broken) by all that bear that noble name, Christian; and they should keep the unity of the Spirit of Christ in the bond of the Prince of princes, and King of kings, and Lord of lords' peace, which is the duty of all true Christians to keep in which they may honour Christ, in bringing forth the fruits of peace, which are love and charity. For the apostle tells you, "The fruit of the good Spirit is love, joy, and peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, &c." Gal. v. And the apostle exhorts the Christians, and saith, "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men:" and this should be the endeavour of all Christians. For it is no honour to Christ, that Christians should war and destroy one another, that do profess the name of Christ, who saith, "He came to save men's lives, and not to destroy them:" for Christians have enemies enough abroad without them, and therefore they should love one another, as Christ commands, who saith, "By this ye shall be known to be my disciples, if ye love one another." For Christians are commanded to love enemies; therefore much more one another. And Christ saith, "As the Father hath loved me, so I have loved you: continue ye in my love," John xv. 8. and "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one another," John xiii. 35. But if Christians do war and destroy one another, this will make both Jews, Turks, Tartars, and heathens, to say, that you are not disciples of Christ. And therefore, as you love God, and Christ, and Christianity, and its peace, all make peace, as far as you have power, among Christians, that you may have the blessing. For you read, that Christians were called the household of faith, the household of God, a holy nation, a peculiar people: and they are commanded to be zealous for good works, not for bad: and Christians are also commanded not to bite and devour one another, lest they be consumed one of another. And is it not a sad thing for Christians to be biting and consuming one another in the sight of the Turks, Tartars, Jews, and heathens, when they should love one another, and do unto all men, as they would have them do unto them? And such work and devouring as this, will open the mouths of Jews and Turks, Tartars and heathens, to blaspheme the name of Christ, who is the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and cause them to speak evil of Christianity, for them to see how the unity of the Spirit is broken among such, as profess Christ and Christ's peace. And therefore all Christians are to mind God and Christ's teaching, who teacheth Christians to love one another, yea enemies; and persuade all kings and princes, to give liberty to all tender consciences in matters of religion and worship, they living peaceably under every government: so that for the time to come there may be no more imprisonment and persecution among the Christians, for matters of tender consciences about matters of faith, worship, and religion, that the Jews, Turks, Tartars, and heathens, may not see how Christians are persecuting one another for religion. And seeing, from Christ and the apostles Christians have no such command, but on the contrary, to love one another; and knowing, that Christ said to such as would have been plucking up tares, Let the tares and the wheat grow together till the harvest (which is the end of the world) lest they plucked up the wheat; and at the end of the world Christ would send forth his angels, and they should sever the wheat from the tares: so Christ tells you, that it is the angels' work at the end of the world, and not men's work, before the harvest at the end of the world. Hath not all this persecution, banishing, and imprisoning, and putting to death, concerning religion, been the pretence of plucking up tares? and hath not all this been before the harvest, and before the end of the world? And therefore, have not all these been the actors against the express command of Christ, the King of Heaven? which all kings and rulers, especially they that call themselves Christians, should obey their Lord and Saviour's command, which he expressly commands: Let the tares and the wheat grow together, till the harvest; and the harvest is the end of the world: and then Christ will send his angels, and they shall sever the wheat from the tares, &c. And also Christ told some of his disciples, that would have had fire to come down from heaven, to destroy such as would not receive him (in their zeal ;) "That they did not know what spirit they were of:" and rebuked them, and said, "He came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them." And therefore all such that have destroyed men's lives concerning religion, and worship of God, have they known what spirit they have been of? Have they not done that they should not do? and done that which Christ forbad, who saith, "Lest ye should pluck up the wheat with the tares," and saith," It is the angels' work at the end of the world?" And hath not God shewed unto man what is good, and his duty, to love mercy, and to do justly, and to walk humbly with his God? which man is to mind. And the apostle exhorts the Christians, "To follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," Hebr. xii. 14. And why should Christians war and strive one with another, seeing they all do own in words one King, and Lord, and Saviour Christ Jesus, whose command is, that they should love one another; which is a mark that they shall be known by, to be Christ's disciples, as I said before. And Christ, who is the King of kings, and Lord of lords, saith, "As I have loved you, so love one another," John xv. 12. and John xiii. And the apostle saith, "Christians ought to be patient towards all men," 1 Thess. v. 14. From him, who is a lover of truth and righteousness, and peace, and desires your temporal and eternal good; and desires, that in the wisdom of God, that is pure, and gentle, and peaceable, from above, with that you may be ordered, and order all things, that God hath committed to you, to his glory, and stop those things among Christians, so far as you have power, which dishonour God, Christ, and Christianity!' Amsterdam, the 21st of the 7th month, 1677. G. F. TABLE, Containing the Names of the Counties, Cities, Towns, and Places, mentioned in the Author's Journal of his Travels, and Labours on Truth's account in England, &c. and beyond the Seas. Badcow, i. 401, 404, 410. Badgley, i. 277, 280, 348, 462.-ii. 76, 96, 221. Baghurst, ii. 115. Bagworth, i. 109. Balby, i. 138, 154, 156, 230, 264-ii. 96, 219. Baldock, i, 281-ii. 84, 265. Ballowfield, ii. 219. Banbury, ii. 84. Bandon, ii. 99. Bandon Bridge, ii. 99. Barbadoes, ii. 127, 140, 162, 165, 413. Barking, ii, 380. Barnet, i. 77.-ii. 220, 252, 277, 396. Barnet Hills, ii. 6, 7. Barrow, i. 109.—ii. 6. Barton, ii. 217. Antigua, ii. 134, 253. Apledon, ii. 87. Appingdalen, ii. 231. Appleby, i. 184. Apre, ii. 231. Arnside, i. 199,465-ii. 25, 267 Becliff, i. 169, Bedall, ii. 217. Bedfordshire, i. 254, 276, 281, 420.-ii. 12, 76, 220, 252, Bethnal-green, ii. 342, 357. Berkshire, ii. 6, 107, 116, 250. | Capell, ii. 278. Berrystreet, ii. 378. Berwick, i. 416. Beverley, i. 138. Beaumaris, i. 388. Black-rock, ii. 97. Bletchingly, ii. 278. Bohemia River, ii. 144, 153. Boston, i. 347. Bootell, i. 199. Bradford, i. 159. Braintree, ii. 248. Bremer-Haven, ii. 235. Briell, ii. 224, 247, 323, 327. Bristol, i. 342, 372, 458.~ii. 4, 21, 76, 82, 104, 106, 250. Bugbrook, ii. 277. 172, Curdiff, i. 372.-ii. 85. Carlisle, i. 205, 214, 400.—ii. 127. Carolina, ii. 158. Carterford, i. 466. Causham, ii. 250. Charing-cross, i. 240, 242. Chattan, i. 277. Chelmsford, ii. 248. Cheltenham, ii. 252. Cheshire, i. 375, 418, 477-ii. Cheshunt, ii. 424. Chesterfield, i. 111. Chester River, ii. 143, 153. Chichester, i. 282. China, i. 503. Chiswick, ii. 357, 396. Cholsberry, ii. 252. Choptank River, ii. 165. Christian River, ii. 152. Cirencester, i. 348.—ii. 252. Cleveland, i. 142, 418.-ii. 78. Coldbeck, i. 204, 216. Collumpton, i. 342.—ii. 20. Connecticot, ii. 148. Cork, ii. 99. Cornwall, i. 286, 302, 341, 454. -ii. 16, 87. Bushel House, i. 137. Cossell, ii. 197. Coventry, i. 78, 80, 109, 280. Cambridge, i. 262. Counterside, ii. 217. Cambridgeshire, i. 347, 451.- Crane's Island, ii. 155. ii. 12, 109. Crantzick, i. 139, 150. Camsgill, ii. 216. Cranbrook, i. 256.—ii. 13. Canterbury, i. 257.-ii. 116. Crickat rough, ii. 161. |