1781 DELIGHT, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 15. 1781 DELIGHT, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 20. Aug. 16 Commander: Nathaniel Sargent, of Cape Ann. 1781 DELIGHT, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 10. Commander: Ebenezer Lakeman, of Ipswich. Note. In the petition the captain's name is Lateman. С. С. 196, 111, 87; M. A., 178, 218. 1782 DELIGHT, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 20. Aug. 29 Commander: Nathaniel Goodwin, of Boston. С. С. 196, 111, 84. 1781 DIAMOND, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 45. Dec. 29 Commander: Zebulon Babson, of Newburyport. С. С. 196, 111, 108; M. A., 172, 89. 1779 DIANA, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 12. May 22 Commander: William Haydon. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000০. Bonders: William Hayden [signed Haydon], mariner, principal; Joseph Russell and Leonard Jarvis, of Boston, sureties. Owners: Leonard Jarvis and others. Witnesses: John Peck Rathburne (signed Rathbun], Μ. Α., v, 182, 185, 170, 132. 1779 DIANA, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 25. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: And[re]w Giddings [signed Gidding], mariner, principal; Ebenezer Parsons and Daniel Sargent, of Newburyport, sureties. Owner: William Foster. Witnesses: Eben[eze]r Lane, John Babson. DELIGHT DILIGENT 113 1780 DIANA, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 12. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Owners: Leonard Jarvis and Joseph Russell. 1780 DIANA, Snow. Guns, 8; Men, 23. Commander: William Herrick, of Salem. С. С. 196, 111, 103; M. A., XL, 75, 171, 275. 1781 DIANA, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 15. Commander: William Knapp, of Newburyport. 1781 DIANA, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 20. Commander: Richard Lakeman, of Ipswich. 1781 DIANA, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 16. Commander: Robert Barker, of Salem. 1782 DIANA, Brig. Guns, 8; Men, 25. Commander: Robert Cushing, of Boston. С. С. 196, 111, 99; Μ. Α., 172, 140. 1782 DIANA, Brig. Guns, 8; Men, 18. Aug. Commander: Thorndike Deland, of Salem. С. С. 196, III, 100; Salem Gazette, Sept. 26, 1782 (See ship General Greene, Capt. Aaron Croel). 1783 DIANA, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 30. Jan. 20 Commander: Richard Chilcott, of Boston. 1775 DILIGENT, Schooner. Men, 30. Commander: Jeremiah O'Brien. Note. A British prize taken in July, 1775, at Machias. The Diligent and Machias Liberty, as provided in the legislation quoted below, formed the beginning of the Massachusetts State Navy. ... ... M. A., Rec. Gen. Court. (On petition of Benjamin • 1776 DILIGENT, Schooner. Guns, 5, and 20 swivels; Men, 50. Commander: John Lambert. Note. The same vessel as the above. Μ. Α., 138, 298 (Feb. 24, 1776), 302 (Mar. 18, 1776), 158, 12 (Mar. 22, 1776), 165, 448 (July 13, 1776), 181, 235 (Sept. 11, 1776), 208, 166 (Feb. 7, 1776), 168 (Feb. 2, 1776), 210, 322, 323 (Oct. 10, 11, 1776). 1781 DISCOVERY, Ship. Guns, 20; Men, 80. Mar. 2 Commander: Francis Brown, of New Haven, Conn. Owners: James Jarvis & Co., of Boston. С. С. 196, 111, 109. 1781 DISDAIN, Ship. Guns, 20; Men, 100. Commander: William Patterson, of Salem. 1781 DISDAIN, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 15. Commander: Stephen Hall, of Boston. 1776 DISPATCH, Ship (letter of marque). Tons, 250. Commander: Stephen Cleveland. Agent: William Bartlett. Note. The name is spelled Despatch. 115 Publ. Colonial Society of Mass., xxiv, 331 (Letter of Gen. Artemas Ward. The Dispatch was a prize called the Hannah). 1778 DISPATCH, Brigantine. Guns, 4, and 6 swivels; Men, II. Apr. 2 Commander: John Browne. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £500. Owner: The United States of America. Μ. Α., v, 203, 204, 168, 234. 1779 DISPATCH, Sloop. Guns, 2; Men, 12. Aug. 20 Commander: Silvanus Coleman. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Silvanus Coleman, mariner, principal; Benj[amin] Blyth and John Coles, of Salem, sureties. Owner: Benjamin Blyth. Witnesses: Daniel Malloon, Eben[eze]r Peirce. 1780 DISPATCH, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 30. Owners: James Swan and others. Witnesses: Edw[ar]d Sands, Thomas Adams, John Keyes. Μ. Α., ν, 106, 107, 171, 208. 1780 DISPATCH, Brigantine. Guns, 8; Men, 12. 1781 DISPATCH, Schooner. Tons, 30; Guns, 8; Men, 25. Νου. 28 Commander: Silas Smith. Petitioner: Nath[anie]l Coit Webb, of Salem. 1782 DISPATCH, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 60. Commander: John Burke, of Boston. Commander: Edward Davis, of Boston. C. C. 196, 1v, 9. 1775 DOLPHIN, Schooner. Tons, 17; Guns and Men, not stated. Dec. 15 Commander: Richard Masury. Bond: State, £5000. Bonders: Richard Masury, principal; Bartholomew Put- Rust in addition to the above.) Bound to "the Treasurer and Receiver General of the Note. The petition, dated Dec. 1, 1775, was probably Μ. Α., v, 108, 164, 211. 1776 DOLPHIN, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 25. Aug. 13 Commander: Samuel Waters. Bond: Continental, $2000. Bonders: Samuel Waters, mariner, Joseph Sprague, and Owners: Joseph Sprague and Samuel Ward. Witnesses: Josh[ua] Dodge, Peter Lander. 1776 DOLPHIN, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 25. Commander: John Leach. Bond: Continental, $5000. |