FOR DEPARTING FROM POPERY. BY JOHN MONAGHAN, SCRIPTURE READER To the Reformation Society at Bradford, Yorkshire. Let no man deceive you with vain words. Eph. v. 6. VNVI LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN. Sold, also, by all other Booksellers. 1829. PREFACE. IN this enlightened age of the world, when learning and talent are so powerfully displayed in the various publications which daily issue from the press, and which are calculated to instruct the simple, and to gratify the critic, many may be led to wonder that such an imperfect work as this should be presented to public notice, or claim any part of the attention of mankind. But, in consideration that piety and good sense will ever confer upon their happy votaries a disposition to judge favourably of the meanest efforts of the humble to detect error and display truth, it is hoped that such characters may be found as will honour it with their candid and favourable attention, amidst the sneers of those who may hold it in private contempt, or expose it to public ridicule; and although I am conscious that the work, in many respects, is deficient in manner, yet the matter defies refutation, as it is founded upon reason, experience, and truth. And tho' some may deem such a work unnecessary, in consequence of the number of publications on a similar aid, that a "secular motive was the stisuch heresy," as they called it; but the and painful privations he has undere long since put that assertion to silence. clared that "he was under a delusion by of Satanic influence, and in a very little 1 either become the visible object of leasure, or his new opinions would evamoke, or dwindle into nothing like the of a day," and he would again return on his head. In this also, "the acbrethren is proved to be the father of instead of being in a delusion that would ate, the lapse of more than nine years rengthened his impressions; being fully that his religious sentiments will be e orthodox in the great day of final and expecting the accomplishment of hich maketh not ashamed. his work come into the hands of any holic who may favour it with his atis requested that he lay aside all preexercise his own reason, that he may discriminate between truth and error, r has done, who was once as zealous be in the cause of Popery. And be nto all, that his renunciation of the e Romish Church was not rash and A 3 |