Imágenes de páginas

(Lord Hailes.)

tullian's address to Tertullus.
ondary Causes Gibbon has assigned for the
ity. 2d Edition, 1808.

DAVISON, JOHN. Discourses on Prophecy.

Translation of Ter-
Edinburgh, 1790.

Inquiry into the Sec-
Progress of Christian-
Edinburgh, 1786.

Oxford, 1834.

DAWSON, THOMAS. An Appeal to the Genuine Records and Testimonies of Heathen and Jewish Writers in Defence of Christianity,

Svo. $1.50.

London, 1733.

DEANE, J. B. The Worship of the Serpent through the World,
proving the Fall.
London, 1830.
DEFENSE des Livres de l'ancien Testament, contre l'Ecrit, intitule
La Philosophie de l'Histoire. 8vo. pp. 216.
DEICHEL, JAMES. Presumptive Arguments for the Truth and
Divine Authority of the Christian Religion. 8vo.

Amsterdam, 1767.


London, 1753.

Revelation exLondon, 1732, 1763.

DELANY, PATRICK, DR. (The friend of Swift.) amined with Candor. 3 vols. DELANY, PATRICK, DR. Historical Account of King David, in which are considered the Criticisms of Bayle. 3 vols. 8vo.


London, 1741-2. DELAURO-DUBEZ, M. Aux incrédules et aux Croyants l'Athée redevenu Chrétien. Ouvrage posthume. 2d Edition. DEMONIACS. Reasons for the Credibility and Reality of Demoniacal Possessions, as recorded and exhibited in the New Testament. London, 1817.


DERHAM, WILLIAM. Physico-Theology, or a Demonstration of the
Being of God, from his works of Creation.
DERHAM, WILLIAM. Astro-Theology, or a Demonstration of the
Being of God, from the Heavens.

London, 1713.

London, 1714.

To the first of Derham's works, Paley is said to have been indebted in his Natural Theology.

DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM, THE. An absolute and irresistible Proof of the Divine Origin of Christianity. 12mo. pp. 144. 75 cents. Frankfort, Pa., 1812. DESDOUITS, M. L'Homme et la Création, ou Theorie des Causes finales dans l'Univers.


DESDOUITS, M. Les Soirées de Montlhery. Entretiens sur les origines Bibliques. 2d Edition.

Paris. DE WETTE, W. M. L. Theodore, or the Sceptic converted. 2 vols. Boston, 1840. DITTON, HUMPHREY. Discourse on the Resurrection of Christ. 3d Edition.


DODD. Discourses on the Miracles and Parables. 4 vols.

London, 1722.

London, 1809.

Boston, 1817.

DODDRIDGE, PHILIP. Three Discourses on the Evidence of the
Christian Religion. 18mo. 37 cents.
DODWELL, WILLIAM. A Free Answer to Dr. Middleton's Free
Inquiry into the Miraculous Power of the Primitive Church. 8vo.


London, 1749


DOUGLAS, JOHN. (Bishop of Salisbury.) Criterion; or, Miracles examined, with a view to expose the Pretensions of Pagans and Papists, and to compare the Miraculous Powers recorded in the New Testament with those said to subsist in later times. 8vo.

London, 1807. DOUGLASS, JAMES. (Of Cavers.) The Truths of Religion. 12mo. Boston, 1831.

62 cents. DOUGLASS, JAMES. (Of Cavers.) Errors regarding Religion. DOUGLASS, N. An Antidote against Deism, in a series of Letters. Edinburgh, 1822.


Dublin, 1730.

DOYLE, WILLIAM. An Answer to Mr. Woolston's Four Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour. 8vo. $1.25. D'OYLEY, REV. GEORGE. Letters to Sir Wm. Drummond. reply to the Edipus Judaicus.


London, 1813.

DREW, SAMUEL. Remarks on the first part of a book entitled "The Age of Reason." Addressed to Thomas Paine.

12no. 50 cts. New York, 1831.

Philadelphia, 1857.

Mainz, 1838.

SAMUEL. On the Resurrection.
DUCLOT, M. La Bible Vengée des attaques de l'incrédulité. 3 vols.


DUPIN. Jesus devant Caïphe et Pilate. A reply to the Work of Salvador.

Paris, 1828.

DUVOISIN, M. (Bishop.) L'Autorité des livres de Moyse établi.
DWIGHT, TIMOTHY. A Discourse on the Genuineness and Authen-
ticity of the New Testament. 8vo.
New York, 1794.
DWIGHT, TIMOTHY. The Nature and Danger of Infidel Philosophy.
Exhibited in Two Discourses. 8vo. pp. 93. $1.00.

New Haven, 1798. EDWARD. (Bishop of Lichfield.) A Vindication of the Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old and New Testament. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1725. EDWARDS, JOHN, DR. Discourses concerning the Authority, Style, and Perfection of the Old and New Testament.

ELLIS, J. DR. Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation not from Reason or Nature. London, 1811.

ELRINGTON, DR. Sermons on Miracles, in the Donnellan Lecture for 1795.

ERSKINE, THOMAS. Remarks on the Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion. 3d Ed. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1821. ERSKINE, THOMAS. (Lord.) The Speech of, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, June 24th, 1797, in the Case of The King v. Williams, for publishing Paine's Age of Reason; with Mr. Kid's Reply and Lord Kenyon's Charge to the Jury. 12mo. pp. 21. London, 1797.

EULER, LEONARD. Lettres à une princesse d'Allemagne.

EULER, L. Letters to a German Princess. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1802.

EUSEBIUS. Demonstratio Evangelica. Chiefly against Judaism. Rothomagi, 1628.

EUSEBIUS. Preparatio Evangelica. Against Paganism. Paris, 1544. EVANS, JOHN. An Attempt to Account for the Infidelity of the late Edward Gibbon, founded on his own Memoirs published by John Lord Sheffield; with Reflections on the Best Means of Checking the Present Alarming Progress of Skepticism and Irreligion; including an Account of the Conversion and Death of the Right Hon. George Lord Lyttelton. 8vo. pp. 76. London, 1797. EVERETT, EDWARD. A Defence of Christianity against the work of George B. English, A. M., entitled The Grounds of Christianity Examined, by Comparing the New Testament with the Old. 12mo. pp. 484. $1.50. Boston, 1844. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. Lectures on the, delivered at the University of Virginia during the session of 1850-1. 8vo. pp. 606. Thirteen Portraits. New York, 1852. EVIDENCE OF PROFANE HISTORY to the Truth and Necessity of Revelation. Crown, 8vo. Cloth. 58. 1839. FABER, GEORGE STANLEY. The Difficulties of Infidelity. To which is added a Catalogue of Books on the Evidence of Revealed Religion. 12mo. $1.00. New York, 1852. FABER, GEORGE STANLEY. Horæ Mosaicæ. 2d Edition enlarged. 2 vols. London, 1818. FARMER, HUGH. A Dissertation on Miracles, designed to show that they are arguments of a Divine Interposition, and absolute Proof's of the Mission and Doctrine of a Prophet. 8vo. pp. 555. $1.50. London, 1771. FARMER, HUGH. Works-namely, Worship of Human Spirits, a Treatise on Miracles, on the Nature of Christ's Temptation, on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, and Letters to Worthington, with a Life by Mr. Dodson. 4 vols. 8vo. London, V. D.

FARRER, JOHN. Mission and Character of Christ.

London, 1804.

London, 1720.

stration de l'existence de Dieu.
FERGUS, H. The Testimony of Nature and Revelation to the Being,
Perfection, and Government of God. 12mo. pp. 386.

Edinburgh, 1833.

FINCH. W. Considerations on the Objections of Infidel Historians, and other Writers, against Christianity. 8vo. London, 1797. FINDLAY, ROBERT. A Vindication of the Sacred Books and of Josephus, (especially the former,) from various Misrepresentations and Cavils of the celebrated Voltaire. 8vo. pp. 619. Glasgow, 1770. FINDLAY, ROBERT. The Divine Inspiration of the Jewish Scriptures. 8vo. $1.00. London, 1803.

FOSTER, JOHN. The Usefulness and Excellence of the Christian Revelation defended, in answer to Dr. Tyndal. 8vo. $1.00.

London, 1731.

FORMS OF INFIDELITY in the Nineteenth Century. See North British Review, May. Edinburgh, 1851. FORBES, DUNCAN. (Lord President.) Reflections on the Source of Incredulity with regard to Religion. 18mo. Calf. $1.00. Edinburgh, 1752. FRAYSSINOUS, M. (Evêque d'Hermopolis.) Conferences. 2 vols.

Paris, 1843.

FRANKE, G. S. Entwurf einer Apologetik d. Christ. Relig.

Altona, 1817.

FRANKS. Essay on the Use and Necessity of Revelation.
FRANKS, J. C. Hulsean Lecture for 1821 and 1823. 2 vols. 8vo.
Cambridge, 1821-3.
FULLER, ANDREW. The Gospel its own Witness; or, the Holy
Nature and Divine Harmony of the Christian Religion contrasted
with the Immorality and Absurdity of Deism. 8vo. pp. 296.
New York, 1800.

GALE, THEOPH. Court of the Gentiles. 5 vols. London, 1669–78.
GASTRELL, FRANCES. The Certainty of the Christian Revelation,
and the Necessity of Believing it.
London, 1699.
GAUME. Influence du Christianisme sur la Famille. 2 vols. 8vo.

8vo. $1.00.

Paris, 1844.

GENLIS, MADAME DE. On the Evidences of the Christain Religion.

GENOUDE, M. DE. La Raison du Christianisme, ou Preuves de la
Verité de la Religion, tirées des écrits des plus grands hommes de
la France, de l'Angleterre et de l'Allemagne. 3d Edition. 4 vols.
Paris, 1841.
Compiled from the chief Catholic and Protestant Writers on the

GENUINENESS and Inspiration of the Word of God, by the Editor of
Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. 12mo.
New York, 1846.
GERARD, ALEXANDER. Dissertations on Subjects relating to the
Genius and Evidence of Christianity. 8vo. pp. 499. Edinburgh, 1766.
GERARD, GILBERT ALEXANDER. A Compendious View of the
Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion. 8vo. pp. 335.
London, 1828.
GIBBONS, WILLIAM, M. D. An Exposition of Modern Skepticism,
in a Letter addressed to the Editor of the Free Inquirer. 3d ed.
8vo. pp. 32.
Wilmington, Del., 1829.
GIBSON, EDM. (Bishop of London.) Pastoral Letters on Infidelity.
GILDON, CHARLES. The Deist's Manual; or, a Rational Enquiry
into the Christian Religion, with Considerations on Hobbes, Spi-
noza, the Oracles of Reason, &c. 8vo.
London, 1705.

GLAIRE, J. B. Les Livres Saints Vengés, contre les attaques des
incrédules modernes. 2 vols. 8vo.
Paris, 1845.
GODEFROY, N. P. Cosmogonie de la Révélation, ou les Jours de
Genèse, en presence de la Science Moderne. Approved by Pope
Gregory XVI. 2d Edition


Romæ, 1735.

GOTTI, V. L. Veritas Relig. Christianæ contra Atheos, Polytheos,
Mahom. et Judæos. 12 vols. 4to.
GRANDPIERRE, M. Essai sur le syst. Hieroglyph. de Champollion.
Paris, 1829.

GRAVES, RICHARD, DR. Lectures on the Pentateuch. 2 vols.
London, 1807, 1815.

GRAY, ROBERT. Connection between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors, particularly that of the Classic Ages; illustrated principally with a view to Evidence in Confirmation of the Truth of Revealed Religion. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1819. GRAY, ROBERT. Discourses on Various Subjects, illustrative of the Evidences, Influence, and Doctrines of Christianity. 8vo. $1.25. London, 1793. GREENLEAF, SIMON. Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by Rules of Evidence administered in the Courts of Justice; with an Account of the Trial of Jesus. pp. 543. $4.50.

Boston, 1850. GREGORY, OLINTHUS. Letters to a Friend on the Evidence, Doctrine, and Duties of the Christian Religion. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 344 and 326. London, 1829.

GREPPO, M. Essai sur le syst. Hieroglyph. de Champollion.

Paris, 1829. Boston, 1830.

GREPPO. Do. English Translation.
GRIFFIN, GEORGE, LL. D. The Gospel its own Advocate. 12mo.
New York, 1850.

GRIMSHAW, WILLIAM. The Principles of True Christianity Vindicated, by one who has travelled through the Labyrinths of Deism. 12mo. 75 cents. London, 1815. GRISENTHWAITE, W. A Refutation of every Argument brought against the Truth of Christianity and Revealed Religion by Thomas Paine in the first part of his work called the "Age of Reason." 8vo. pp. 310. London, 1825. GROTIUS, HUGO. De Veritate Religionis Christianæ; cum notulis Johannis Clerici Anglice versis accesserunt ejusdem de eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes sententia contra indifferentiam religionum. 12mo. pp. 222. $1.00. London, 1836. GROTIUS, HUGO. The Truth of the Christian Religion, in Six Books. Corrected, and illustrated with Notes by Mr. Le Clerc. To which is added a Seventh Book, concerning the Question, What Christian Church ought we to join ourselves to? Translated into English by John Clark. 8vo. pp. 352. Oxford, 1818.

GUENEE. See "Letters of Jews to Voltaire."

GUILLON, M. Examen Critique de Gibbon, Strauss et Salvador. 2 vols. 8vo.

Paris, 1842. GURNEY, JOSEPH JOHN. Essays on the Evidences of the Doctrine and Practical Operation of Christianity. 8vo. pp. 658. $1.25.

London, 1826.

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