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when thou hast brought forth the People out of Egypt, ye fhall ferve GOD upon this Mountain.

13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the Children of Ifrael, and shall say unto them, The GOD of your Fathers hath fent me unto you: and they shall say to me, What is his Name? What shall I say unto them?

14 And God faid unto

Mofes, I AM THATIAM: And he said, Thus shalt thou fay unto the Children of Ifrael, I AM hath fent me unto you.

15 And GOD faid moreover unto Mofes, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Ifrael, The Lord God of your Fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob hath fent me unto you: this is my Name for ever, and this is my Memorial unto all Gene


: Rev. i. 4 John to the Seven Churches which are in Afia: Grace

be unto you, and Peace. from HIM which is, and which was, and which is to COME; and from the Seven SPI

RITS which are before his THRONE.

5 And from JESUS CHRIST, Who is the faithful WITNESS, and the FIRSTBEGOTTEN of the Dead, and the PRINCE of the KINGS of the Earth; unto him

that LOVED us, and WASHED us from our SINS in his own BLOOD.

6 And hath made us KINGS and PRIESTS unto God and his Father; to whom be GLORY and DOMINION for ever and ever.

7 Behold, he COMETH with Clouds; and every Eye shall see him, and they also which PIERCED him.

8 I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the ENDING, faith the LORD, which is, and which was, and which is to cOME, the ALMIGHTY.

John viii. 58 JEsus faid unto them,

Verily verily I say unto you, Before


16 Go and gather the Elders of Ifrael together, and fay unto them, The LORD GOD of your Fathers, the God of Abraham, of Ifaac, and of Jacob, APPEARED unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt.

17 And I have faid, I will bring you up out of the Affliction of Egypt, unto the Land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, aud the Jehusites, unto a Land flowing with Milk and Hony.

18 And they shall hearken to thy Voice: and thou shalt come, thou and the Elders of Ifrael, unto the King of Egypt, and you shall say unto him, The LORD GOD of the HEBREWS hath met with us; and now let us go (we beseech thee) three Days Journey into the Wilderness, that we may facrifice to the LORD our God.

19 And I am sure that the King of Egypt will not let

you go, no not by a mighty Hand.


20 And

20 And I will stretch out my Hand, and smite Egypt with all my WONDERS which I will do in the Midst thereof: and after that, he will let you go.

21 And I will give this People Favour in the Sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that when ye go, ye shall not go empty :

22 But every Woman shall borrow of her Neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her House, Jewels of Silver, and Jewels of Gold, and Raiment and ye shall put them upon your Sons, and upon your Daughters; and ye shall ipo the Egyptians.

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1 Moses's Rod is turned into a Serpent: 6 His Hand is leprous : 10 He is loath to be fent: 14 Aaron is appointed to affift bim.

Ver. I

21 GOD's Message to Pharaoh.


ND Mofes answered and faid, But behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my Voice: for they will fay, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. 2 And the LORD faid unto him, What is that in thy Hand? And he said, A ROD.

3 And he said, Cast it on the Ground; and he caft it on the Ground, and it became a SERPENT : and Mofes fled from before it.

4 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Put forth thine Hand, and take it by the Tail. And he put forth his Hand, and caught it, and it became a Rod in his Hand.

5 That they may BELIEVE that the LORD GOD of their Fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the GOD of Jacob, hath APPEARED unto thee.

6 And the LORD faid furthermore unto him, Put now thine Hand into thy Bosom; and he put his Hand into his Bofom; and when he took it out, behold, his Hand was leprous as Snow.

7 And he said, Put thy Hand into thy Bosom again: and he put his Hand into his Bofom again, and plucked it out of his Bofom, and behold, it was turned again as his other Flesh.

8 And it shall come pass, if they will not BELIEVE thee, neither hearken to the Voice of the first Sign, that they will believe the Voice of the latter Sign.


9 And it shall come to pass, if they will not BELIEVE alío these two Signs, neither hearken unto thy Voice, that thou shalt take of the Water of the River, and pour it upon the dry Land: and the Water which thou takest out of the River, shall become Blood upon the dry Land.

10 And Mofes faid unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not ELOQUENT, neither heretofore, nor fince thou hast spoken unto thy Servant: but I AM SLOW of Speech, and of a flow Tongue.

11 And the LORD faid unto him, who hath made Man's MOUTH? or who maketh the DUMB, or DEAF, or the SEEING, Or the BLIND? have not I, the LORD?

12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy MOUTH, and teach thee what thou shalt fay.

13 And he said, O my Lord, send I pray thee, by the Hand of him whom thou wilt fend.

14 And the Anger of the LORD was kindled against Mofes, and he faid, Is not AARON the Levite thy Brother? I know that he can fpeak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee : and when he feeth thee, he will be glad in his Heart.

15 And thou shalt speak unto him, and put Words into his Mouth: and I will be with thy Mouth, and with his Mouth, and will teach ye what ye shall do.

$ Ifa. 1. 4 The LORD God hath given me the Tongue of the Learned, WORD in Season to him that is weary: that I should know how to speak a he wakeneth Morning by Morning:

he wakeneth mine Ear to hear as the Learned.

Matth. x. 19 When they deliver you up, take no Thought how, or what ye shall SPEAK, for it shall be GIVEN you in that fame Hour, what ye shall


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1 Cor. i. 26 Ye see your Calling, Brethren, how that not many wise Men after the FLESH, not many MIGHTY, not many NOBLE are called,

27 But God hath chosen the FOOLISH Things of the World, to confen the WEAK THINGS of the World, found the WISE; and God hath choto confound the THINGS which are


and Things which are despised, hath 28 And base Things of the World, God chofen, yea, and Things which ARE NOT, hath God chosen, to bring to nought Things THAT ARE.

29 That no FLESH should GLORY in his Prefence.


16 And he shall be thy Spokesman unto the People: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a Mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God.


17 And thou shalt take this ROD in thine Hand, wherewith thou shalt do Signs.

18 And Mofes went and returned to Jethro his Fatherin-law, and faid unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my Brethren, which are in Egypt, and fee whether they be yet alive. And Jethro faid to Mofes, Go in Peace.

19 And the LORD said unto Mofes in Midian, Go, RETURN into Egypt: for all the Men are DEAD which fought thy LIFE.

Matth. ii. 20 Arise, and take the YOUNG CHILD, and his Mother, and go into the Land of Ifrael, for they ARE DEAD which SOUGHT the young Child's Life.

20 And Mofes took his Wife, and his Sons, and set them upon an Afs, and he returned to the Land of Egypt. And Mofes took the Rod of God in his Hand.

21 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, When thou goest to return into Egypt, fee that thou do all those WONDERS before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine Hand: but I will hearden his Heart, that he shall not let the People go.

22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus faith the LORD, Ifrael is my Son, even my First-born.

23 And I say unto thee, Let my Son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will SLAY thy Son, even thy FIRST-BORN.

27 And the Lord faid to Aaron, Go into the Wilderness to meet Mofes. And he went and met him in the Mount of God, and kissed him.

28 And MOSES told AARON all the WORDS of the LORD, who had fent him, and all the SIGNS which he had commanded him.

29 And Moses and AARON went and gathered together all the Elders of the Children of Ifrael.

30 And AARON spake all the Words which the LORD had spoken unto Mofes, and did the SIGNS in the Sight of the People.

31 And the People BELIEVED: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the Children of Ifrael, and that he had looked upon their AFELICTION, then they BOWED their Heads and WORSHIPPED,


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Pharaoh thideth Moses and Aaron : 5 He increaseth the Ifraelites Task. 22 Mofes complaineth to God.

Ver. 1


ND afterwards MOSES and AARON went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, Let my People go, that they may hold a Feast unto me in the Wilderness.

2 And Pharaoh faid, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his Voice to let Ifrael go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Ifrael go.

3 And they faid, The God of the HEBREWS hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three Days Journey into the Defart, and facrifice unto the LORD our God; left he fall upon us with Pestilence, or with the Sword.

4 And the King of Egypt faid unto them, Wherefore do ye, MOSES and AARON, let the People from their Works? get you unto your BURDENS.

5 And Pharaoh faid, Behold, the People of the Land now are many, and you make them rest from their BURDENS. 6 And Pharaoh commanded the same Day the Task-mafters of the People, and their Officers, saying,

7 Ye shall no more give the People Straw to make Brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather Straw for themselves.

8 And the Tale of the Bricks which they did make heretofore, you shall lay upon them; you shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and facrifice to our God.

9 Let there more Work be laid upon the Men, that they may LABOUR therein: and let them not regard vain Words. 10 And the Task-masters of the People went out, and their Officers, and they spake to the People, saying, Thus faith Pharaoh, I will not give you Straw.

11 Go ye, get you Straw where you can find it: yet not ought of your Work shall be DIMINISHED.

12 So the People were scattered abroad throughout all the Land of Egypt, to gather Stubble instead of Straw.

13 And the TASK-MASTERS hasted them, saying, Fulfil your Works, your daily TASKS, as when there was STRAW.

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