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deal but with too few but the unruly. And it is for want of this laying the foundation well at first, that professors themselves are so ignorant as most are, and that fo many, especially of the younger fort, do swallow down almost any error that is offered them, and follow any sect of dividers that will entice them, so it be but done with earnestness and plausibility. For alas, though, by the grace of God, their hearts may be changed in an hour, (whenever they understand but the effentials of the faith) yet their understandings must have time and diligence to furnish them with fuch knowledge as must stablish them, and fortify them against deceit. Upon these and many the like confiderations, we should intreat all christian families to take more pains in this necessary work, and to get better acquainted with the substance of chriftianity. And to that end (taking along some moving treatises to awake the heart) I know not what work should be fitter for their use, than that compiled by the assembly at Westminster: a synod of as godly, judicious divines, (notwithstanding all the bitter words which they have received from discontented and self-conceited men) I verily think, as ever England saw. Tho' they had the unhappiness to be employed in calamitous times, when the noise of wars did ftop men's ears, and the licentiousness of wars did set every wanton tongue and pen at liberty to reproach them; and the profecution and event of those wars, did exasperate partial discontented men, to dishonour themselves by seeking to dishonour them: I dare say, if in the days of old, when councils were in power and account, they had had but such a council of bishops, as this of prefbyters was, the fame of it for learning and holiness, and all minifterial abilities, would with very great honour have been tranfmitted to pofterity.

I do therefore defire, that all masters of families would first study well this work themselves; and then teach it their children and servants, according to their several capacities. And, if they once understand thefe grounds of religion, they will be able to read other books more understandingly, and hear fermons more profitably, and confer more judicioufly, and hold fast the doctrine of Christ more firmly, than ever you are like to do by any other course. First let them read and learn the Shorter Catechism, and next the Larger, and lastly, read the Confeffion of Faith.

Thus far he; whose name I shall conceal (though the excellency of the matter, and present stile, will easily discover him) because I have published it without his privity and consent, though, I hope, not against his liking and approbation, I shall add no more, but that I am

Thy fervant

In the Lord's work,


A :

An ordinance of the lords and commons assembled in parliament, for the cal

ling of an affembly of learned and godly divines, and others, to be confulted with by the parliament, for the settling of the government and liturgy of the church of England; and for vindicating and clearing of the doctrine of the faid church from false afperfions and interpretations. June 12. 1643.


7 Hereas, amongst the infinite bleffings of Almighty God upon this nation, none is nor can be more dear unto us than the purity of our religion; and for that, as yet, many things remain in the liturgy, discipline and goverment of the church, which do necessarily require a further and more perfect reformation, than as yet hath been attained: And whereas it hath been declared and refolved by the lords and commons assembled in parliament, that the present church-government by archbishops, their chancellors, comiffars, deans, deans and chapters, archdeacons, and other ecclesiastical officers, depending upon the hierarchy, is evil and justly offenfive and burdensome to the kingdom, a great impediment to reformation and growth of religion, and very prejudicial to the state and government of this kingdom; and therefore they are resolved, that the same shall be taken away, and that fuch a goverment shall be fettled in the church, as may be most agreeable to God's holy word, and most apt to procure and preserve the peace of the church at home, and nearer agreement with the church of Scotland, and other reformed churches abroad: And for the better effecting hereof, and for the vindicating and clearing of the doctrine of the church of England from all false calumnies and aspersions; it is thought fit and necessary to call an afsembly of learned godly and judicious divines, who, together with some members of both the houses of parliament, are to confult and advise of such matters and things, touching the premisses, as shall be proposed unto them by both or either of the houses of parliament, and to give their advice and counfel therein to both, or either of the faid houses, when, and as often as they shall be thereunto required. Be it therefore ordained, by the lords and commons in this present parliament assembled, that all and every the persons hereafter in this present ordinance named, that is to say,

And fuch other person or persons as shall be nominated and appointed by both houses of parliament, or so many of them as shall not be letted by fickness, or other necessary impediment, shall meet and assemble, and are hereby required and injoined upon summons signed by the clerks of both houses of parliament, left at their respective dwellings, to meet and assemble them

selves at Westminster, in the chapel called king Henry the VIIth's chapel, on the first day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand fix hundred and forty three; and after the first meeting, being at least the number of forty, shall from time to time fit, and be removed from place to place, and alfo, that the faid afsfembly shall be dissolved in such manner, as by both houses of parliament shall be directed: and the faid perfons, or fo many of them as shall be fo afsembled, or fit, shall have power and authority, and are hereby likewise injoined from time to time, during this present parliament, or until further order be taken by both the said houses, to confer and treat among themselves, of fuch matters and things, touching and concerning the liturgy, difcipline and government of the church of England, for the vindicating and clearing of the doctrine of the fame, from all false asperfions and mifconstructions, as shall be proposed unto them by both or either of the faid houses of parliament, and no other; and deliver their opinion, advices of, or touching the matters aforesaid, as shall be most agreeable to the word of God, to both or either of the houses, from time to time, in such manner and fort, as by both or either of the faid houses of parliament, shall be required; and the fame not to divulge by printing, writing, or otherwise, without the confent of both, or either house of parliament. And be it further ordained, by the authority aforesaid, that William Twisse doctor in divinity shall fit in the chair,, as prolocutor of the said assembly; and if he happen to die, or be letted by sickness, or other necessary impediment, then such other person to be appointed in his place, as shall be agreed on by the faid houses of parliament: And in case any difference in opinions shall happen amongst the faid perfons so assembled, touching any the matters that shall be proposed to them as foresaid, that then they shall represent the same, together with the reasons thereof, to both or either the faid houses respectively, to the end such further direction may be given therein, as shall be requifite to that behalf. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That for the charges and expences of the faid divines, and every one of them, in attending the said service, there shall be allowed every one of them that shall so attend, during the time of their faid attendance, and for ten days before, and ten days after, the sum of four shillings for every day, at the charges of the commonwealth, at such time, and in such manner, as by both houses of parliament shall be appointed. And be it further ordained, That all, and every the said divines, so, as aforefaid, required and injoined to meet and affemble, shall be freed and acquitted of, and from every offence, forfeiture, penalty, lofs or damage, which shall or may ensue or grow by reason of any non-refidence, or absence of them, or any of them, from his, or their, or any of their church, church* or cures, for or in respect of their said attendance upon the said service; any


law or statute of non-residence, or other law or statute injoining their atten dance upon their respective ministries, or charges, to the contrary thereof, not withstanding. And if any of the perfons above-named shall happen to die before the faid assembly shall be diffolved by order of both houses of parliament, then fuch other person or perfons, shall be nominated and placed in the room and ftead of fuch person or persons so dying, as by both the faid houses shall be thought fit, and agreed upon; and every such perfon or perfons, so to be named, shall have the like power and authority, freedom and acquittal to all intents and purposes, and alfo all such wages and allowances for the faid fervice, during the time of his or their attendance, as to any other of the faid persons in this ordinance, is by this ordinance limited and appointed. Provided always, that this ordinance, or any thing therein contained, shall not give unto the perfons aforesaid, or any of them, nor shall they in this assembly affume to exercise, any jurifdiction, power or authority ecclesiastical whatsoever, or any other power than is herein particularly expressed.

ASSEMBLY at EDINBURGH, August 19, 1643. Seff. 14. Commission of the General Assembly to some Ministers and Ruling Elders, for repairing to the Kingdom of England.


HE General Afssembly of the Church of Scotland finding it necef fend fome Godly and Learned of this Kirk to the Kingdom of England, to the Effect under-written; Therefore gives full Power and Commiffion to Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. Robert Douglas, Mr. Samuel Rutherfoord, Mr. Robert Baily, and Mr. George Gillespie, Ministers, John Earl of Caffils, John Lord Maitland, and Sir Archibald Johnfton of Warifstoun, Elders, or any Three of them, whereof two shall be Minifters, to repair to the Kingdom of England, and there to deliver the Declaration fent unto the Parliament of England, and the Letter fent unto the Affembly of Divines now fitting in that Kingdom; and to propone, confult, treat and conclude with that Affembly, or any Commiffioners deputed by them, or any Committees or Commissioners deputed by the Houfes of Parliament, in all Matters which may further the Union of this Island in one Form of Kirk-government, one Confeffion of Faith, one Catechifm, one Directory for the Worship of God, according to the Inftructions which they have received from the Affembly, or shall receive from Time to Time hereafter from the Commiffioners of the Assembly, deputed for that Effect: With Power alfo to them to convey to his Majesty the humble Anfwer fent from this Assembly to his Majesty's Letter, by fuch occafion as they shall think convenient; and fuch like, to deliver the Afsembly's Answer to the Letter fent from fome well-affected Brethren of the.. Miniftry there; and generally authorizes them to do all Things, whicks


which may further the fo much defired Union, and nearest Conjunction of the Two Churches of Scotland and England, conform to their Inftructions aforefaid.

Many of the Persons who were called by the forefaid Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, (in that broken State of the Church) to attend the Afflembly, appeared not; whereupon the whole Work lay on the Hands of the Persons hereafter mentioned.

The Promife and Vow taken by every Member admitted to fit in the Assembly.


A. B. do ferioufly Promife and Vow, in the Prefence of Almighty GOD, That in this Affembly, whereof I am a Member, I will maintain nothing in Point of Doctrine, but what I believe to be most agreeable to the Word of GOD; nor in Point of Difcipline, but what may make most for God's Glory, and the Peace and Good of this Church.

A LIST of the DIVINES who met in the Afsfembly at Westminster.

[blocks in formation]

George Walker, B. D
Edmond Calamy, B. D. of Alder-


Dr. Lazarus Seaman of London
Joseph Caryl of Lincoln's-Inn
Dr. Henry Wilkinson' Senior of

Richard Vines of Calcot
Nicolas Proffet of Marlburrough
Stephen Marshal, B. D. of Finch-

Dr. Joshua Hoyle late of Dublin
Thomas Wilfon of Otham
Thomas Hodges of Kenfington
Thomas Bailie of Mildenhal, B. D.
Francis Taylor of Yalding
Thomas Young of Stownmarket,
Thomas Valentine, B. D. of Chal-

font St. Giles
William Greenhill of Stepney
Edward Pele of Compton
John Green of Pencomb
Andrew Pern of Wilby
• Samuel de la Place
John de la March
John Dury
Philip Delme

Sidrach Simpson of London
John Langly of Westuderly
Richard Clayton of Showers
Arthur Sallaway of Seavernestoak


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