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Arnould on the Law of Marine Insurance, Volumen1 Sir Joseph Arnould,David Maclachlan Vista completa - 1887 |
Términos y frases comunes
action adventure agent alteration amount arrival assignment assured Atlantic Telegraph Company authority Benecke bill of lading Bing bottomry Boulay-Paty broker Camp capture charter-party chartered clause commencement common consequently consignees contract course Court held cover Craufurd declared defendants deviation domicil Dougl Duer East effect an insurance effecting the policy Emerigon entitled express fact freight homeward House of Lords ibid indemnity indorsed insurable interest intended judgment liable lien Lloyd's London Lord Eldon Lord Ellenborough Lord Mansfield Lord Tenterden Lucena marine insurance master merchant owner paid parties perils insured persons Phillips plaintiff policy on ship port of discharge premium principle profits purpose re-insurance recover respect risk Royal Exch rule sail ship's shipowner stamped statute subject of insurance Taunt tion total loss trade tranship underwriter United usage vessel Vict voyage insured words
Pasajes populares
Página 243 - ... and in case of any loss or misfortune it shall be lawful to the assured, their factors, servants, and assigns, to sue, labour, and travel for, in, and about the defence, safeguard, and recovery of the said goods and merchandises and ship, tfec., or any part thereof, without prejudice to this insurance ; to the charges whereof we, the assurers, will contribute each one according to the rate and quantity of his sum herein assured.
Página 244 - Street or in the Royal Exchange or elsewhere in London. And so we the assurers are contented, and do hereby promise and bind ourselves each one for his own part, our heirs, executors, and goods to the assured, their executors, administrators, and assigns for the true performance of the premises, confessing ourselves paid the consideration due unto us for this assurance by the assured at and after the rate of IN WITNESS WHEREOF we the assurers have subscribed our names and sums assured in (London).
Página 231 - Be it known that as well in own name as for and in the name and names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all...
Página 20 - Upon any kind of goods and merchandises, and also upon the body, tackle, apparel, ordnance, munition, artillery, boat, and other furniture, of and in the good ship or vessel called the...
Página 47 - The said ship, &c., goods and merchandises, &c., for so much as concerns the assured by agreement between the assured and assurers in this policy, are and shall be valued at...
Página 375 - God, for this present voyage, or whosoever else shall go for master in the said ship, or by whatsoever other name or names the said ship, or the master thereof, is or shall be named or called ; beginning the adventure upon the said goods and merchandises from the loading thereof aboard the said ship, upon the said ship, &c.
Página 230 - Corn, fish, salt, fruit, flour, and seed are warranted free from average, unless general, or the ship be stranded...
Página 241 - Touching the adventures and perils which we the assurers are contented to bear and do take upon us in this voyage: they are of the seas, men of war, fire, enemies, pirates, rovers, thieves, jettisons, letters of mart and countermart, surprisals...
Página 230 - ... until she hath moored at anchor twenty-four hours in good safety; and upon the goods and merchandises, until the same be there discharged and safely landed.
Página 230 - ... until the same be there discharged and safely landed. And it shall be lawful for the said ship, &c., in this voyage, to proceed and sail to and touch and stay at any ports or places whatsoever without prejudice to this insurance.