| Anthony Birks, John Birks - 1766 - 642 páginas
...rectangular marble fiab, 58 inches by 27, I would have a foot fquare cut off, parallel to the ihorter edge ; I would then have the like quantity divided from the remainder, parallel to the longer fide ; and this alternately repeated, till there (hould not be the quantity of a foot ieft : what will... | |
 | Charles Vyse - 1785 - 356 páginas
...the Line be ftruck ? 2. Having a rectangular Marble Slab, 58 Inches by 27, I would have a Foot fquare cut off, parallel to the fhorter. Edge ; I would then...not be the Quantity of a Foot left ; what will the Dimeniion oi the Remainder be ? 3. Being about to plant 10584 Trees equally diftant in Rows, the Length... | |
 | 1801 - 650 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by 27, I would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge ; I would then have the like quantity divided...longer side ; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left j what will be the dimensions of the remaining piece ? Ans.... | |
 | Charles Vyse - 1806 - 342 páginas
...rectangular Marble Slab, 58 Inches by 27, I would have a Foot Square cut oft, parallel to the shorter Edge, I would then have the like Quantity divided...longer Side ; and this alternately repeated till there be not the Quantity of a Foot left. What will the Dimension of the Remainder be ? (3) Being about to... | |
 | Charles Hutton - 1807 - 460 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by '21, I would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge ; I would then have the like quantity divided...longer side ; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left : Avhat will be the dimensions of the remaining piece? , Ans.... | |
 | Charles Hutton - 1811 - 496 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by '27, I would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge ; I would then have the like quantity divided;...longer side ; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left : what will be the dimensions of the remaining piece ? Ans.... | |
 | Charles Hutton - 1811 - 444 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by 27, 1 would have a square foot cut oft* parallel to the shorter edge j I would then have the like quantity divided from the...longer side; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left : what will be the dimensions of the remaining piece ? Ans.... | |
 | Charles Vyse - 1815 - 342 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by 27, I would have a foot square cut off., parallel to the shorter edge. I would then have the like quantity divided...longer side : and this alternately repeated till there be not the quantity of a fi»el left. What wiW the dimension" of the remainder be? (3) Being about... | |
 | Charles Hutton - 1818 - 648 páginas
...rectangular marble slab, 58 inches by 27, l would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge ; l would then have the like quantity divided from the...longer side ; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot left : left : what will be the dimensions of t'ae remaining piece... | |
 | Charles Hutton - 1822 - 616 páginas
...58 inches by 27, 1 would have a square foot cut off parallel to the shorter edge; I would then iiave the like quantity divided from the remainder parallel...longer side ; and this alternately repeated, till there shall not be the quantity of a foot loft : what will be the dimensions of the remaining piece ? Ans.... | |
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