BETSEY 81 1780 BETSEY, Schooner. May 16 Commander: George West, jr. 1780 BETSEY, Sloop. Guns, 6; Men, 7. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Owners: Stephen Bruce and others. Witnesses: James Lamb, jr., John M. Lovell. 1780 BETSEY, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 20. Sept. 26 Commander: Benjamin Willis, of Boston. 1780 BETSEY, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 9. Commander: Barzillai Smith, of Cape Cod. 1781 BETSEY, Sloop. Guns, 10; Men, 40. Commander: Benjamin Lurvy, of Amesbury. 1781 BETSEY, Ship. Guns, 20; Men, 130. Commander: Philemon Haskell, of Gloucester. С. С. 196, 11, 12; Μ. Α., 171, 338. 1781 BETSEY, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 25. June 16 Commander: Jesse Harding, of Boston. С. С. 196, 11, 13; Μ. Α., 171, 413; Andrews, Guide to Public Record Office, 11, 334. 1783 BETSEY, Brig. Guns, 7; Men, 40. Feb. 26 Commander: Patrick Maxfeld, of Boston. С. С. 196, 11, 19; Μ. Α., 172, 308. BETSEY, Ship. Guns, 8; Men, 40. Commander: Joseph Dennis. Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1776 BILBOA PACKET, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 22. Νου. 20 Commander: William Mein. Bond: Continental, $5000. Bonders: William Mein, mariner, Stephen Hooper and Note. Name spelled Billboa in the bond and Bilboa in Μ. Α., v, 97, 166, 60. 1777 BLACKBIRD, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 20. 1777 BLACKBIRD, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 20. Commander: Joseph Pitman. Owner: Edward Norris, of Salem. Witness: Joseph Batchelder, jr. Note. The name is written Black Bird on this bond and others in the State Archives. Μ. Α., v, 86, 89, 167, 376. 1778 BLACKBIRD, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 20. Commander: Nathaniel Reynolds. Bonders: Nath[anie]l Reynolds, principal; Samuel Page Owners: Samuel Page and Walter P. Bartlett. Μ. Α., v, 69, 70, 168, 233. 1778 BLACKBIRD, Armed Vessel. Commander: Nathaniel Harding. 1779 BLACKBIRD, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 22. Commander: James Morton. BILBOA PACKET BLACK JOKE Owners: "Belonging in the County of Lincoln." Μ. Α., v, 73, 74, 170, 50. 1777 BLACK EAGLE, Brig. Guns, 16. Commander: John Brown. 83 London Chronicle, April 22, 1777 (Antigua, Feb. 22): 1779 BLACKFISH, Sloop. Guns, 4; Men, 12. Owner: Ebenezer Preble. Witnesses: Eben[ezer] Preble, Tho[ma]s Saunders. Note. Written Black Fish on the bond. Petition says M. A., VII, 258, 259, 170, 378. BLACKFORD, Schooner. Guns, 10. Commander: Hunt, 11, 48. 1779 BLACK JACK, Brigantine. Guns, 2; Men, 7. Oct. 9 Commander: Stephen Sears. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Owners: Thomas Denney and others. Μ. Α., v, 47, 48, 170, 419. 1779 BLACK JOKE, Brigantine. Guns, 2; Men, 8. Commander: Nathaniel Freeman. Owners: William Foster and others. 1778 BLACK PRINCE, Ship. Tons, 220; Guns, 18; Men, 130. Commander: Elias Smith. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. dike, and others. Witness: Samuel Flagg. Μ. Α., v, 49, 51, 168, 351. 1778 BLACK PRINCE, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 70. July 18 Commander: William Steward. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Thomas Adams, of Boston, sureties. Owners: Job Prince and others. Witnesses: Tho[ma]s Prince, Benj[amin] Homer. 1778 BLACK PRINCE, Ship. Tons, 220; Guns, 18; Men, 120. Commander: Nathaniel West. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Owners: George Williams and others. Note. On the Penobscot Expedition in 1779 and was Μ. Α., v, 59, 60, xxxvII, 178, 280, 145, 35, 169, 236. 1782 BLACK PRINCE, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 16. 1777 BLACK SNAKE, Sloop. Guns, 12; Men, 60. Commander: William Carlton, of Salem. С. С. 196, 11, 39; Boston Gazette, Dec. 22, 1777; Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., xxvII (1890), 127. 1777 BLACK SNAKE, Brig. Commander: William Lecraw. Marblehead Hist. Soc. BLACK PRINCE - BONTRAM 85 1778 BLACK SNAKE, Sloop. Guns, 12; Men, 60. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500. Owners: Simon Forrester and Zachariah Burchmore. Μ. Α., v, 71, 72, 168, 155. 1782 BLACK SNAKE, Boat. Guns, "Swivels and musquets"; Men, 20. Apr. 16 Commander: David Jenks, [of Kingston?]. С. С. 196, 11, 41; Μ. Α., 172, 137. 1783 BLACK SNAKE, Boat. Guns, 1; Men, 14. Commander: Barzillai Besse, of Plympton. Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers; Felt, 11, 272; 1782 BLOOM, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 25. 1779 BODERVINE, Sloop. Guns; swivels. Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., XLIX, 118 (MS. Auctioneers' Sales 1782 BONTRAM, Sloop. Guns, 10. White. ... London Chronicle, Sept. 7, 1782 (Stromness, Aug. 19): "The ship Quebec arrived here this day and brought in with her a sloop privateer carrying 10 guns, called the Bontram, of Salem, commanded by Captain White." |