INVOYCE from LONDON. Invoyce, or Factory of 6 Hhds of Tobacco, and 3 Bales of Woollen Cloth, shiped on board the under. Contents, Costs, and Charges, viz. Best bright Tobacco, 6 Hhds. viz. Cwt. gr. lb. Cowt. 18 17 2 18 4 2 Cwt. gr. lb. lb. qr. lb. N° 4. Qt. 4. 2 . 14 Suttle, 2086 Tret, 80 3. 10 26 5 4 lb. 2006 Nt. at 7 d. Pound. 1. Cloth, 3 Bales, viz. No 27, 28, 29. Qt. each to Short Cloths, at 121. Cloth. 1. Sirs, To my Commission, at 2 Cent. Ship's Husband. Errors excepted, A LETTER of ADVICE. To Messieurs Edw. Martin and Tho. Harvey. HIS is to Hamburgh, April 10. 1764. 4 advise you, that I have shiped on board the Marigold, John Getall Master, 10 Rolls of Oznabrigs; 25 Barrels of Mum; and 16 Cwt. of Latten Wire, for your proper Accompt and Risque; amounting to, as T inclosed Invoyce, 5833 Marks Lubeck, at 165. Lubeck each Mark. Exo at 152s. Lubeck, for 205. Sterling, - from, This Consignment makes in Sterl. 1. 614 Your humble Servant, James Fermyn. [To Consign Goods] Is when a Merchant, or Factor, sends Goods directed to his Correspondent or Imployer. : Mr Valentine Austin, Oct. 20. To Coft and Charges of 20 Ps. of Prunes, with Canary-Merchant, John King Master, as To my Bill of 70 Cr. 5 Sol. remitted him on Mr 55d. Cr. is the a Ton of Wine, shiped Invoyce sent John Strong, at I 1 Usance, at Edward Shaw, as & Invoyce 1291 Dec. 7. To Coft and Charges of 10 Ps. of Brandy, shiped Jan. 10. To Coft and Charges of one Tierce of White-Wine, Hhd. of Vinegar, shiped on the Truelove of Yarmouth, Nich. Rope Master To Postage of Letters to this Day Feb. 16. To Balance transferred to your Credit in new Accompt 5. I 06 。 I 16 Ο 18 4. 8 Oct. 30. By my Bill on him in Favour of Mr Francis Amot, of 312 Cr. 11 Sol. at 2 Usance, at 55 d. Cr. Dec. 14. By his Remittance at 10 Days Sight, of 270 Cr. on Messieurs Power and Jean Laroon 15. By his Remittance, at 8 Days Sight, 185 Cr. on Mr Richard Lee, of Rochel, negotiated at Cent. Loss with Mr Strange The 19th of Feb. 1764. Liv. Sol. Den. Apr. 19. By Cash, received of Capt. John Marlow 19. By a Bill of 957 Liv, 10 Sol. Exchange at 57 d. Crown June 14. By Cash received of Mr Richard Perry 24. By a Bank of England Note By Balance due to me [An Accompt of Sales] Specifies the Sale of Goods received from your Imployer, with the Charges on Receipt, and their Net Proceed. [An Accompt Current] is that wherein your Correspondent is made Dr for whatever he ought to make good, or allow, and C for what be ought to be allowed or made good to him; and is an Accompt that sums up the Heads of your Dealing with him, and decides bow Affairs stand betwixt you, to the Time of its being made out. 1764. (242) RECREATION XVII. A Weight of I 1 lb. laid on the Shoulder of a Man, is no greater a Burden to him, than its absolute Weight, or 24 Ounces: What Difference will he feel, between the said Weight applied near his Elbow, at 12 Inches from the Shoulder, and in the Palm of his Hand, 28 Inches therefrom; and how much more must his Muscles then draw to support it at Right Angles; that is, having his Arm extended right out? Answer, 24 lb. Avoirdupoiz. (243) It is conceived, that the Effects or Degrees of Light, Heat, and Attraction, are reciprocally proportional to the Squares of their Distances from the Center, whence they are propagated: Supposing then, the Earth to be 81000০০০ Miles distant from the Sun, I would know at what Distance from him another Body must be placed, so as to receive Light and Heat, double to that of the Earth ? Answer, 57275650 Miles nearly. (244) Suppose with Dr Keil, the Distance of the Sun to be from us 115 of his Diameters: How much hotter is it then at the Surface of the Sun, than under our Equator? Answer, By 13225 Degrees. (245) The Distance between the Earth and Sun is accounted 81000000 of Miles; the Distance between Jupiter and the Sun 424000000 of Miles: The Degree of Light and Heat received by Jupiter, compared with that of the Earth, is required? Answer, 6561 and Heat. , or about 2 of the Earth's Light 27 (246) Mercury, the nearest of the Planets to the Source of Heat, Light and Life, in our System appointed, the Sun, is about 32 Millions of Miles from him; Saturn, the remoteft of the Planets, is usually distant about 777 Millions of Miles: What Comparifon or Proportion is there between the Solar Influences on these two Bodies ? Answer, As 1024 to 603729. (247) A |