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tices and Servants.

London, Jan. 27. 1764.

Promise to pay the Honourable Charles Villiers Efq; or
Bearer, on Demand, Fifty Pounds,

For Sir Richard Daventry and Partners,
Charles Streeke.


I promise to pay to the Honourable Directors of the English Company Trading to East - India, or Bearer, on Demand, Four hundred Pounds,


For my Father James Smith,


Thomas Smith.

I promise to pay the Royal African Company, or Bearer, on Demand, Three thousand fix hundred and forty four Pounds thirteen Shillings and fix Pence,

For my Masters Jennings and Willbraham.

36441. 13 s. 6d.

Adam Tellmoney.


Promise to pay Mr Edward Jones, or Bearer, on Demand, Seven hundred Pounds. April 14. 1764.

700 1.

Simon Sogood.

I promise to pay to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, Nine thousand Pounds,

[ocr errors]

For Self and Partners. July 6th. 1764.

Francis Fairfax.



I promise to pay Jofeph Pennington Esq; Cashier of His Majesty's Revenue of Excife, or Order, forty Days after Date, Four hundred and thirty Pounds, Value received,


Conrade Collector.

I pro

I promise to pay Paul Portsoken Esq; or Order, on Demand, Three hundred ninety-four Pounds two Shillings and fix Pence, Value received this

3941. 2s. 6d.



Timothy Theobalds.

I promise to pay Sir Joseph Jebb, or Order, the Sum of Thirty Pounds in Manner following; Ten Pounds, Part thereof, two Months after Date; Ten Pounds more the 17th of March next; and the remaining Ten Pounds, the 24th of June next following; Value received: Witness my Hand at London, the




Daniel Douglas.

Bromley, May 10. 1764. 1001.

Borrowed and received of Mr Aaron Goodfriend, the Sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling, which I promise to pay the said Aaron Goodfriend, or Order, upon Demand: Witness my Hand,

Witness John Brown.

Geo. Radford.

[blocks in formation]

I promise to pay to Capt. Alexis Edgecomb, or Order, on Demand, Eighteen Pounds eight Shillings and nine Pence, furnished by my Order to Lieutenant Charles Cornwall, as appears by his Receipts delivered this 12 December, 1764. to

181. 8 s. 9 d.

Hugh Harrold.

London, July 5. 1764.

I promise to furnish Mr Gregory Fitz-Harding with Bills of Exchange to the Value of Five thousand Pounds Sterling, at current Exchange, payable to himself or Order in Messina the next ensuing Fair: Value of Sir John Trevor received,


Edward Effington.

I promise to pay to Gregory Goosequill Esq; or Order, the Sum of Fifty Pounds, on Demand, after Receipt of a Bill of Exchange drawn the 10th current by Humphry Herringbone on Henry Dashet of Southampton, Malster, for the like Sum payable to William Pierce Esq; or Order, which said Gregory Goosequill has indorsed to me this 28th of January, 1764.


Alfred Dunning.

I pro

I promise to return her Grace the Dutchess Dowager of Tredegar, or Order, on Demand, one Casket of Jewels, fealed, One hundred Ounces of Gold Plate, Three hundred and fifty of ditto Silver, Seventy Caracts of Oriental Pearl, and a Thousand Pound Bank-Note, Received of her faid Grace,

For Self and Company, Nov. 19. 1764.

Trojan Trusty.


Received of W. L. Esq; nine Deeds, all relating to his Estate in the Parish of Dovebridge, near Utoxeter; which I promise to return the said W. L. or Order, undamaged, on Demand. Witness my Hand, this

Day of

Roger Norton.

Observe, Promissory Notes for a valuable Confideration should always mention the Value received, if the Thing itself be not specified; this gives them Validity in a Court of Judicature.

A Promiffory Note, mentioning Order, is indorsible from one Person to another, which is done by the present Pofsessor's writing his Name on the Back of it, and delivering it up to the Party to whom he intends to affign over his Property therein.

It is unnecessary to have a Promissory Note payable to Bearer indorsed, if you are fatisfied the Note is good.

The delivering up a Promissory Note to the Person who signed it, is a fufficient Voucher of its being paid; nor is there any need of writing a Receipt thereon.

Promiffory Notes, and Book-Debts, if not legally demanded in the Space of fix Years, cannot be recovered by Law.

If you keep a Promissory Note on Demand in your own Hands above three Days, and the Person it is upon should fail, the Loss will be your own; but if he fail within the three Days, it will light, in Equity, on the Person that paid it you.





by Contract, was to serve Laban for his two Daughters 14 Years; and when he had accomplished F Years, 11 Months, I Weeks, 11 Days, 11 Hours, and II Minutes, Pray how long had he yet to serve?

Anfw. 1 Year, 9 Mon. 3 Wks, 2 Dys, 12 Ho. 49 Min.. (52) Of the noble Family of Cornaro, the Grandfire's Age was 134 Years, and he was 93 Years older than the Son, at the Time when the Son and Father's Age together made 112 Years: Diftinguish their Ages?

Answer, Son 41, &c.

(53) B. was 14 Years old when C. was 25: How old shall C. be when B. comes to be 25?

Answer, 36.

(54) K. is 19 Years older than L. who was 27 Years of Age in the South-Sea Year, 1720: How old is M. in 1740, who, in the Year 1738, was within 24 Years of being as old as both of them together?

Answer, 87.

(55) England was conquered by William I. Oct. 4. 1066; his Son William II. came to the Crown Sept. 9. 1087, and left it Aug. 2. 1100; William III. received it Feb. 3. 1689, and died March 8. 1701: How many Days did each of these Princes govern, respect being had to the intercalary Days (added to February every Leap-Year) as they rose in the Course of Time?

Answer, Will. I. 7645 Days. Will. II. 4710 Days.
Will. III. 4416 Days.

Note, Every fourth Year is Leap-Year or Bissextile: To
find which are fuch, divide the Year of our Lord by 4.
and when nothing remains, those are the Leap-Years;
and to fuch you add one Day more than 365.

(56) B. Born 161 Years ago, died when C. was 47 Years of Age, who it seems came into the World 180 Years fince, and out-lived B. 43 Years: The Sum of the Ages of these two Persons is required?

Answer, 118 Years.

(57) If Sampson was born 17 Years after Timothy, and Timothy 26 Years before Jacob, who 28 Years hence will be just 50: In what Year of Christ were they severally born; the Question being proposed Anno 1750?

Answer, Jacob 1728. Sampson 1719. Timothy 1702. (58) Richard the First succeeded his Father Henry II. July 7. 1189; John his Brother fucceeded him April 6. 1199. Richard the Second succeeded Edward the Third on the 21st of June 1377; and was deposed by Henry IV. on the 30th of September, 1399. The third Richard caused his Nephew Edward V. and his Brother, to be murdered on the 18th of June, 1483; and was flain himself on the 22d of August, 1485. How many Days was the Realm governed by the three Richards, respect being still had to the intercalary Days as they happened?

Answer, 12493 Days.

(59) B. born Anno 1108, lived 48 Years before C. who was 113 Years senior to D. and X. was 114 Years before Y. who was 74 Years after Z. born Anno 1527: In what Years of Chrift were these Men severally born?

Answer, C. 1156. D. 1269. X. 1487. Υ. 1601.

(60) A. Born 445 Years before the Year 1733, died Anno 1362; B. born 37 Years ago, will die 18 Years hence; C. born 256 Years ago, died 197 Years since; D. born Anno 1578, lived till within 75 Years of the faid 1733: The Length of these Peoples Lives is severally required?

Answer, A. 74. B.55. C. 59. D. 80 Years.

(61) A. Born Anno Christi 318, lived 207 Years before B. who lived 104 Years after C. who was Successor to D. 84 Years; E. was also 112 Years after D. but Predeceffor to F. by 47 Years: In what Year of Christ did each of these Gentlemen flourish?

Answer, B.525. C. 421. D. 337. E. 449. F. 496. (62) If I am 42 Years older than you now, what will be the Difference of our Ages 14 Years after my Decease, in cafe Answer, 28 Years.

you shall then survive?

(63) A Snail in getting up a Maypole, only 20 Feet high, was observed to climb 8 Feet every Day, but every Night he came down again 4 Feet: In what Time by this Method did he reach the Top of the Pole?

Answer, in 4 Days.


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