By the Honourable | Spencer Phips, Esq; . . . | A Proclamation. (Further encouragement to inlist on Crown Point expedition.) Dated, April 25, 1755. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printar to His Honour the Lieutenant- Governour and Council. 1755.


1019. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | William Shirley, Esq; ...A Proclamation for a publick Fast. [July 3.] Dated,

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