Perspectives on the History of British Feminism

Marie Mulvey Roberts, Tamae Mizuta
Routledge, 1994 - 3040 páginas
Facsimile teksten van feministen. Bevat de volgende delen: The mothers : controversies of motherhood, waarin opgenomen: The separation of mother and child by the Law of 'Custody of In fants (1838) / door Caroline Norton; The Law of Population (1889) / door Annie Besant; Maternity: letters from working women (1915) / ed. door Margaret Llewelyn Davies; 'The claims of mothers and children' (1918) / door Margaret Llewelyn Davies; Radiant motherhood (1920) / door Marie Carmichael Stopes. A militant, waarin opgenomen: Memories of a militant / door Annie Kenney. The militants : suffragette activism, waarin opgenomen: The tactics of the suffragettes (1907) door Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence; Character sketch: Annie Kenney / door F.W. Pethick-Lawrence en een artikel over 'Prison Faces' (1907) door Annie Kenney; Militant methods (1908) / door Christabel Pankhurst; On the militant methods of the Women's Social and Political Union (1909) / door Graaf Lytton; No votes for women: a reply to some recent anti-suffrage publications (1909) / door Constance Lytton; Forcible feeding: a letter to a liberal member of Parliament (1909) / door H.N. Brailsford; Fed by force: how the government treats political opponents in prison (1909) door Mary Leigh; Pages from the diary of a militant suffragette (1910) / door Katherine Roberts; The prisoner: an experience of forcible feeding (1911) / door Helen Gordon; The suffragettes and their unruly methods (1911) / door T.D. Benson; Treatment of the women's deputations by the police (1911) / door Jessie Murray en H.N. Brailsford; Broken windows (1912) / door Christabel Pankhurst; Broken windows - and after (1912) / door Millicent Garrett Fawcett; Window breaking to one who has suffered (ca. 1912) ? door Anonymous; Suffragist tact/ics past and present (1912) / door Teresa Billington-Greig; Mrs Pankhurst's defence (1912) / door Emmeline Pankhurst; Why we are militant (1913) / door Emmeline Pankhurst. The wives : the rights of married women, waarin opgenomen: Some reflections upon marriage (1700) / door Mary Astell; A review of the Divorce Bill of 1856 ...affecting married persons (1857) / door Caroline Norton; A letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill (1855) / door Caroline Norton; Opinions of the press on the property of married women ( 1877) door Anonymous; Wife-torture in England (1878) / door Frances Power Cobbe; Marriage as it was, as it is, and as it should be (1882) / door Annie Besant; 'A doll's house' repaired (1891) /door Isarael Zangwill en Eleanor Marx Aveling; 'The co-operative housewife' (1903) / door Rosalind Nash; The dangers of marriage/ door Christabel Pankhurst; The married woman: is she a person? (1914) / door Anonymous. The radicals : revolutionary women, waarin opgenomen: Appeal ot the men of Great Briatin in behalf of women (1798) / door Mary Hays; A letter to the women of England on the injustice of mental subordination ( 1799) door 'Anne Frances Randall' (ps. van Mary Robinson); The female advocate: of an attempt to recover the rights of women from male usurpation (1799) / door Mary Anne Radcliffe. The campaigners : women and sexuality, waarin opgenomen: Irritation and hypertrophy of the clitoris(1866) (uit: On some diseases of women admitting surgical treatment)(1866) / door Isaac Baker Brown; Prostitution: governmental experiments in controlling it (1870) / door John Chapman; An appeal to the people of England, on the recognition and superintendence of prostitution by governments (ca 1869) / door Josephine E. Butler; A letter to the mothers of england (1881) / door Josephine E. Butler; The constitutional iniquity involved in all forms of the regulation of prostitution (ca. 1895) / door Josephine E. Butler; The great scourge and how to end it (1913) / door Christabel Pankhurst; The government's report on the great scourge (ca 1913) / door Christbel Pankhurst; How to cure the great pestilence (1913) / door Christabel Pankhurst; Plain facts about a great evil (1913) / door Christabel Pankhurst; Chastity and the health of men (1913) / door Christabel Pankhurst; The truth about white slavery (1913) / door Teresa Billington-Greig; Truth about venereal disease (1921) door Marie Carmichael Stopes.

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