INDEX TO VOLUME VII. Archives du Christianisme, Extracts from, || Candles and Oil, Comparison between, 6. Affairs, Publick, 44, 92, 142, 189, 236, 332, 381, 430, 477, 527, 574. Albrecht of Haller, Notice of, 100. Austrian Medals, 273. Annual Report, Seventeenth, of the Board Auxiliary Societies to the General Assem- Antiquarian Society, French, 315. Africa, South, 472, 520. Presbyterian Church, 329. Alexander's Letter, 505, 552. Atmosphere, Dry, 566. Authors, Modern, 566. 182. Cotton Growers, Important to, 182. Critical Exposition of 2 Cor. xii. 16, 293. 410. Champollion, M. 413, 565. Christian Charity Explained, Reviewed, 453. Chocolate, Substitute for, 462. Dispute, M'Calla with Campbell, 23. Dyspepsia, 27. Discovery, Interesting, 134. Deacons, 258. Atlantick and Pacifick, Connexion of, Dry Rot, Essay on, by Commodore Bar- ron, 368. Destructive Gale, 368. Davy, Sir H., Biographical Sketch of, 513. Evangelical Church Journal, Extracts from, 11, 29, 100. Earthquake in Spain, 28, 273. Extracts, 11, 29. Ely, E. Stiles, Letters from, 30-40. Extract from Essay on Faith, 56. 57. from Hymns for Infant Schools, Eye of the Whale, 83. Earthquake, 83. Ely, Dr., Resigns his Agency, 91. sions, Circulars from, 134. 234. Evangelical Church Journal of Berlin, Extracts from, 308. Faith, Justification by, 6. France, State of Religion in, 11. eases, 13. - Extract from Essay on, 56. Fenelon's Letters, 316. Good Beginning, 285. Gentleman's Magazine, 315. Glory of God declared by the Heavens, Hints to Scepticks, 55. Highways in France, 224. Henry's Letters, 273. Horne's Introduction to the Scriptures, Notices, Short, of recent Publications, 78. 316. Hymn to the Spirit, 394. Humboldt's Journey to Siberia, 462. Idle Words, 22. Infant Schools, Hymn for, 57. Intemperance, 305, 354, 400, 447. Insanity, on, 413. Ice Mountain, Extract from a Letter, 414. Irving, Washington, Estimate of his Writ- Influence of Pious Women in promoting | Justification, Essay on, 6. Journal, Sea, of Miss M. Ogden, 68. Jay's Morning Exercises, Reviewed, 223. King George the Fourth and Old Mode- Kent's Commentaries, 273. Kentucky, a Word from, 417. King, Rev. Jonas, Letter from, 426. Kittredge's Address, 499, 549. Nevins, John W., his Biblical Antiqui- ties, 78. New Year's Eve, 175. Neologism, 257. 363. German, Reviewed, 266, 309, New Theological Work, 412. Ornithological Ventriloquism, 26. Oil filtered through Charcoal, 83. Oriental Illustration of Psalm xxiii. 5. 175. Oberlin, Pastor, Strasburg Medal to the Memory of, 225. Original Sin, 362. Oyster Trees, 565. Poetry, 9, 22. Potatoe prohibited in France, 28. Publications, List of, 28, 134. Phoca, 133. Ploughs, Roman, 182. Provident Society, General Clerical, of London, 224. Protestants in France, 224. Lectures on the Catechism, 1, 49, 97, 145, Progressive Population and Extent of 193, 241, 289, 337, 385, 433, 481, 530. List of New Publications, 28. Pompeii, Excavations at, 225. Paraphrase on Psalm cxxxvii., 442. Level of the Sea, 26. Letter from A. Bishop, 26. Reviews, 23, 73. Remarkable Occurrence, 82. Russel, J. T., Appointment of, 91. Snake, Cure of the Bite of, by common Hartshorn, 567. Recent Publications, Short Notice of, 78, Treasurer's Accounts, 43, 92, 188, 235, Scepticks, Hints to, 55. 287, 332, (15 extra,) 429, 476, 526, 574. of Receipts for Board of Missions, 142, 235, 287, 332, Timbuctoo, 27, 131. Tales of the Moors, Washington Irving's, 134. State of Religion in North of Germany, University of London, 182. Speech in General Synod of Ulster, 105, Ventriloquism of a Bird, 26. 58, 117. Silk, 82, 463. 169, 211. Ultra Ganges, 519. Voyages aux Alpes, 273. Valuable Application, 463. Victory over the World, 487, 536. |