Collections of the Massachusetts Historical SocietyMassachusetts Historical Society, 1992 For the statement above quoted, also for full bibliographical information regarding this publication, and for the contents of the volumes [1st ser.] v. 1- 7th series, v. 5, cf. Griffin, Bibl. of Amer. hist. society. 2d edition, 1907, p. 346-360. |
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Página 34
... mind up to Heaven . It must needs be so since there is no other thing capable of being known by us , wch . carries such lively strokes & express Images & characters , such clear & convincing Testimonies of God as man Does . David says ...
... mind up to Heaven . It must needs be so since there is no other thing capable of being known by us , wch . carries such lively strokes & express Images & characters , such clear & convincing Testimonies of God as man Does . David says ...
Página 96
... minds to a perfect tranquility , then Shall yr . ways be ways of pleasantness & all yr . Paths peace . And now wt . remains but an Apology for this adress , since if I should think your Mind needs such assistance , verily my ...
... minds to a perfect tranquility , then Shall yr . ways be ways of pleasantness & all yr . Paths peace . And now wt . remains but an Apology for this adress , since if I should think your Mind needs such assistance , verily my ...
Página 258
... Mind . The glorious Spring brings on the Smiling Year and present to my mind the perpetual Smiles of yr . Face . The gentle Winds that blow & the Zephyrs that breathe on the new blown Flowers , paint forth the calmness of yr . Mind ...
... Mind . The glorious Spring brings on the Smiling Year and present to my mind the perpetual Smiles of yr . Face . The gentle Winds that blow & the Zephyrs that breathe on the new blown Flowers , paint forth the calmness of yr . Mind ...
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society Massachusetts Historical Society Vista completa - 1914 |
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society Massachusetts Historical Society Vista completa - 1877 |
Términos y frases comunes
Abigail Paine Boston addressed agreable Andrew Oliver arrived Bath Town Business cant Capt Crown Point Darrall Dear Brother desire diary endorsed Eunice Paine expect Father favour favr Fort Edward Freind Freindship Friend give glad Greenleaf Boston Halifax happiness hear hope humble Servt James Freeman John Joseph Blanchard Joseph Greenleaf Joseph Palmer Lake George Lancaster Letter live Loving Sisster Lunenburg Mercht Mind Nature North Carolina nott Number obliged opertunity Paine att Cambridge Paine Papers PAINE RC Paine's perticular pleasure Pray present Reason recd Richard Cranch Robert Treat Paine Robt RTP's Samll Samuel Haven sent Sept shou'd Sibley's Harvard Graduates Sister Sloop Small Pox Snoad soon Soul tell things Thomas Paine thought thro Town TREAT PAINE LbC Vessell Virtue Voyage Weymouth Willard William World wou'd write wrote