puzzles the prudent: it makes devils roar, and impostors rage; it drives the pharisee from his sandy foundation, the hypocrite from his false hope, and the vessel of wrath from his anchorage; it discovers the rottenness of hypocrites in Zion, and makes diviners mad; it makes a novice in the pulpit look like an actor on the stage, and the writings of graceless souls like old mother Shipton's prophecies. Under this divine teaching the productions of carnal men are all thrown to the bats: a dry system in the brain appears a broken wheel at the cistern; a noisy and empty profession, a rattle for prating fools; and all the pleasures, honours, and riches, of this world, like the drop of a bucket, or the dust of a balance. Quot. The scriptures testify of the Lord Jesus that he is a Redeemer. Answ. Notions of redemption in the head will not do, reverend sir: we must enforce the experience of it. The elect sinner is led to the fountain open; his conscience is purged from guilt and dead works by an application of the blood of sprinkling; he is redeemed from the bondage of the law, from a vain conversation, and from among men. No man can sing of redemption without an application: "No man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from among men." 'Ifs,' and 'Buts,' and 'We trust,' and 'I think,' will not answer the purpose here: head notions will not do to join in this chorus; faith in the heart is required. "He hath redeemed' us out of every nation, tongue, and people; and made us kings and priests unto God; and we shall reign on the earth.” Quot. The scriptures also speak of the Lord Jesus under the dignified character of a King, &c. Answ. When the Saviour comes to manifest himself to the hearts of his own elect, he comes in his all-conquering chariot: he appears with his sword upon his thigh, and no less than the Most Mighty in his own glory and majesty. This the sinner is soon convinced of, when the point of his sword reaches the caul of his heart, and the arrows of his quiver stick fast in his conscience, whereby the people fall under him, and put their mouths in the dust, to obtain a hope in his mercy. A sinner, thus subdued by omnipotence, stumbles not at the Saviour's Godhead; nor does he want any man to teach him that Jesus is a King. The King of Zion makes a triumphant entrance into the sinner's heart, binds the strong man, disarms the devil of his infernal panoply, and casts him both from his fort-royal and palace. The spirit of faith operates, and gives the Saviour a dwelling within, while the manifestations of dying love raise him to supremacy in the affections. When every thought is brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, his righteous sceptre is swayed in the soul, and peace is proclaimed in the principality of conscience; when the new covenant, or the laws of faith, truth, and the perfect law of liberty, are by God the Holy Ghost written on the fleshly tables of the heart. This is the man that is a loyal subject of Zion's king: the kingdom of God is within him, he is under the reign of grace, and is well acquainted with his rightful sovereign. All short of this is nothing but word; this stands in power. The other is head notions; this is heart religion, and can never be rooted up or destroyed. Quot. Procuring redemption and remission. of sins through the effusion of his blood, offering himself up a sacrifice to God, to make reconciliation, and purchase an atonement. Answ. I believe the elect were redeemed by the blood of Christ; that an atonement was made by his sacrifice alone; that peace was made by the blood of his cross; that we are pardoned, reconciled, and made nigh, by the same; and that the church was bought with that price: but, as to a purchased atonement, the bible knows nothing about it. Who this stinking Antinomian is, who needs no inward holiness; nor Christ in his heart, the hope of glory; nor fruits of the Spirit; and whose faith takes in all the world, and who denies that there is any elect at all; I know not. These wretches are no relations of mine: I will scrape no acquaintance, I will claim no kindred, with sinners and hypocrites in Zion; nor with them that hold the truth in unrighteousness; nor with them who contend for the law as the only rule of life, which requires love to God and the neighbour, and pretend to a great measure of both, and appear in friendship; give you the right-hand of fellowship, bless your labours, declare publicly their great love and high opinion of you, as a lover of the Lord Jesus; and, at the same time, are working under ground with all manner of guile, deceit, hypocrisy, and deceivableness of unrighteousness, on purpose to blow up both your reputation and usefulness. Friend Conscience, make thy application! This is no part of my religion: I am no friend to bush-fighting, or shooting in secret; I love plain dealing. God dealt plainly with me; and in my office he makes me deal plainly with others. "Open rebuke is better than secret love;" then how much better than secret guile, which is so contemptible, that a person accused of it is rendered an unfit member of a society of pickpockets, and condemned as a traitor by a gang of thieves! However wrong the Antinomian may be, this book is not likely to set him right. Quot. He denies vital, experimental, personal, union, wrought in the soul by faith. Answ. This any man may do, and be sound in the truth too. If faith can work a vital, experimental, personal union, in the soul, one would think that faith itself must be a divine person, because it is the efficient or working agent of vital union, which is what none but God can work. The bond of union is God's everlasting love to us in Christ Jesus; and even Christ, and faith too, are the blessed effects of God's love to us: and none but God can work this union in us; as it is written, "And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live." At the time of this circumcision the love of God is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost, which is given to us; and "He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." This is bringing the sinner sensibly into the bond of the covenant; which bond is the bond of eternal union with the covenant head: for it is under the influence of divine love that the believer is joined to the Lord, and made one spirit with him. The bond of all perfectness is not our faith in God, but God's eternal love to us. The former is not the efficient cause, but the effect, of the latter. Love and faith are both fruits of the Spirit; but, as charity is greater than either faith or hope, it is not likely the lesser should work the greater. Faith is the evidence of things not seen, and the substance of things hoped for; but full possession wants no evidence, and things seen and enjoyed need no hope. The bond of union will be the sweetest, and in full perfection when these cease; for faith works by love, and the exercise of it works or produces patience; but it never works union. better than this. Mr. Ryland must know Quot, The Lord Jesus Christ is made of God |