If any now declare for grace, And jealous now on him they look, As if by sin enthrall'd. Herod and Pilate now are friends, Since Christ rejected is; Rome will rejoice to hear the news; 'Twill be her joy and bliss. Wesley and Sellon too will sing The comforts of the gospel now Behold the consequence arise, Proclaim it not in Gath around, Why should the uncircumcis'd rejoice, Why should old Dagon be set up, Do not we see iniquity In ev'ry place abound, While godliness is very scarce, And hardly to be found? Some happy periods there have been, When English pulpits rung With sounds of rich and matchless grace, On ev'ry preacher's tongue. They were the golden, happy days; All free-will men were then afraid Nor dare they shew their guilty head, Yea, in those times, so few they were, But ah, how chang'd the present scene! In churches, and in meetings too, "Tis fashionable now become To cry the doctrines down. That man has pow'r to turn to God, There's many now will say; That it depends on his free-will To give the yea or nay. Thus rich, and free, and sov'reign grace, Some who for Calvin once were warm, How is the gold with them turn'd dim! What tho' in ev'ry age, and place, Deserters there will be, Yet God will still preserve his sheep From all the craft of subtle men He will protect his fold; His chosen know his lovely voice, Nor shall Arminian arguments O'ercome the child of God, For Christ will keep his ransom'd flock, The purchase of his blood. O may our God in glory rise, Which on his Zion heavy hangs, Then will his chosen all rejoice, THE MORAL LAW NOT INJURED BY THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. A SERMON, PREACHED IN SUBSTANCE AT PROVIDENCE CHAPEL; AND HUMBLY ADDRESSED TO THE REV. ROWLAND HILL, M. A. FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, THAT BRINGETH SALVATION, HATH APPEARED TO ALL MEN; TEACHING US THAT DENYING UNGODLINESS AND WORLDLY LUSTS, WE SHOULD LIVE SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY, AND GODLY, IN THIS PRESENT WORLD. TITUS ii. 11, 12. |