but, perhaps, might be matched elsewhere. As to the charge of inurbanity, it was brought against them by Voltaire, whospake of them as a "wretched "nation, ever ignorant, and vulgar, and strangers to the Arts." The following reply was made to him: When the infidels shall have duly confidered it, we shall hope to be favoured with their sentiments upon it. "Does it become you, a writer of the eighteenth century, to charge the " antient Hebrews with ignorance? A people, who, while your barbarous " ancestors, whilft even the Greeks and Latins, wandering in their woods, "could scarcely procure for themselves cloathing and a settled subsistence, " already possessed all arts of necessity, and some of mere pleasure; who not "only knew how to feed and rear cattle, till the earth, work up wood, "stone, and metals, weave cloaths, dye wool, embroider stuffs, polish and " engrave on precious stones, but who, even then, adding to manual arts "those of taste and refinement, surveyed land, appointed their festivals ac. "cording to the motions of the heavenly bodies, and ennobled their fo" lemnities by the pomp of ceremonies, by the found of instruments, mufic, " and dancing; who even then committed to writing the history of the "origin of the world, that of their own nation, and their ancestors; who " had poets and writers skilled in all the sciences then known, great and " brave commanders, a pure worship, just laws, a wife form of government; " in short, the only one of all antient nations that has left us authentic mo"numents of genius and of literature. Can this nation be justly charged with ignorance and inurbanity?” GENERAL Family Prayer, on 20 Infidelity, Letters on 102, 413, 429 rathers, Chapters of the 87, 146,400 Infpector, facred Critiques by 76, 140, 198 Schifm, on the Sin of 363 Scourge, Character of the 29, 92, 148, 218 163 POETRY, ORIGINAL AND SELECT. Pfalm XCVII. by Mr. Pearfon 57. Ασληρ Polwhele, Rev. Mr. three occafional Sermons by Pope, Mr. Imitations by Powell, Dr. Enquiry concerning 164 Scriptures, Holy, on distributing the 346 163 52 Sermons, Vindication of English on Sheol, on the Word Skelton's Sermons, Character of 370 for promoting found Princi- 14, 114 ples 15, 22 Soul, on the Sleep of the 403 Souls, on the Re- Re-appearance of de- parted 293 Sponsor, Address of a 283 Steel, Mr. Account of 60 Subscription to Articles, Observations on 166, 278 Poetical Version of the Lord's 122 Prophecies, on our Lord's 76, 140, 198 Prophecy, on the Use of 24, 25, 294 Proposals for Peace т. Pfalm xcvii. in Verse 57 Puritans, Character of the 185 Targumim, the Test Act, Obfervations on the Throsby, Mr. J. Account of Transfiguration, on the Tree of Life, on the Trinitarian's Letter to a Unitarian on Leffons for Afh-Wednef- Trinity, Defence of the Doctrine of day 165 the. 397 27,379 125 292 103 356 348- on Baptizing, Churching, and Burial Fees 170 on the Churches in New- U. |