AMAZON -- AMERICA 71 Owners: Eph[rai]m Spooner and W[illiam Watson, of Witness: Jno. Avery. Μ. Α., v, 9, 12, 167, 242. 1777 AMERICA, Sloop. Guns, 8; Men, 35. Dec. 4 Commander: Nathaniel Coit Webb. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500. Bonders: Nathaniel Coit Webb, of Salem, principal; Maj. Owners: James Swan and others. 1777 AMERICA, Brigantine. Guns, 16; Men, 80. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £500. Owners: Thomas Harris and David Devens. Witness: W[illia]m Baker, jr. Μ. Α., v, 14, 15, 139, 154, 168, 113. 1778 AMERICA, Brigantine. Tons, 120; Guns, 16, and 14 swivels; Aug. 28 Men, 80. Commander: Nicholas Bartlett, jr. Bonders: N[icholas] Bartlett, jr., mariner, principal; Witnesses: Nicho[las] Lobdell, David Devens. Μ. Α., v, 16, 17, 139, 209, 169, 112. 1779 AMERICA, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 18. Owners: John Larkin and others. Sept. 8 1779 AMERICA, Ship. Guns, 14; Men, 40. Witnesses: John Trumbull, John Frazier. 1779 AMERICA, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 25. Bonders: Isaiah Simmons, mariner, principal; Thomas Owners: Thomas Harris and others. 1780 AMERICA, Ship. June 9 Commander: John Somes. M. A., XL, 57; Boston Gazette, Sept. 4, 1780. 1780 AMERICA, Ship. Guns, 20; Men, 100. Commander: William Coffin, of Newburyport. 1780 AMERICA, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 80. Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1777 AMERICAN, Sloop. Guns, 10; Men, 55. Bond: Continental, $5000. Bonders: John Atwood, mariner of Eastham, Stephen Boston. Owners: Stephen Sampson and others. M. A., v, 11, 166, 380. 1778 AMERICAN, Sloop. Guns, 12; Men, 60. May 26 Commander: Samuel Avery. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Samuel Avery, principal; Sam[ue]l Jackson and Owners: Samuel Jackson and others, of Boston. AMERICA AMERICAN TARTAR 73 Signers: Sam[ue]l Avery, Jonathan Waldron, Rob[er]t Witnesses: William Baker (Continental), Sam[ue]l Dash- Note. In the petition the name of the vessel is Μ. Α., v, 35, 36, 168, 333. 1782 AMERICAN, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 60. Commander: Robert Caldwell, of Boston. 1782 AMERICAN HERO, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 25. Commander: William Fairfield, of Salem. С. С. 196, 1, 54; Μ. Α., 172, 142. Commander: William Jaggar. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: William Jaggar, mariner, principal; Sam[ue]l Witnesses: John Frazier, Thomas Hunt. M. A., VII, 17, 18, 170, 395. 1776 AMERICAN TARTAR, Ship. Guns, 24; Men, 150. Commander: John Grimes. Bonders: John Grimes, principal; John Dean and Mungo Μ. Α., VII, 49, 139, 101, 131, 159, 146, 166, 67; Williams, History of Liverpool Privateers, 205 (quoting a Liverpool newspaper): The ship Pole of Liverpool, at sea on July 12, 1777, "fell in with the [American] Tartar, a rebel privateer. She bore down on the Pole under English colours, enquired from whence she came and whether she was a King's ship. Being answered in the affirmative, the captain gave orders to hoist the Thirteen Stripes and fire away, on which the engagement began and continued from five until about twenty minutes past eight, when the privateer sheered off." 1780 AMERICAN TARTAR, Ship. Commander: David Porter, of Boston. Note. Doubtless the same as the Tartar (Oct. 18, 1779). Μ. Α., 159, 301 (The American Tartar captured the 1782 AMIABLE EUNICE, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 14. С. С. 196, 1, 59; Μ. Α., 172, 143. 1779 AMSTERDAM, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 30. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Owners: Paschal N. Smith and Isaac Sears. Petitioners: Isaac Sears and Paschal N[elson] Smith. 1778 ANGELICA, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 98. Gentleman's Magazine, XLVIII (1778), 330: "The Andromeda, in which ship General Howe came passenger [arriving at Portsmouth July 2, 1778], in her way home fell in with and took the Angelica privateer, from Boston, mounting sixteen guns, six pounders, and 98 men, and, after taking out the hands, set the ship on fire." Bonders: Adam Babcock and W[illiam] Dennis, of Boston. Witnesses: Jno. Furnass, J[ohn] M. Furnass. Μ. Α., 139, 181 (Bond not to enlist "any Inhabitant of any of the New England States, other than the State of the Massachusetts Bay"). Bonders: Isaac Sears, merchant, "the major part of the owners," and John [signed James] Magee, both of Bos ton. Witnesses: W[illia]m Gardiner, Henry Alline, jr. Μ. Α., 139, 182 (Bond not to enlist any man in New 1781 ANTELOPE, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 18. Commander: Thomas Clouston, of Newburyport. 1782 ANTELOPE, Ship. Guns, 8; Men, 16. Commander: Edward Fettyplace, of Newburyport. 1782 ANTI SMUGGLER, Galley. Guns, small arms; Men, 18. 1780 APOLLO, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 20. Commander: Henry Skinner, of Boston. 1782 APOLLO, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 25. Commander: Bradbury Sanders, of Cape Ann. 1782 APOLLO, Ship. Guns, 6; Men, 25. Commander: Alexander Mackay, of Boston. С. С. 196, 1, 74; Μ. Α., 172, 258. |