The Bible: Authorized King James VersionRobert P. Carroll, Stephen Prickett Oxford University Press, 1998 - 1732 páginas The Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization, and also the most difficult to interpret. It has been the vehicle of continual conflict, with every interpretation reflecting passionately held views that have affected not merely religion, but politics, art, and even science. This unique edition offers an exciting new approach to the most influential of all English biblical texts--the Authorized King James Version, complete with the Apocrypha. Its wide-ranging Introduction and the substantial notes to each book of the Bible guide the reader through the labyrinth of literary, textual, and theological issues, using the most up-to-date scholarship to demonstrate how and why the Bible has affected the literature, art and general culture of the English-speaking world. The Bible: Authorized King James Version also includes the latest biblical research, evaluated and put into context as well as discussing centuries of critical opinion. A non-sectarian, historical approach makes it suitable for a wide range of readers. A Glossary of terms used in the Notes and six maps of the Holy Land further illuminate the meaning of this most culturally influential version of the Bible. |
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List of Maps | viii |
Select Bibliography | xlvii |
Explanatory Notes 321 | 321 |
Glossary to the Notes 442 | 442 |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
The Bible: Authorized King James Version Robert P. Carroll,Stephen Prickett Sin vista previa disponible - 1997 |
Términos y frases comunes
Aaron Abimelech according Achish altar Amaziah Amorites begat behold blessed bread brethren brought burnt offering CHAPTER chil children of Israel commanded congregation covenant cubits daughter David deliver dwell dwelt earth Edom Egypt enemies ephod evil eyes flesh gold hearken heart heaven holy hundred Jacob Jeroboam Jerusalem Joab Joshua Judah king of Israel king of Judah king's land of Egypt Levites LORD hath LORD said unto LORD spake unto LORD thy Manasseh meat offering mercy Moab Moses mouth pass Pharaoh Philistines praise pray thee priest PSALM reigned righteous saith Samuel Saul sent shalt thou Shechem shekels shew slew smote Solomon sons soul spake unto Moses tabernacle tenth deals thereof thine hand thing thou art thou hast thou shalt thousand thy servant took tribe tribe of Manasseh unclean unto the LORD unto thee Wherefore wicked wife words