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The Collections of Questions interspersed, all of them
folvable by the Rules of common Arithmetic, are fubjoined,
to exercise the Pupil in Numbers, to accustom him to Calcula-
tion, and with a Design to excite his Curiosity to look farther
into their Properties and Ufe, not only as they regard themselves,
but also as they respect Lines, Surfaces, and folid Bodies.

DRAWING is an Attainment worth every Man's Pursuit;
but it is indispensibly necessary for the Mechanic: Since, a-
mong its many other Advantages, he is thereby able to con-
vey his Designs to the Apprehenfions of others, by a Sketch
off-hand, with much Clearness and Certainty.

GEOGRAPHY, as it informs us of the Situation of the se-
veral Parts of the Earth, the Distance and Bearing of Places,
the Extent, Language, Religion, and Products of different
Countries; as it is the Key to History and the public News,
and needful to the forming a right Judgment of our Country,
its Intereft and Concerns; is of too great Importance to be

To these more necessary Qualifications of the Man of Bufi-
ness, the practical parts of the Mathematics, as MEASURING,
dered as very advantageous and useful Additions: The more
speculative Parts, as GEOMETRY, ASTRONOMY, with
ALGEBRA, are also Informations that give a fublime and
noble Turn of Thought; and which, though they may not
seem Occurrences in immediate Business or Commerce, yet
do they frequently conduce to the Improvement of both, and
are always Amusements highly proper for the virtuous and
intelligent Mind.

I have supposed the Learner of a promifing Genius, and
teachable Disposition; happy in Parents able and willing to
allow him an handsome and proper Education; and happy in
Teachers, who want neither Capacity nor Integrity in their
Calling. Where all those do not concur, the Misfortune is
not easily retrieved. When once the Time of Youth is loft,
the Cares of Life are so great and many, that few or none are
ever able to recover themselves from the low Condition always
attending the Want of a proper and early Education.

Dec. 30, 1719.

M. Clare.


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T is a common Thing with young People, even those who must be allowed to understand the Principles of Arithmetic very well, to be often at a Loss, when but a fimple Propofition is made them, a little out of the cuftomary Form or common Road. In order to remedy this, it cannot be improper, in a Treatise of this Nature, here and there, at proper Stages, to intersperfe little Exercises, partly in the Way of Business, partly of Amusement and Information, to exemplify and apply what they more methodically learn. In doing which, it will not be amiss to set them down as it were promiscuoufly, that their Genius and Judgment may the better appear in the Solution of them; and to those Questions which may seem a little too intricate, for the Learner's Encouragement are given the Methods of folving them,


1W RITE down the Value of the following Numbers

in Words at length, viz: 370087. 418427900. 6210003745.41027308751.293417604712.618002030694713. 47038066250433251889411.

Usually a lefs literal Number placed after a greater, augments its Value; before, diminishes it.

The chief Roman Numbers are, I, 1. V, 5. X, 10. L, 50. C, 100. D or IO, 500. M or CIO, 1000, 100, is 5000. 1, is 50000, &c. Tenfold when repeated: So CCIOO, is 10,000.

A Line drawn over any Number less than a Thousand intimates so many Thousands; as LXX, is 70,000. C, is 100,০০০. and M, a Million.

II. Decypher the following Numbers, and find their Sum, IV. VI. IX. IIX. XIII. XLV. LXXXI. XCVI. CXC. CD. DCC. MCL. MDCXLVIII, МССМ. ІOCCCLVII. VICCLXXXX.


Answer, 1017297.

III. In :

III. In Figures express: A Million and a half in South-Sea Bonds. Ninescore and fourteen Thousand, eight Hundred Sheep. Threescore and twelve Thousand, thirteen Hundred Weight of Lead. Fifteen Thousand and fourfcore Million of Styvers. One Hundred and two Thousand, two Hundred and fix Million, seventy Thousand seven Hundred and seven Ryals of Plate. Three Million and thirty three Thousand and thirty Pieces of Eight. Four thousand and forty Hundred Pounds, thirty four Shillings, and fourteen Pence, five Farthings.

IV. For the Practice of Figure-making, in even Ranks, set down all the Numbers in the State-Lottery, as they rise successively, between 7500 exclusive, and 8000 inclusive; and find their Sum. Answer, 3875250. Find the Number of Chapters contained in the New Teftament, after that the Number of Verses, and give their joint Sum. Answer, together 8217.

Do the same by the five first Books of Moses.

Answer, together 6039.


A TABLE of the Clerk-like Contractions of

Words, for Dispatch of Business.

[blocks in formation]

AJ. Affigns.

Atto. Attorney.

A. D. In the Year of our Lord; Affeff. Affeffor.

Anno Domini.

[blocks in formation]

Aug. Augustine.

B. D. Batchelor of Divinity;

Baccalaureus Divinitatis.

Barth. Bartholomew.

Bart. Baronet.

a. m. before Noon; ante Benj. Benjamin.


A. M. Master of Arts;

Artium Magister.

World; Anno Mundi.

Amor, Amount,

Bp. Bishop.

Brit". Britain.

Bur. Burlace.

A. M. In the Year of the Busht. Bushel.

B. V. Blessed Virgin.

Bucks. Buckinghamshire.

C. in

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