1782 FREE MASON, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 25. Apr. 18 Commander: Ebenezer Coombes, of Boston. C. C. 196, v, 102; Μ. Α., 172, 138. 1777 FRIEND, Schooner. Guns, 10 swivels; Men, 30. Sept. 11 Commander: William Lawrence. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500. Bonders: Will[ia]m Lawrence, of Boston, principal; Henry Owners: Henry Newhall and Jonathan Nutting. Μ. Α., v, 275, 277, 167, 225. 1780 FRIENDS Adventure, Brigantine. Tons, 200; Guns, 10; Dec. 13 Men, 25. Commander: Thomas Fossey. Petitioners: Joseph Barrell and others, of Boston. 1779 FRIENDSHIP, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 12. 1779 FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Guns, 6; Men, 60. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Owners: Thomas Russell & Co., of Boston. 1780 FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Tons, 300; Guns, 18; Men, 60. Commander: Simon Mansis, of Boston. Note. The captain's name is Mansir on the bond, C. C. 196, v, 115; Μ. Α., 171, 246. FREE MASON GATES 141 1781 FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 70. Commander: Daniel Waters, of Boston. Jan. 30 1781 FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Commander: Thomas Tracy. 1781 FRIENDSHIP, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 20. 1782 FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Guns, 6; Men, 20. Commander: Gideon Henfield, of Salem. FRIENDSHIP, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 75. Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1775 GAMECOCK, Armed Vessel. Tons, 20. Bond: State, £5000. Bonders: Peter Roberts, mariner, and Abner Greenleaf, merchant, both of Newburyport. Owners: Not stated. Witnesses: William Cooper, Perez Morton. Μ. Α. 139, 117. 1781 GAMECOск, Schooner. Tons, 30; Guns, 8; Men, 30. Aug. 27 Commander: Richard Smith, of Salem. C. C. 196, v1, 3; Μ. Α., 171, 472. 1783 GAMECOCK, Schooner. Tons, 20; Guns, 4; Men, 15. Jan. I Commander: Thomas Coburn. Petitioners: Miles Ward and others, of Salem. Μ. Α., 172, 274. 1778 GATES, Sloop. Guns, 10, and 10 swivels; Men, 30. June 23 Commander: Thomas Smith. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Thomas Smith, mariner, principal; Henry Owners: Henry Rust, and others. Μ. Α., v, 355, 356, 168, 382. 1779 GATES, Brigantine. Guns, 12; Men, 25. Jan. 21,25 Commander: Philip Marett. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: Philip Marett, mariner of Boston, principal; Stephen Hooper and Thomas Gates, of Newburyport, sureties. Owners: Stephen Hooper and Thomas Gates. Witnesses: Joseph Cutler, William Fisher. Μ. Α., v, 341, 343, 169, 427. 1779 GATES, Sloop. Commander: [William?] Jaggar. Boston Gazette, Aug. 9, 1779. 1780 GATES, Brigantine. Commander: Joseph Newman. Petitioners: Joseph Cutler, merchant, and others of Newburyport. Μ. Α., 176, 628 (Petition, dated Aug. 10, 1780, that the Gates be permitted to sail on a cruise, embargo notwithstanding. Granted); Boston Gazette, Nov. 13, 1780. 1777 GENERAL ARNOLD, Schooner. Guns, 4, and 4 swivels; Men, 25. Dec. 20 Commander: John Willson. Bonders: John Wilson [signed Willson], principal; William Owners: William Shattuck and Alexander Rose. 1778 GENERAL ARNOLD, Ship. Guns, 22; Men, 120. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Μ. Α., v, 315, 316, 168, 263. 1778 GENERAL Arnold, Brigantine. Guns, 20; Men, 120. May 11 Commander: James Magee, of Boston. C. C. 196, v1, 8; Μ. Α., 139, 235; Boston Gazette, Oct. 26, 1778; Ind. Chronicle, Jan. 7, 1779: "On Friday the 25th ult. at 6 A.M., the wind to the Westward, sailed from this port [Boston] the brig General Arnold, James Magee commander; and about meridian the wind chop'd round to N. E. and looking likely for a gale, they thought best to put into Plymouth and came to anchor in a place called the Cow-Yard. On Saturday, the gale encreasing, she started from her anchor and stuck on the White Flatt. They then cut both cables and masts away in hopes to drive over, but she immediately bilged; it being low water left her quarter deck dry, where all hands got for relief. A schooner lying within hail heard their cries, but could not assist them. On Sunday the inhabitants were cutting ice most of the day before they got on board, when they saw 75 of the men had perished and 34 very much froze, which they got on shore; and on Monday they got on shore and buried the dead. Great part of their stores, etc., will be saved. Some evil minded persons report that she was plundered by the inhabitants, which is entirely false, as they behaved with the greatest humanity." 1778 GENERAL ARNOLD, Schooner. Guns, 4, and 8 swivels; Men, 25. June 8 Commander: Isaac Dunton. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Isaac Dunton, mariner, principal; William Owners: William Shattuck and others. Μ. Α., v, 317, 318, 139, 189, 168, 354. 1779 GENERAL Arnold. Guns, 18. Commander: Roach [Francis Roch?]. London Chronicle, July 6, 1779: "The General Arnold American privateer, Capt. Roach, of 18 Guns, belonging to Salem, is taken by a letter of marque and carried into St. Augustine." 1778 GENERAL GADSDEN, Brigantine. Tons, 150; Guns, 16; Men, Aug. 19 70. Commander: John Horn. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: John Horn, mariner, principal; William Ers kine and Jno. Donaldson, of Boston, sureties. Owners: John Horn and others, of Providence, R. I. Witnesses: Nath[anie]l Cudworth, John] Dall. Note. The vessel's name is spelled Gasden in the bond. Μ. Α., v, 303, 304, 139, 208, 169, 85. 1782 GENERAL GALVEZ, Ship. Guns, 18; Men, 40. Νου. 20 Commander: Thomas Smith, of Salem. C. C. 196, VI, 10; Μ. Α., 172, 233; Boston Gazette, May 5, 1783 (Salem, May 1): "Last Monday the ship General Galvez, Capt. Smith, arrived here in 36 days from Bourdeaux." 1776 GENERAL GATES, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 40. Aug. 8 Commander: William Carlton. Bond: Continental, $2000. Bonders: William Carlton, principal, John Gardner, jr., Owners: John Gardner, jr., and partners. Μ. Α., v, 322, 165, 40, 181, 170. 1778 GENERAL GATES, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 15. Commander: Joseph Tilden. Bonders: Joseph Tilden, principal; William Shattuck and Owners: William Shattuck and Winthrop Sargent. Μ. Α., v, 300, 301, 168, 174. 1778 GENERAL GATES, Brig. Guns, 10; Men, 55. Note. Possibly the sloop of war (ship) General Gates Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1781 GENERAL GATES, Ship. Commander: London Chronicle, Dec. 27, 1781: "The General Gates, an |