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" And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means... "
The Whole Works of the Late Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Erskine, Minister of the ... - Página 319
por Ebenezer Erskine - 1798 - 596 páginas
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The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, Volumen1

Robert Jenkin - 1708 - 604 páginas
...fhort, here is an Illuftration in Fad of that adorable Charafter, which God proclaims of himfelf, the Lord , the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-fuffering and abundant in goodnefs and truth, Exod. xxxiv. 6. God fays, that he could not deftroy Sodom till Lot was efcaped out of it, Gen. xix....
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Sermond preach'd on several occasions [ed. by J. Williams and D. Cotes, Volumen4

John Conant - 1703 - 546 páginas
...Everiafting ihon art God, Pfal. 90. 2. And thus the Lord Proclaims his own Name and Nature, Exodus 34. 6, 7. The Lord God, Merciful and Gracious, Long-fufferIng...keeping •M.ercy for Thoufands, forgiving Iniquity and Tranfgrefflon^ and Sin. So Dan iel, chap. 9. 4. 0 Lord, the Great and Dreadful God, keeping Covenant...
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Sermons on the Following Subjects ...

Samuel Clarke - 1730 - 438 páginas
...defcended in the cloud, and flood there 'with Mofes, and proclaimed the Name of the Lord : The Lord pa/ed by before him, and proclaimed ; The Lord, the Lord...Keeping mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity and tranftranfgrejfion and Sin, and that will by no SER M. means clear the guilty : vijiting the iniquity...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament ..., Volumen1;Volumen66

Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 páginas the Cloud, and flood with him there, and proclaimed the Name of the LORD. 6 And the LORD PASSED by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, the LORD...MERCIFUL and GRACIOUS, long-fuffering, and abundant in GOODNESS and Truth. 7 «« KEEPING MERCY for ip/i/. uxxvi. i$ Thou, o LORD, thoufands, forgiving INIOTJI-...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volumen1

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 páginas the Cloud, and ftood with him there, and proclaimed the Name of the LORD. 6 And the LORD PASSED by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, the LORD GOD, MERCIFUL and GRACIOUS, !ong-fufFering, and abundant in GOODNESS and Truth. thoufands, forgiving TNICiJJI- a rt "...
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Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount ... explained ... in ..., Volumen4

James Blair - 1740 - 428 páginas
...6, 7. And the Lord de/cended in the Cloud, and proclaimed the Name of the Lord. And the Lord pajjed by before him, and proclaimed, 'The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-ji1ffering, and abundant in Goodnefs and Truth. Keeping Mercy for Thoufands , forgiving...
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Sermons on several occasions, publ. by E. Fletcher, Volumen2

John Howe - 1744 - 484 páginas
...XX. and goodnefs it felf, the prime import of his* name, as he himfelf proclaimed it to Mofes ; 'The LORD, the LORD GOD, merciful and gracious, long-fuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth k. And fo much concerning the good, which GOD may be fuppofed to do for fuch a people, indefinitely...
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Sermons on several occasions, publ. by E. Fletcher, Volumen1

John Howe - 1744 - 470 páginas
...which- was proclaimed to Mofes, 72tf LOR D, the LOR D GOD, merciful and gracious, long-fujfering , and abundant in goodnefs and truth, keeping mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity, tranfgfejjion and Jin {. But we meafure things by the fight of our own eye, becaufe we will not allow...
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Meditations and Contemplations: In Two Volumes, Volumen2

James Hervey - 1748 - 328 páginas
...another Inftahce in Scripture^ which moft loudly publifhes that fweeteft of the Divine Names, '' The LORD, the LORD GOD^ " merciful and gracious, long-fuffering, and *' abundant in Goodnefs and Truth ; keeping *' Merely for Thoufands; forgiving Iniquity,' *' Tranigreffion, and Sin." An Inftance this,xvhich exceeds...
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A Collection of Hymns of the Children of God in All Ages, from the Beginning ...

United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 páginas
...the divine thou Putteft Attributes, Exod. xxxiy. * neft in a rock *• Cant' "' '4< Y blefs t LORD, LORD God! merciful and gracious : long-fufFering,...Keeping mercy for thoufands : Forgiving iniquity and tranfgreffion and fin, and that will by no means clear the guilty. original Form of Hefftng the Congregation,...
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