will not do to join in this chorus; faith in the heart is required. "He hath redeemed us out of every nation, tongue, and people; and made us kings and priests unto God; and we shall reign on the earth." Quot. The scriptures also speak of the Lord Jesus under the dignified character of a King, &c. Answ. When the Saviour comes to manifest himself to the hearts of his own elect, he comes in his all-conquering chariot: he appears with his sword upon his thigh, and no less than the Most Mighty in his own glory and majesty. This the sinner is soon convinced of, when the point of his sword reaches the caul of his heart, and the arrows of his quiver stick fast in his conscience, whereby the people fall under him, and put their mouths in the dust, to obtain a hope in his mercy. A sinner, thus subdued by omnipotence, stumbles not at the Saviour's Godhead; nor does he want any man to teach him that Jesus is a King. The King of Zion makes a triumphant entrance into the sinner's heart, binds the strong man, disarms the devil of his infernal panoply, and casts him both from his fort-royal and palace. The spirit of faith operates, and gives the Saviour a dwelling within, while the manifestations of dying love raise him to supremacy in the affections. When every thought is brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, his righteous sceptre is swayed in the soul, and peace is proclaimed in the principality of conscience; when the new covenant, or the laws of faith, truth, and the perfect law of liberty, are by God the Holy Ghost written on the fleshly tables of the heart. This is the man that is a loyal subject of Zion's king: the kingdom of God is within him, he is under the reign of grace, and is well acquainted with his rightful sovereign. All short of this is nothing but word; this stands in power. The other is head notions; this is heart religion, and can never be rooted up or destroyed. Quot. Procuring redemption and remission of sins through the effusion of his blood, offering himself up a sacrifice to God, to make reconciliation, and purchase an atonement. Answ. I believe the elect were redeemed by the blood of Christ; that an atonement was made by his sacrifice alone; that peace was made by the blood of his cross; that we are pardoned, reconciled, and made nigh, by the same; and that the church was bought with that price: but, as to a purchased atonement, the bible knows nothing about it. Who this stinking Antinomian is, who needs no inward holiness; nor Christ in his heart, the hope of glory; nor fruits of the Spirit; and whose faith takes in all the world, and who denies that there is any elect at all; I know not. These wretches are no relations of mine: I will scrape no acquaintance, I will claim no kindred, with sinners and hypocrites in Zion; nor with them that hold the truth in unrighteousness; nor with them who contend for the law as the only rule of life, which written in heaven, in the Lamb's book of life, being ordained to eternal life, for predestinated both to grace and glory; and to God, the judge of all, as reconciled in Christ, and who is the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus; and to the spirits of just men made perfect, under the influence of the same Spirit of promise, and in union with the same covenant head; and to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, who purges the sins of his people, who hath made peace by the blood of his cross, and who proclaims it and maintains it in all his realm, whose kingdom is not of this world; and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks pardon, peace, reconciliation, friendship with God, and access to him. This, this, is the man, that spiritually, unctuously, and experimentally, knows the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent, whom to know is eternal life. And such an one has life hid with Christ in God; he has life in his covenant head; he has laid hold on eternal life by faith; he has life in the promise, and life and immortality are brought to light in his soul; he is alive, and lives by the faith of the Son of God; and has a lively hope, sure and stedfast, and which anchors within the vail. A collection of notions in the head is like a broken cistern that can hold no water; but such a savoury knowledge of Christ, by the Spirit in the heart, as this, is a springing well; and such an one shall grow in grace, and in knowledge too. This spring works up, and carries off the un savory lees of the old cask, and the lurking leaven of self-righteousness, legal pride, and hypocrisy; together with the loathsome sediment of self-confidence and self-seeking; and, as it purifies the heart, so it purifies the speech. God turns to his people a pure language, that they may call upon his name, and serve him with one consent. Thus counsel in the heart, not in the head, is as deep waters, and the words of wisdom as a flowing brook. This blessed spring, rising up within, purifies and renews the spirit of the mind, and carries it up to heavenly things, where it enjoys both life and peace; and is entertained with fresh discoveries of covenant love, and solaced with refreshings from the presence of the Lord. This is a knowledge, sir, which no hypocrite could ever attain, and which false apostates never knew. Head notions are like a standing pool in the midst of summer, neither sweet nor clear; and therefore require a great deal of learning, flowery rhetoric, empty oratory, pompous speech, swelling words, and cunning craftiness, in order to decorate, garnish, and set them off: but these things do not feed the poor hungry soul. This book, having treated of the knowledge of Christ, but not described any part of it, proceeds to mention the doctrine of the trinity, and the characters, &c. of the Lord Jesus, by collecting a number of scripture texts, which are better read in the bible than in this book, for here is nothing described nor explained in it. All the head notions of the glorious trinity that men can attain to will never keep Satan out of the heart, nor hold the soul in a storm. The real Christian has got the work of a trinity of persons on his own soul. "He that loveth dwelleth in God, and God in him." Such an one has fellowship with the Father. And he that enjoys pardon, rest, and solid peace, in his Saviour, by virtue of heart-felt union with him, has fellowship with the son, and has fellowship with the spirit; who communicates knowledge, comfort, and joy, to him; who maintains his standing in faith, his soul in hope, and his hope in expectation of future glory; who helps his infir mities in prayer, strengthens him with might in his weakness, bears testimony to his adoption, seals him with a comfortable assurance, and operates upon him as an earnest of the future inheritance. He is a witness and proof of his eternal election, and a pledge of eternal glory: he reveals the secrets of heaven to him, and leads him into a state of friendship and familiarity with God; he makes known to his soul the good-will of God in Christ Jesus, and makes him obedient thereto by faith; enables him to stand fast therein, and that with an holy boldness, in unfeigned faith, in unpresuming confidence, and in undissembled love; which no Arian, no bondchild, no Socinian, no Sabellian, no Antinomian, no Arminian, nor any other species of hypocrites, ever experienced, felt, or enjoyed. This doetrine, sir, confounds the wise, and |