| Great Britain - 1763 - 406 páginas
...(hall belong to fuch carriage ; and fliall be marked on the outlide Fifo Machine Only ; and (hall have the name or names, and place or places of abode, of the refpective owner or owners thereof, entered at the office of the commiflioners for liccnfmg hackney... | |
 | Great Britain - 1766 - 602 páginas
...excepted) mall pafs with goods on board through any of the arches of the faid bridge, without having the name or names and place or places of abode of the owner or owners thereof painted on fame confpicuous place or part of fuch hoy, barge, velTe!, lighter... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - 1795 - 262 páginas
...m which can be ad- suclj person should apply to be admitted, cause his mittedanat- 1 ' ' 7 torney. name and place of abode, and also the name or names...places of abode of the attorney or attornies to whom he should have been articled, written in legible characters, to be affixed on the outside of the Court... | |
 | Great Britain - 1778 - 526 páginas
...d¡fcover t(,e fome reafonablc time of the day, to difcover to fuch officer or names of the officers the name or names, and place or places of abode, of the curers. curer or vendor of any quantity or quantities of pilchards then in his poflefuon ; and that... | |
 | Joseph Chitty - 1812 - 710 páginas
...belong to such carriage ; and shall be marked on the outside, ' fish machine only ;' and shall have the name or names, and place or places of abode of the respective owner or owners thereof, entered at the office of the commissioners for licensing hackney-coaches... | |
 | Great Britain - 1812 - 1096 páginas
...Horfes, by the Commiflioners for managing the Duties on Stamped Vellnm, Parchment and Paper, and whereon the Name or Names, and Place or Places of Abode, of the Perfon or Pcrfons fo licenfed (hall be marked or painted, according to the Direaions of the Afts in... | |
 | Frederick Miles Van Heythuysen - 1816 - 754 páginas
...of such manors respectively, with the yearly amounts thereof. 6lh. Set forth, in manner aforesaid, the name or names, and place or places of abode of the steward or .several stewards employed by the said late Defendant 11. 13. from time to time, in the... | |
 | John Impey - 1818 - 996 páginas
...for the space of one full term previous to the term in which such person should apply to be admitted, cause his name and place of abode, and also the name or names, or place or places of abode of the attorney or attornies to whom he should have been articled, written... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Joseph Chitty - 1820 - 624 páginas
...the Term in which such person shall apply to be admitted, cause his name and place of abode, and aim the name or names, and place or places of abode of the attorney to whom he shall have been articled, written in legible characters, to be affi&ed on the outside of... | |
 | William Tidd - 1821 - 820 páginas
...of the judge's chambers of this " court, bis name and place of abode, and also the name and " place of abode of the attorney or attornies to whom he shall " have been articled"." And there is a similar rule in the Common Pleas', directing the notice to be affixed on the outside... | |
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