cert'nly for certainly; gra deal for great deal. 12. cum posed for composed. 14. beautifly for beautifully. cheerfly for cheerfully. 17 QUESTIONS. How should you pronounce law, saw, daw, draw, straw, shaw, haw, maw, flaw, paw, caw, withdraw? Children commonly pronounce such words wrong. What do these abbreviations stand for,-Ans.; A. C.; A. D.; Acct.; Art.; Alt.; A. M.; Aug.; Sept.; Oct.; Nov.; Dec.; Jun.; Feb.? RULE. Sound the letter r distinctly Remark. There are a great many words in which chil dren and most others, omit the sound of r, or sound it very indistinctly; and this fault renders their pronunciation very awkward and imperfect. Some of these words are the following: harm, farm, alarm, disarm, form, dark, hark, spark, rarely, war, far, star, before, horse, part, depart, &c. These are mispronounced, hahm, fahm, alahm, paht, Sc. CAROLINE AND EDWARD — concluded 1. Ir was a long time before Caroline became in any degree reconciled to this event; but no one acquainted with the facts, would have suspected from seeing Edward, that he was not in full possession of all his faculties, and of all the happiness that heart could desire. 2. Indeed, it was the constant study of his parents and sister, to do everything to render his condition as comfortable and happy as possible; and, in return, they found him grateful, affectionate, and contented. 3. He very early discovered a great love of learning, and habits of industry and application, which nothing could discourage. He was exceedingly fond of music, drawing and painting; and when he was no more than eight years old, some of his pictures were very beautifully executed. 4. Caroline was very much occupied with her schools and various masters, but all her spare time was devoted to her brother. In her absence Edward would read to his mother when she sat at work, and endeavor to do all the little things in his power by way of assisting her. 5. When he was quite small, seeing his mother much hurried with sewing, he begged that he might be taught how to sew, so as to help her. His mother told him that he would not love it so well as his drawing and painting; but Edward persisted, and felt quite happy when hemming some handkerchiefs for his mother and sister. 6. He delighted to do anything for them. Seated in his armed chair, with his writing-desk placed before him, he kept constantly employed; seldom for himself, but trying to do something for the dear friends who were so kind to him. And, surely, no one could help being kind to him—he was so humble, so modest, so kind, patient, and uncomplaining. 7. Mr. Percy had a chair fitted with wheels, for Edward to go round the garden and pleasure-grounds. He could move it tolerably well, but he generally wait ed for Caroline to be at leisure to go with him in his walks, as he called them; and Caroline loved these walks with Edward better than all the gay parties to which she was frequently invited. 8. She would walk slowly by his side, sometimes assisting him a little, and sometimes picking fruit o flowers for him. At one time they would stop to admire the distant landscape, at another time to hold communion with each other which withdrew their thoughts from this world, and fixed them on a holier, happier state. Indeed this brother and sister seemed to be united by ties of uncommon tenderness; but they were to be separated for a while. 9. Edward's health had usually been very delicate. When he was twelve years old it seemed to be decidedly, though slowly, failing, and he frequently suffered much pain. His parents saw that he was declining, and spoke of it to Caroline; but the change was so gradual, and Edward continued so cheerful and uncomplaining, that she hoped they were mistaken. 10. By the utmost care and attention he continued in this way till he was nearly fifteen; at which time his complaints greatly increased, and it was soon evident that his earthly pilgrimage was drawing near its close. 11. The same peaceful, heavenly spirit which had pervaded his whole life, was now strikingly manifested, and was to his parents an unfailing source of comfort. He spoke to them calmly of his approaching change, and begged them not to grieve for him. 12. Then looking tenderly on Caroline, who seemed entirely overwhelmed with grief, he faintly said "The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away: will not my beloved sister bless his holy name? Can you grieve, my sister, that I am to be released from this suffering state? 13. Think of me, Caroline, as free from my lameness, and all my pains. You have long mourned that I was lame and suffering; surely you will not mourn when I am well! Think, too, of our dear parents. You will be their greatest, and almost their only earthly comfort, when I am with my Heavenly Father. Bless the Lord, my beloved sister, and with your whole soul say, "Thy will be done." 14. Caroline had scarcely dared trust herself to look at her brother since she was sensible of his danger, but while he was thus speaking, her eyes were fixed on his face; and the radiant expression of hope, and happiness, and love which she there met, was never to be forgotten. 15. Edward lived but a very short time after this conversation. Lovely in death as in life-all who looked on him received the impression that his pure spirit was in perfect peace. 16. Edward's parents and sister mourned not as those without hope. They loved to think of him, and to speak of him. Sometimes, indeed, as Caroline looked at the numerous things he had taken so much pleasure in doing for her, and saw the desk which had been so constantly before him, or the chair which he had so long and patiently occupied, the tear of natural affection and regret would rush to her eyes. 17. She would then think what a life of suffering her beloved brother had led, and each sigh was hushed, each tear was wiped away, as she said to herself, 'But he is now an angel of heaven.' ERRORS. 1. befoh for before; Caholine for Caroline; ivent for event; facs for facts; haht for heart. 2. comfutuble for comfortable. 3. discovud for discovered; mo for more; picturs for pictures. 5. Edwud for Edward. 6. ahmed for armed; shuly for surely. 7. tolubly for tolerably; generly or ginerly for generally; pahties for parties. 8. seprated for separated. 9. suffud for suffered. 10. cah for care; neely for nearly; droring for drawing. 11. puvaded for pervaded; cumfut for comfort. 12. tendully for tenderly; entiely for entirely; suffrin for suffering. 16. numrous for numerous; natral for natural. QUESTIONS. What is the Rule? Is this Rule often broken? The scholar will find that there are more errors of this kind than of any other : and if this Lesson teaches him to avoid this fault, it will make his whole reading and conversation much better. RULE. In reading Poetry, be careful to avoid all sing song and be sure to lay the greatest stress, i. e. the emphasis, upon the same words that you would if it were prose. THE CHILD'S WISH IN JUNE. 1 MOTHER, Mother, the winds are at play, |