The institutive proxies of the Archdeaconrie of Kells als Nobber annexed to the Bpricke of Meath are yearly x" iiij ix ster. li The impropriate proxies giuen vp to King Henry the viij' by Edward B of Meath and lately regraunted to the Bprick by our now gracious Soveraigne amount to the yearely some of lxj vij viija Ir. wch is xlv x vja ster. but some parcells of the lord Viscount of Drogheda and others deny to pay [sic] thing to the EP. Others put of their payment from the farmors of the Abbayes to the farmo" of the Rectories appropriated therevnto. And euery seuerall Rectorie is comonly deuided amongst so many seuerall farmors that vnlesse a more certayne course be taken herein his Maties gratious intention of augmenting the meanes of this Bprick wilbe vtterly frustrate. Som of the proxies in all cxvj" ixd ster. and xxtie beoues. The State of the Revennewes belonging to the Bishopricke of Clonemacnoshe really vnited to the Bpricke of Meath by Act of Parliament viz All the landes in Westmeath belonging to this Bprick were demised by Br Jones primo Nouembris A°. Dm. 1592 to Edward Maloane for lxxj yeares he paying thereout tenne beoues yearely. and preserving the young hawkes of Goshawkes faulcons and Tassells breeding in the woods of Clonemacknosh. Halfe of wch he is bound to deliver to the Br of Meath at his house in Ardbrackhan, or to pay iiju for euery hawke that shall be stollen, or otherwise negligently lost, But by reason of the continuall felling of the great Timber in those woods (for wch the said lessee hath noe licence graunted him in his lease) the hawkes wthin this yeare or two haue forsaken the place, and so the Bo hath lost the benefit of that reservačon. All the lands in the Countie of Roscommon belonging to the said Bprick were passed in fee farme by Br Jones xx° Nouembris A° 1586 to Anthony Brabazon for the yearely rent of x markes Ir. or vi ster. There are twelue quarters of land enioyed by this graunt much whereof was not in the Bps possession at the tyme wherein this State was passed. There is none of the Clergies hands to the Conveyance neither doth it appear by any witnesses That by their consent their seale was affixed thereTwo quarters of land lying neere vnto Galloway passed (as it is said) in fee farme for the Annuall rent of xx' Ir. or xv ster. The Conveiaunce I haue not seene. vnto. Fower quarters of land in the Countie of Mayo called Killshamy leased by Br Brady xxvjto Augusti A° 1578 to James Garvey for lxj yeares for the yearely rent of iiijnobles Ir. or xx* ster. The Vicarages of Balliloughloe Tessaran and Levanaghan als Slevanaghan sett for the yearley rent of xxxix1 ster. Certayne Prebends annexed to the Bpricke set for the yearely rent of vij1 ster. or thereabout. An Eele weere vppon the river of the Shannon worth iij" vj viijd ster. Summa totalis hereof each beefe being } lxvj xxa ster. There is a great proportion of land in the province of Connaught wch auncientlie belonged to the Bpricke of Clonemacknoshe the perticulars whereof are to be seene extracted out of the Register of that Church, but the originall booke hath lately beene convayed away by the practize of a leude fellow whoe hath therevppon fled the Countrey. Soe the full value of the Bishoprick of Meath and the Bpricke of Clonemack noshe together with the rectorie of Tryme and all other thinges to the said Bpricke of Meath vnited amounteth to the somme of [Vjxxxij vj vja ob. st. out of weh his Maties xxtie p' amounteth yearely to xviiju iij i ob. ster. besides the ArchbPstrienniall proxLies. The demesnes of Ardbrackhan not being herein accompted. The State of the Dioces of Meath here followeth, vizt. He is Deane of Churches. No Cathedrall The Church of The Chauncell Buildings and Glebe Lands. A faire house wh An auncient manse the towne of Rose- 1 Bishoppricke of Meath. James Ussher 373li 10s 5d Ir. 1813s 6d qr. Ir. The value ap peareth in the 2 Archdeaconrie of Mr. Randoll Bar- 100li Ir. 5 Ir. 140li ster. APPENDIX v. The Townes of Falewe. Residentiaries. Dignities. 3 Archdeaconríe of Kel- Really vnited to 29li 155 5d Ir. 295 3d ob. Ir. Churches. The Church of Buildings and Gleabe Lands. Neither house nor gleabe lands. STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF MEATH. Encumbents. Valuacons Deanrie of Duleeke. XXth part Valew. Mr. William Phil- 21h 158 5d Ir. 218 9d qr. Ir. Thisrectorie is lips Batchelor in lease wth the 1 lxi 2 Mr. Gilbert Pur- 22 25 6d Ir. 22s 1d ob. Ir. dan a reading Minister now absent in England by licence from his Matie. Mr. Edward Sowtherne a preaching Minister Curate. Mr. Luke Ussher 10th 12a 6d Ir. 10 7d ob. Ir. Kentestowne in the presentatiue. The Lord Baron of Donsany Patron. Arts a preaching Minister of good life and conversacion. Valew. APPENDIX V. reading minister of the countrey birth, a very old sickly man is curate and resideth. |