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" God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth ; but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of... "
Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles - Página 461
por John Brewster - 1830 - 552 páginas
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A Discourse Concerning the Nature and Design of the Lord's Supper: In which ...

Henry Grove - 1753 - 168 páginas
...with darknefs (I) ? If -we fay that -Me have fello-wjhip -with him, and -walk in darknefs, we lye, and do not the truth : but if -we -walk in the light, as he is in the light, -we have fellowJhip one -with another ; and the blood of Jefus Chrift his Son...
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Discourses on the whole chapter of Isaiah. To which is added, the ...

Nehemiah Walter - 1755 - 550 páginas
...with none but them, i Job. i. 6, 7. If tee fay that we have ftllowjkip with him, and walk in darknefs, we lie and do not the truth : but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, then have we fellow/hip one with another. God draws near to them in his ordinances...
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Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites ...

1765 - 410 páginas
...we fay that we have fellowfhip and madeft infants to glorify with him, and walk in darknefs, we lye, and do not the truth : But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jefus Chrift his Sjn cleanfeth...
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Sermons on several subjects, publ. by B. Porteus and G. Stinton, Volumen6

Thomas Secker (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1771 - 470 páginas
...all. If tve Jay, that we have Fellowjhip with him, and walk, in Darknefs, that is, Wickednefs, we lye, and do not the 'Truth. But if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, if * j John ii, 29. * E2ek. xiii. 2?. we ftudioufly imitate the Purity and Holinefs...
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A Short Defence of the Doctrine of Atonement for Sin by the Death of Christ ...

William Hey - 1774 - 116 páginas
...Chrift to cleanfe them from fin. If we fay that we have fellowjhip with him, and walk in darknefs, we lie, and do not the truth : but if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowjhip one with another, and the blood of Jefus Chrift his fon cleanfeth...
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The Select Works of William Penn....

William Penn - 1782 - 506 páginas him is no darknefs at all : if we fay that we have " fellowfhip with him, and walk in darknefs, we lie *' and do not the truth : but if we walk in the light, " as he is in the light, we have fellowfhip one with " another, and the blood of Jefus Chrift his Son...
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Tracts on Political and Other Subjects, Volumen2

Joseph Towers - 1796 - 452 páginas
...we fay 43 2 Peter i. io, 1 1 . " that ft that we have fellowlhip with him* -and ** walk in darknefs, we lie, and do not " the truth : but if we walk in the light,) *' as he is in the light, we have fellowlhip *' one with another, and the blood of Jefdf " Chrift his...
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Precious truth

310 páginas
...remedy. " If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, [ie in forgetfulness of him] we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as ho is in the light [ie in the abiding consciousness of tho presence of God], we have fellowship...
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Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: Selected and Designed for the Use of the ...

George Richards - 1802 - 370 páginas no darknefs at all. 6. If we fay that we have fellowjhip with him, and walk in darknefs, we lye, and do not the truth : ']. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowjhip one with another ; and the blood of Jefus Chrtft his Son...
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A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God: Consisting of a ..., Volumen2

William Mason - 1803 - 402 páginas
...such : refrain from them ; for " If we say that we have fellowship with Chvist, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another," and "the Wood of Jesus Christ his Son...
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