He resideth at The Church and his vicarage of Chauncell are Culmullen nu None at all. Lo: Viscount Nettervill his Maties farmor of the Rectory being impropriate. specified numero ruynous. 33, et 54°. mero 54°. propriate. XXth part. Value. 72 Lascartan in the 10o 3d Ir. 10 ster. Countie of Meath French a Mr of Presentatiue. Willm Talbot Esqr er of good life Misset of the same cion. Gent Patrons alter 73 Rathmore in the Mr. Beniamen 17th 25 1d Ir. 17° 7d qr. Ir. Countie of Meath Culme a Mr of Presentative Edward Artes a preacher Dowdall of Rath- of good life and more Esqr Patron. 40 ster. 74 Athboye in the Countie of Meath is really vnited to the Archbpricke of Ardmagh. The most reve- Valued wth the Valued wth the Archopricke, STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF MEATH. VOL. I. Rectories. Valua. 10h 5s Ir. and Mr. Edmond nis vicibus. سب lxxxi lxxxii APPENDIX V. Laracor in the Coun- Rathmullian in the Killowae in the |