4 The BILL OF PARCELS on the preceding LETTER. Sold to Mr Zachary Careful, June 24, 1764. Cwt. gr. lb. lb. Cwt. gr. th. l. S. d. 3 Bags of Galls-wt. Gr. 9.2 .27 Tr. 36 Nt. 9.1.19 at 3. 5 Barrels of Indigo 17 Cut. of Allom 0.12 • Ton. 14 Cut. of Madder 2.18 6 Cwt. 3 Ton of Copperas 8 o Ton. 4 Cut. of Bahia Brazil 2 o Gut. 11. and Company,] in and upon the good Ship, called the [Coafter of Exeter) whereof is Master, under God, for this present Voyage, [John Miller,) and riding at Anchor in [the River of Thames] and by God's Grace bound for [Exeter.] To say, [eleven Parcels of feveral Sorts of Goods, HIPED, by the Grace of God, in good Order, and well Conditioned, by [Mr Nich. Allom -1 being marked and numbered as in the Margin, and are to be delivered in 1 like like good Order, and well Conditioned, at the aforesaid Port of [Exeter] (the Danger of the Seas No only excepted) unto [Zach. Careful] or to his Afsigns, he or they paying for Freight of the faid 1 to 11. Goods, [fixteen Shillings four Pence] Ton, with Primage and Average accustomed: In Witness whereof, the Master or Purfer of the faid Ship has affirmed to * three Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date, one of which being accomplished, the other two stand void. And fo God send the good Ship to her defired Port in Safety. Amen. Dated in [London, June the 24th, 1764.] N The Contents and Quality unknown, John Miller. The BILL of ENTRY at the Custom-House, June 24, 1764. INE Hundred, one Quarter, and nineteen Pounds of Galls. Seventeen Hundred of Allom, &c. [The Items as foregoing Bill of Parcels here to be transcribed verbatim.] Mr Nehemiah Holland, to * The three Bills of Lading mentioned, are disposed of in this Manner; one remains with the Perfon who shiped the Goods; one is kept by the Master of the Ship; and the third is fent to the Perfon who is to receive them. to fend me by the Carrier, the next Return, 3 Ps. of Dow las; Hollands, at 2 s. 2 d. 25. 8 d. 35. 2d 3 s. 9d. each 2 Ps. and 3 Ps. of Bag Holland, at 4 s. 8 d. five Ps. of Cambrick, from 31. 10 s. to 51. 3 Ps. of Checks, 10 Ps. of blue Hertfords, 6 Ps. of Ghentings, 4 Ps. of Muslins, from 41. to 81. Send the lowest Price, and the Time of Payment: I shall be punctual, being Your loving Friend, A Servant's ANSWER. Mr Samuel Longell, Y OURS Samuel Longell. London, Aug. 10, 1764. of the 24th of July last was received. I have, John Surly, Worcester Carrier, sent you the Goods wrote for in your last; the Bill of Parcels have hereunto annexed. My Master's Affairs calling him to Bristol, I have done my utmost to content you, both in Goods and Prices; being of Opinion you never had better Goods, or a better Pennyworth. For what remains on the old Accompt, an Opportunity will offer to draw a Bill on you next Week. What you have Occafion for farther, signify your Order, it shall be carefully followed; and as to Time of Payment, my Master will be as reasonable as any Man. I add no more at present, but that I am, Your humble Servant, Thomas Measurewell, Servant to Nehemiah Holland. The BILL mentioned to be drawn at Oppor Sir, tunity. 581. 12 s. 6d. London, Aug. 19, 1764. Pay Mrs Charity Somerfield, or Order, the Sum of Fiftyeight Pounds, twelve Shillings, fix Pence, eight Days after Date, Value of Capt. Edward Somerfield, and place it to Accompt of my Master Nehemiah Holland, as Advice from To Mr Samuel Longell, Your very humble Servant, Draper in Worcester. Tho. Measurewell. The The BILL of PARCELS. Sold to Mr Samuel Longell, Aug. 11, 1764. Ells. 5. d. 3. Ps. of Dowlas Qt. 84 at 1.1Ell 1. 2 Ps. of Holland 38 2 2 Ditto 38 2 8 Ditto 39 Ditto 3.2 3 Ps. of Bag Holland 1. Ps. of Cambrick Ditto Ditto RECREATION XIV. (188) A. and Bin divi and B. in Partnership equally divide the Gain; 6 d. lay for nineteen Months, and B's for no more than 7: The AdvenI ture of the latter is sought? Answer, 2291. 135. 11 d. (189) In 117 times 406 Pieces of Coin, worth 3s. 8 d. a Piece, how many Reas at 20 for 3 d. English? : Answer, 14145040. (190) A. has Kerfeys at 41. 5 s. a Piece, ready Money in Barter they are charged by him at 51. 6s. each, and of that required down. B. has Flax at 3 d. a Pound; how ought he to rate it in Truck, not to be hurt by the Extortion n of A? 1 Answer, 5 & 물축 In all Solutions of Questions in Truck, the intrinfick Value of the Thing received, ought to tally with the like Value of the Thing delivered, where they deal upon the Par: If there be any Difference, some one of the Parties has the Advantage of the other by the Value of that Difference. (192) Lent 109 Guineas, at 4 Cent. which by the 18th of Aug. 1740, was raised, by the Intereft, to as many Moidores, bating 25s. 6d. Pray on what Day did the Bond bear Datel? Answer, July 7,1733 (193) Put out 384 1. to Interest, and in 84 Years there were 5421. 8 s. found to be due; what Rate of Intereft could then be implied ? Answer, 5 Cent. Annum. (194) A. for nine Months Adventure received 20 l. B. for one of seven Months received 25 Guineas; and C. for lying out of his Contribution 5 Months, had a Title to 32%. The Total of their Adventures, multiplied into their respective Times, was 6401. What then were the Particulars? Answer, A. 181. 35. 6d. B. 307. 135. 5 d. C. 521. (195) A. clears 137. in 6 Months; B. 181. in 5 Months; and C. 231. in 9 Months, with a Stock of 72%. 105. What then did the general Stock amount to? Anfwer, 131 1. 65. 10 d. nearly. I have |