| James Barry Bird - 1706 - 394 páginas
...forfeiture of copyholds, when they are Jo intermixed with freeholds that they happen to be conwyed as fuch. PROVIDED always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between all the laid parties to thele prefents, that the grant, bargain and fale, fo hereby made, and the laid... | |
 | 1725 - 396 páginas
...Counfel learned in the Law, fliall be reafonably advifed or devifed and required : Proviso. J5;0tiibcl» always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid Parties to thefe Prefents, That thefe Prefents, nor any Thing herein contained (hall not be extended,... | |
 | Giles Jacob - 1750 - 656 páginas
...faid recited Indenture refer. . ved, in thefe Words, or to the Effect following r (that is to fay) Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between all the faid Parties to thefe Prelents, That if the faid JB fhall be minded at any Time or Times hereafter... | |
 | 1778 - 854 páginas
...pcrfons lawfully claiming or to claim, from, by or under them, or either or any of them refpeaively. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between all the faid parties to thefe prefents, that in cale the (aid CC her executors, adminiftrators or affigns,... | |
 | Thomas Walter Williams - 1788 - 498 páginas
...affigns ; Subjeft nevertbelefs to the provifo or condition next hereinafter contained, that is to fay, Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between the faid parties hereto, that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Martha llarri:, at any time... | |
 | 1792 - 640 páginas
...granted, and conveyed, the cottage to ihe pauper in fee. In the releafe was the following provifo; viz. "Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between the tfae faid parties to thefe prefents, and it is their true intent and meaning, that it (hall and may... | |
 | Edward Wood - 1792 - 664 páginas
...for an increafe provifn ard agreement next herein after mentioned, (that is to fay,) of her jointure Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between all the laid parties to thefe prefents, that if the perfon or perfons to whom the next and immediate... | |
 | John Joseph Powell - 1802 - 510 páginas
...utt re. eeiver. CN his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, for his and their own ufe and benefit. PROVIDED always, and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that the faid MT fhall not act as receiver of the rents and profits... | |
 | John Joseph Powell - 1802 - 628 páginas
...laid AL doth hereby agree to a receipt of fuch allowance accordingly, as a full fatisfaction thereof: Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed, by and between all the parties to thefe prefents, that the receipt and receipts of the cafhiers of the bank of England>... | |
 | Richard Preston - 1806 - 608 páginas
...heirs and assigns for ever, and to, for, or upon no ether use, trust, intent, or purpose whatsoever. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the parties to these presents, as far as they respectively are interested, that the trusts hereinbefore... | |
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