Resident. Churches. The Curate re- The Church and sideth at Ath- Chauncell ruyloane about 3 nous. myles distant. Buildings. None at all. Valua. XXth part. Valew. 15li ster. Mr. John An- Taxed wth the Taxed with kers formerly Bpricke County of Westmeath. next aboue spe Nihil. Nihil. 15li ster. He resideth at The Church and Athloane about Chauncell ruynthree myles dis- ous. One acre of gleabe land. tant. STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF MEATH. Vicarages. 235 Balliloughloe in the 236 Kilcleagh in the Encumb. Mr. Ankers Collatiue. cified. The lo: Br of Meath He serueth this cure also. Nihil. Nihil. 20li ster. He resideth and The Church and a new. A manse and houses 237 Athloane in the Mr. Ankers next of the Impropriate 238 Clonemackuosh in The lo. Br of Meath Voyde and se- Nihil. Nihil. 5th ster. The sequestra- None at all. exxiii There are in the Dioces of Meath Dignityes 2. both Collatiue belonging to the patronage of the Bishop of Meath. Rectories Collatiue Presentatiue and Institutiue 51. Vicarages Collatiue Presentatiue & Institutiue 63. Curateshippes or Cures belonging to Impropriate Rectories and others in all 79. Chappells of ease 43. The Patrons of every liveing, and the Farmors of the impropriate rectoryes are all set downe and specified in the first Columne of weh such as be Recusantes are noted wth this marke in the margent. All the Churches specified in this Certificate are fitt to be builded repayred and reedified. If the smallnes of the meanes weh cometh to the Incumbentes be regarded. then many of the liveings in this Dioces are fitt to be vnited to make vpp a competent meanes for the minister. But if the spaciousnes of the parishes (wch are large and consist of so many Inhabitantes as if they should be reformed and brought to the Church, would be more in each parish then the Church would hould), and the difference of the patrons, the Patronages being in severall mens hands, I thinke none of them fitt to be vnited, but that there were power and authoritie given to the Bishopp for the bettering of the meanes of well deserving ministers, to vnite such and so many liueings of the value of Twenty poundes Ster. p ann. and vnder, as he shall thinke fitting dureing the Incumbency of such well deserving Ministers. Mr Willm Lilton learned in the Lawes is Officiall Generall of the Dioces of Meath and exerciseth the generall Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction throughout the whole Dioces. Mr Willm Mooreheade Minister and M of Artes exerciseth the Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction in the remoate Deanryes of Ballymore Loxewdy and Ardmurgher als Ballymurgher, vnder the aboue named Mr Willm Lilton. This is the true state of the Bishoppricke and Diocesse of Meath certified vnto his Maties Commissioners by me James Vssher Doctor of Divinitie Bishoppe of Meath this xxviijth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God 1622. In witnesse whereof I haue hervnto put my hand and seale. JAMES MIDENSIS. |