wanting; pp. 519, 52.0 Corn Imperfect - 74-113-248 wa ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΜΑΤΙΑ SACRA: OR A Collection of pofthumous and orphan LECTURES: Delivered at St. PAULS and St. GILES his Church, BY The Right Honourable AND Reverend Father in God LANCELOT ANDREWS, cr Printed by R. Hodgkinfonne, for H. Mofeley, A. Crooke, The Preface. a ims, Heb. S there is nothing that a Chriftian can more defire than a personal union with bis mystical Head; fo there is nothing that a Chriftian ought more to value than the pretious meanes of its atchievement: For, as the higheft degree of perfect Happineffe, is to be actually prefent with Chrift in Heaven; fo the highest degree of imperfect happinesse Juch of which wee are capable in this valley of Teares) is our affurance of hope that we shall be happy in perfecti- • on. Now amongst the feverall Requifites and meanes of Bliffe, our invoking of God Almighty is not the least for whofoever (hall call up Rom.10.13 on the name of the Lord fhall be faved; But as we cannot call upon him in whom we have not belee ved, nor beleeve on him of whom we have not yet heard; fo neither can wee heare without a Preacher. Upon which it followes; That because Faith commeth by Hearing, and Invocation by verfe 17. Faith, therefore in order of Nature, though not of Dignity) Invocation is the third step, Faith d the verse 14.1 |