Imágenes de páginas

the route of H. M. 85th Regiment from Fredericton to Canada, the various claimed boundary lines, roads, &c., and is a memorial of a time when the boundary between the State of Maine and Canada was still a matter of controversy and anxiety. Military, geological and public service plans of various kinds make up a large part of the list.


Among the maps of Newfoundland is found a chart of the island with the rocks and soundings, drawn from surveys made under orders from the Admiralty by James Cook, the celebrated navigator, and Michael Lane. There is a chart of the coast by Des Barres, as well as maps of the Harbours of St. Johns and Placentia by Bellin (Petit Atlas Maritime), &c.


The maps of these provinces consist chiefly of government, railway, and geological surveys of comparatively recent date.


This section consists chiefly of maps made by different departments of the Dominion government. A few only antedate Confederation. The Admiralty Charts, however, of the River St. Lawrence between Quebec and Kingston, and also the plans accompanying Lieut. Phillpotts' reports (1840 and 1841) on "the Inland Navigation of the Canadas," are included under this head.


The maps and plans in this section throw light on the development of internal communications by land and water in Canada. An early condition of things is exhibited in a map (No. 3821) "showing the line of road by which the mail passes from Frederieton to Quebec, with the different stage houses on the said road. No. 3823 gives a list of railways as existing in 1853, and later sketches bring the statistics of the subject practically down to the present time.


Under this head are included a certain number of coast maps, as well as boundary maps in the more ordinary sense. The boundaries of Quebec, according to the Royal Proclamation of 7th October, 1763, are shown in map 3883, founded on "the French Surveys Connected with those made after the War. By Captain Carver, and Other Officers in His Majesty's Service." A number of maps and sketches in this section bear on the Maine boundary question, and others on that of the dividing line between Lower Canada and New Brunswick. Map 3940 shows "Canada divided into counties and ridings as per Union Bill."


As the French dominions in North America extended at one time to the mouth of the Mississippi several of the maps in this section are of French origin. Map 3999 is a copy of one made by the explorer Jolliett; others show the travels of La Verendrye. There are also sketches made by Major P. McKellar, R.E., of the battle on the Monongahela (9th July, 1755) in which General Braddock lost his life; while others relate to the war of 1812.


These de not call for special remark. The maps from Nos. 4047 to 4071, inclusive, are zincographs of different localities in South Africa made by the Intelligence Division of the War Office in connection with the Boer war.


Among the Atlases will be found copies of those appended to the cases and the counter cases of the British and United States governments respectively in the Alaskan Boundary Arbitration; also "The English Pilot," published in 1775, embracing 30 maps and charts; The North American Pilot," published in the same year by Sayer & Bennett of London, "being a collection of sixty accurate charts and plans drawn from original surveys "; the charts of Vancouver, 16 in number, published in 1798; the Petit Atlas of Bellin, Vol. I., published in 1764, with many others.

It should be stated that the present catalogue represents the collection of maps, plans, &c., as it existed at the close of the year 1910, since which time considerably over a thousand maps have been added. These include Arrowsmith's map "exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America," with accompanying astronomical data, published in 1749; a scarce collection entitled "Plans des Principales Cités de l'Univers," Amsterdam by Danker Dankets; the A. L. Pinart collection of maps of New York, Boston, Montreal, Quebec and Louisburg from 1651 to 1731; a number of maps from London and Paris connected with the early history of the country; also a considerable number of separates" among which are to be found one of "Nouvel Amsterdam en Amérique," dated 1672, together with maps of Fort Pontchartrain, Placentia, Detroit, and various other places of which frequent mention is made in early Canadian history.


In a supplement, which will be published in due course, these will be included, as well as other maps found in the manuscript collection, and in printed books, many of which possess great interest and value.

[blocks in formation]

Coloured facsimile of the original, published in 1892, by the Spanish Govern-
ment, in connection with the four hundredth anniversary of the Discovery of
America by Columbus. 72 x 37. See Appendix A.

2. World Map of A. D. 1544. (The Sebastian-Cabot Map).

Reduced by photography to a little less than half-size. From a negative
taken from the original at Paris by order of the Minister of Agriculture and
Statistics. 37 x 23. See Appendix B.

3. Carte Réduite du Globe Terrestre. Echelle de Lieues, 1,500-2 pouces Angloises.

13 x 83. Coloured print. From Le Petit Atlas Maritime. Par le S Bellin,

Ingénieur de la Marine, 1764.

4. Map of the Worlds. Submarine Cables and Principal Telegraph Lines.

Telegraph and Signal Service. Department of Public Works, Dominion of

Canada. Sir Hector L. Langevin, C.B., K.C.M.G., Minister of Public Works. F.

N. Gisborne, M.I.T.E.E.-F.R.S.C. &c., Superintendent.

6. The Oldest Map with the Name America of the year 1507 and the Carta Marina
of the year 1516 by M. Waldseemüller (Ilacomilus). Edited with the assistance
of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Vienna by Prof. Jos. Fischer S.J. and
Prof. Fr. R. v. Wieser.

Innsbruck. Wagner'sche Universitäts-Buchandlung. 1903.

Sole Agents for The British Empire and America, Henry Stevens, Son &

Stiles, 39 Great Russell Street, London.

I. The Wolfegg collective volume.
II. The Map of the World of 1507.
III. The Carta marina of 1516.
IV. The Sources of Waldseemüller.
A. The World-map of 1507.
B. The Carta marina of 1516.

. V. The Influence of the two Maps.
Synoptic Tables.

A. Africa.

B. America.

Water-marks of the two maps.

(1) NOTE.-Throughout this volume, the exact text of the titles of the maps, in regard
to spelling, punctuation, &c., has been faithfully followed.


The Ex libris' Schöner.

Manuscript World-map of Henricus Glareanus (ca. 1510) in the University-
library at Munich.

The western. hemisphere of J. Stobnicza 1512.

The eastern hemisphere of J. Stobnicza 1512.

The Globe of Waldseemüller of 1507 in the Hauslab-Liechtenstein Collection
at Vienna.

The World-map of Petrus Apianus of 1520.

The World-map of Joh. Honterus.

The signature of Waldseemüller (from the letter to Joh. Amerbach dat.
April 7th 1507.



[blocks in formation]


Carton No 2. Pièce No 109.

18. Carte Particuliere de Plaisance et des Enuirons.

References. Plan du Fort de Plaisance et des Enuirons. lhermitt aplai-

sance ce 14e 8bre 1709.

No d'Ordre 119. Dépôt des Fortifications des Colonies. (Carton No 2.
Piece No 115). Copie par J. Juteau-del. (Courbevoie). Collationné par Ch.

Echelle de Cent vingt toizes=7 pouces Anglais. 50 x 284.

Coloured MS., copy of a plan in the Depot des Fortifications des Colonies
à Paris.

19. Le Plan de l'Habitation de Charles Mahier Encien habitant de la Colonie de

plaisence en lisle de Terre Neuue Receueur de S. A. Sa Monseigneur Lamiral &

Colonel de la Milice decedé en 1710. Rendûe aux anglois par le traitté de paix

de 1714. 19 x 14.

Coloured MS. copy of a plan in the depot des Fortifications des Colonies à

Paris. No. d'Ordre 118. Dépôt des Fortifications des Colonies. (Carton No. 2
Pièce N° 118). Copié par J. Juteau del. (Courbevoie). Collationné par Ch.

20. Carte Particulière de l'Amérique Septentrionale. A Map of the British Empire

in America with the French, Spanish, and Hollandish Settlements, adjacent

thereto by Henry Popple, at Amsterdam. Printed for I. Covens and C. Mortier.
Certificate by Edm. Halley. 20 x 21. Coloured print from Atlas F.

21. Entrée de la Riuiere Choueguen ou des Onontagué Scituée au sud du Lac On-

tario. With References. fait aquebec ce 11 Octobre 1726. Chaussegros de


Echelle de 300 Toises au 6 pouces Anglais. 53 x 12.

Uncoloured print. Copy of original in the dépôt des Fortifications bearing

the stamp-Dépôt des Colonies Françaises. 11 8bre 1726. No d'ordre 530.

It shews the site of the proposed post, &c.

22. Entrée de la Riviere Choueguen, Scituée par les 43° 47′ 24′′ de latitude au Sud
du lac Ontario avec les plans et Elevation de la Redoutte que les Anglois y ont

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