CREATURE CYRUS 107 1778 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 20. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500. Owners: Aaron Waitt and others. Witness: Fitch Pool. Μ. Α., v, 157, 158, 168, 246. 1780 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 7; Men, 45. 1780 CUTTER, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 40. Owners: Samuel Page and others. 1780 CUTTER, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 45. Commander: George Ashby, jr., of Salem. 1782 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 30. Commander: Joseph Strout, of Salem. 1782 CYRUS, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 45. Mar. 19 Commander: John O'Brien, of Newburyport. С. С. 196, 111, 60. 1782 CYRUS, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 20. Commander: Jonathan Mason, jr., of Salem. 1776 DALTON, Brigantine. Guns, 18; Men, 120. Bond: $10,000. Bonders: Eleazar Johnson, jr., mariner, Tristram Dalton Owners: Tristram Dalton and Stephen Hooper. M. A., v, 191, 165, 334; N. E. Hist. and Gen. Reg., Apr., 1779 DANIEL, Bark. Guns, 8; Men, 20. Sept. 13 Commander: James Montaudevert. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: James Mountadere, mariner, principal; others not stated. Owners: Gustavus Fellows and others, of Boston. Witnesses: John Cathcart, Edward Tuckerman. Signers: J. Montaudevert, Daniel McNeill, Gustavus Μ. Α., v, 180, 183, 170, 394. 1781 DART, Schooner. Guns, 2; Men, 25. Aug. 28 Commander: Lemuel Perkins, of Salem. Owners: Nathaniel Brookhouse, of Marblehead, and others. С. С. 196, 111, 66. 1781 DART, Schooner. Tons, 25; Guns, 6; Men, 20. Dec. 12 Commander: William Gray. Petition signed by Miles Ward in behalf of Nathan Good- Note. Dated Dec. 24 in Council Records. 1782 DART, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 25. 1782 DART, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 22. Commander: Zenas Cook, of Salem. 1779 DAUPHIN, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 12. Commander: Thomas Powars. July II Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Owners: Benjamin Call and others. Witnesses: John Browne Fitch, Samuel Call. Μ. Α., v, 196, 199, 170, 216 (petition signed by Benjamin Call in behalf of John Rowe). 1782 DAUPHIN, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 20. Commander: William Brown, of Boston. 1780 DEANE, Ship. Guns, 30; Men, 210. Note. This vessel was owned in Connecticut, at least M. A., XLIV, 392, 393: "Descriptive Roll of Men Belonging to the Privateer Ship Deane, Elisha Hinman, Commander. Boston, Novr. 1780," 392: "Suffolk, Decr. 9th, 1780. then Elisha Hinman, Esqr. appeared and made oath that the foregoing is a Just and true discriptive list of the officers, marines, and mariners belonging to the Ship Deane, commanded by himself. Before me, Joseph Greenleaf, Justice peace." 1780 DECOY, Schooner. Guns, 7; Men, 25. May II Commander: Silas Howell. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Owners: Nathan Nichols and Jerathmeel Peirce. Μ. Α., v, 194, 197, 171, 156. 1779 DEEPFALL. Commander: London Chronicle, Aug. 28, 1779: "The Deepfall privateer, of Salem, is taken by the Nancy letter of marque, after an engagement of two hours, and carried into New York." 1779 DEFENCE, Boat. Tons, 8; Guns, 6 swivels; Men, 15. May 13 Commander: Silas Hatch, jr. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Silas Hatch, jr., principal; Nathaniel Freeman Owners: Joseph Dimuck and others. Μ. Α., v, 174, 177, 170, 95 (Intention of petitioner to 1779 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Tons, 170; Guns, 16; Men, 100. July 6 Commander: John Edmonds. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Owner: Andrew Cabot. Witness: Job Prince, jr. Note. On the Penobscot Expedition and destroyed to prevent capture. Μ. Α., ν, 144, 147, XXXVII, 178, 280, 170, 209. 1780 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 50. Mar. 24 Commander: John Edmonds. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: John Edmonds, mariner, principal; Andrew Owner: Andrew Cabot. 1781 DEFENCE, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 50. Salem Gazette, Jan. 16, 1781: For Bilboa. "The Ship DEEPFALL DELIGHT III For Particu Will sail by the first of February... 1781 DEFENCE, Sloop. Commander: James Nivens. Massachusetts State Navy. 1781 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 16. Νου. 18 Commander: Robert Rentoul, of Salem. Note. The captain's name is also spelled Rantoul and С. С. 196, 111, 74; Μ. Α., 172, 63. 1782 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 16. Oct. 26 Commander: John Barr, of Salem. С. С. 196, 111, 71. 1779 DEFIANCE, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 15. Commander: Jonathan Parsons. Owner: Nathaniel Tracy. Witnesses: Joseph Chapman, jr., William Payne. Μ. Α., v, 104, 105, 169, 400. 1779 DEFIANCE. Guns, 12. Commander: • London Chronicle, June 24, 1779: "The Defiance, an 1782 DEFIANCE, Boat. Guns, small arms; Men, 9. 1780 DELIGHT, Schooner. Tons, 60; Guns, 10; Men, 50. Commander: Seth Story. Petitioners: Nath[anie]l Silsbee and others, of Salem. |