ON VARIOUS PASSAGES OF SCRIPTURE, PLACING THEM IN A NEW LIGHT; AND ASCERTAINING THE MEANING OF SEVERAL, NOT DETERMINABLE BY THE METHODS ORIGINALLY COMPILED BY THE REV. THOMAS HARMER, FROM RELATIONS INCIDENTALLY MENTIONED IN BOOKS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS INTO THE EAST. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. III. FOURTH EDITION, WITH A NEW ARRANGEMENT, MANY IMPORTANT ADDITIONS, AND BY ADAM CLARKE, LL. D. Impellimur autem Naturâ, ut prodesse velimus quamplurimis imprimisque docendo, ..... Cic. de Fin. lib. iii. LONDON: Printed for J. JOHNSON, St. Paul's Church-yard; LACKINGTON, W. BAYNES, Paternoster-row. Heney and Haddon, Printers, 12, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury. CONTENTS OF VOL. III. OBSERVATION I. Music joined with Mourning in II. Dead Bodies ornamented in the East.... III. Cutting off the Hair in Honour of the Dead.... IV. Funeral Rites of the Jews in Barbary... VIII. Funeral Feasts used in the East.... IX. Frequent Visits paid to the Graves of departed |