THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THOMAS LETCHWORTH, A MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AMONG THE C. DILLY, POULTRY, LONDON; AND BY ALL THE TO THE SURVIVING OLD ACQUAINTANCE OF THAT INVALUABLE MAN, WHOSE LIFE AND CHARACTER ARE BRIEFLY DELINEATED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES. A MY DEAR FRIENDS! S the memory of the just is faid to be blessed, and the RIGHTEOUS to be had in the heavenly diftinction of everlasting remembrance; no advantage can refult TO THEM from any written memorial amongst the children of mortality. But fince the wisdom and the faith of the wife and good may be fet down as mementos in the way to Zion, I have been emboldened to this little tribute of affection and good-will. The ends of this undertaking might have been more fully answered, had the work fallen to the execution of a more able hand-although a more willing mind could scarcely have been employed in it. Such |