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32. And who

fay unto you, All manner of fin and blafphemy fhall be forgiven unto men: but the blafphemy against the holy Ghoft fhall not be forgiven unto men. foever fpeaketh a word against the Son of man, it fhall be forgiven him: but whofoever fpeaketh against the holy Ghost, it fhall not be forgiven him, (1) neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33. Either make the tree good and his & fruit good; or elfe make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. 34. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, fpeak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth




Mar. 3. 28. Verily I fay unto you, all Sins fhall be forgiven unto the Sons of Men, and blafphemies wherewith foever they * Luk. 12. 10.

F 4



b A&.7. 51. Ye ftiffnecked and uncircumcifed in Heart and Ears, ye do always refift the Holy Ghoft: as your Fathers did, fo do ye.

t1 Tim. 1. 13. Who was before a Blafphemer, and a Perfecutor, and Injurious. But I obtained mercy, becaufe I [Paul] did it ig norantly in unbelief.

hall blafpheme. Whofoever fhall fpeak a Word against the Son of Man, it fhall be forgiven him: but unto him that blafphemeth against the Holy Ghoft, it fhall not be forgiven. Heb. 10, 6.4. It is impoffible for those who enlightened, and have

Were once

tafted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy

dt Mat. 7. 17. Every good Tree bringeth_forth good Fruit: but a corrupt Tree bringeth forth evil Fruit. Luk. 6. 43, 44. A good Tree bringeth not forth corrupt

Ghoft, -if they fhall fall away, to 15 Fruit: neither doth a corrupt

renew them again unto Repentance. Heb. 1. 26, 29. If we fa wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, for Sins. Of how much forer Pu20 thought worthy, who hath trodden hment, fuppofe ye, fhall he be under foot the Son of God, and

Tree bring forth good Fruit: For every Tree is known by his own Fruit.

See on Mat. 3. 7.

f Hag. 2. 13, 14. If one that is unclean by a dead Body, touch any of thefe, Shall it be unclean? And the Priests anfwered and faid, It fhall be unclean. Then anfwered

hath counted the Blood of the Co- 25 Haggai, and faid, So is this People,

Evenant wherewith he was fanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done defpight to the Spirit of Grace. Joh. 5. 16. There is a Sin unto

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and fo is this Nation before me, faith the Lord: and fo is every Work of their Hands and that which they offer there is un

Death, I do not fay that he fhall 30 clean.

pray for it.


See on Luk. 6. 45.

that fome Sins are forgiven in the World to come; for our Lord's (1) In vain does the Church of Rome pretend to prove from these Words, Mening feems plainly to be, that Judgment, or Punishment, fhould fellow

Ghoft, fee on Mar. 3. 39.

fpeaketh. 35. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure, bringeth forth evil things. 36. But I fay unto you, That every 8 idle (1) word that men fhall fpeak, they fhall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37. For by thy words thou shalt be juftified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. 38.

Then certain of the Scribes and of the Pharifees anfivered, faying, Mafter, we would fee a fign from thee.

Eph. 5. 4, 6. Neither Filthiefs, nor foolith Talking, nor Jefting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of Thanks.

Let no

man deceive you with vain Words: 5 for because of these things cometh the Wrath of God upon the Children of Difobedience.

39. But

Luk. 11. 16, 29. Others tempting him, fought of him a Sign from Heaven. And when the People were gathered together, he began to fay, This is an evil generation: they feek a fign, and there fhall no fign be given it, but the fign of Jonas the Prophet. Joh. 2. 18. What h * Mat. 16. 1. The Pharifees fign fheweft thou unto us,feeing that alfo with the Sadducees, came, and 10 thou doft thefe Things? Joh. 4. tempting, defired him that he 48. Except ye fee Signs and Wonwould fhew them a fign from Hea- ders ye will not believe. Joh. 6. ven. + Mar. 8. 11. The Pharifees 30. What Sign fheweft thou, that came forth, and began to question we may fee and believe thee? with him, feeking of him a Sign 15 What doft thou work? Mat. 16. from Heaven, tempting him.


(1) Thefe Words have been very much misunderstood, which has occafioned ground lefs Scruples to arife in the Minds of fincere and good Chriftians; for by idle Words are not meant fuch as do not immediately contribute to the Glory of God, the Edification of our Neighbour, and the Salvation of our Souls. Divers Expreffions may daily drop from a good Chriftian, which it may be difficult to refer to either of thefe Ends. Such as difcourfe about News, the Weather, and other innocent and diverting Subjects. So far is the Chriftian Religion from con. demning a cheerful and. agreeable Converfation, that it makes it our Duty to be courteous. Indeed to spend too much of our Time in indifferent and trifling Converfation, which does neither good nor hurt, would be finful; as it would be in any kind of Recreation. The idle Words here forbidden, are thofe which dishonour God, and difcourage the Practice of any Duty He requires, as did thofe fcandalous Words fpo ken by the Phar fees against our Lord's Miracles, which gave occafion to his fpeaking thele Words. All falfe and fanderous Words, which rob our Neighbour of his good Name; all detracting Speeches, which leffen his juft Worth; all falfe and mischievous Words, fuch as prove the Speaker to be an evil Perfon, come under what our Saviour here delivers. If any ferupulous Perions would fee the Reafons on which this Interpretation tands, they may confult Dr. Hammend and Dr. Whitby on this Verse; of Mr. Ket, lewell's Measures of Chriftian Obedience, Book 5. Chap. 5.



39. But he answered and faid to them, An evil and terous generation feeketh after a fign, and there fhall no fign be given to it, but the fign of the Prophet Jonas. 40. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the Whales belly : fo fhall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41. The men of Nineveh fhall rife in judgment with this generation, and fhall condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, a greater than Jonas is here. 42. The Queen of the South fhall rife up in the judgment with this generation, and fhall condemn it: for fhe came from the uttermoft parts of the earth to hear the wildom of Solomon, and behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 43. When the P unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, feeking

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See Jer. 3. 11. The backAiding Ifrael hath justified her felf more than treacherous Judah. +Ezek. 16. 51. Neither hath Samaria committed half thy Sins ; but 20 thou haft multiplied thine Abominations more than they, and haft juftified thy Sifters in all thine Abominations which thou haft done. Rom. 2. 27 Shall not Uncir- 25 cumcifion which is by nature, if it fulfil the Law, judge thee, who by the Letter and Circumcifion doth transgrefs the Law?

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Jon. 3. 5. So the People of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a Faft, and put on Sackcloth, firm the greatest even to the least


of them.

* 1 King. 10. 1. When the Queen of Sheba heard of the Fame of Solomon, concerning the Name of the Lord, the came to prove him with hard Questions. 2 Chron. 9. 1. When the Queen of Sheba heard of the Fame of Solomon, the came to prove Solomon with hard Queftions at Jerufalem, with a very great Company, and Camels that bare Spices, and Gold in abundance, and precious Stones: and when he was come to Solomon, the communed with him of all that was in her heart. † Luk. 11. 31. The Queen of the South fhall rife up in the judgment with the Men of this generation, and condemn them for fhe came from the utmost Parts of the Earth, to hear the Wifdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

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Luk. 11. 24. tJob 1.7. And the Lord faid unto Satan, Whence comeft thou? Then Satan anfwered the Lord, and faid, From going to and fro in the Earth, and from walking up and down in it. † 1 Pet. 5. 8. Be fober, be vigilant; becaufe your



feeking reft, and findeth none. 44. Then he faith, I will return into my houfe from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, fwept, and garnifhed. 45. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself feven other fpirits more wicked than himfelf, and they enter in and dwell there: and the a laft ftate of that man is worfe than the first. Even fo ihall it be alfo unto this wicked generation. 46. While he yet talked to the People, behold his Mother and his thren ftood without, defiring to fpeak with him. Then one faid unto him, Behold, thy Mother and thy Brethren ftand without, defiring to fpeak with thee. 48.1 But he answered and faid unto him that told him, Who is my Mother? and who are my Brethren? 49. And he ftretched forth his hand towards his difciples, and faid, Behold my Mother, and my Brethren. 50. For whofoever fhall do the Will of my Father which is in heaven, the fame is my Brother, and Sifter, and Mother.

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* Heb. 6. 4. Heb. 10. 26. The Words under ver. 31. * 2 Pet. 2. 20. If after they have efcaped the Pollutions of the World, through the Knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, they are again entangled therein and to overcome; the latter End is worfe with them than the beginning.



they were offended at him. † Joh, 2. 12. He went down to Capernaum, he, and his Mother, and his Brethren,and his Difciplest Joh. 5 7. 3. His Brethren faid unto him. At 1.14. Thefe all continued with one accord in Prayer and Supplication, with the Women, and Mary the Mother of Jefus, and with his Brethren. † 1 Cor. 9. 5. Have we not power to lead about a Sifter a Wife as well as other Apoftles, and as the Brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? + Gal. 1. 19. Other of the Disciples faw I none, fave James the Lord's Brother.

* Mar. 3. 31. There came then his Brethren and his Mother, and ftanding without, fent unto him, 15 calling him. Luk. 8. 19, 20. Then came to him his Mother and his Brethren, and could not come at him for the prefs. And it was told him by certain which faid, Thy Mother and thy Brethren ftand without defiring to fee thee.


Mat. 13. 55. His Brethren James, and Jofes, and Simon, and Judas. Mar. 6. 3. Is not this 25 the Carpenter, the Son of Mary, the Brother of James and Jofes, and of Juda, and of Simon? And are not his Sifters here with us? And

dt See Joh. 15. 14. Ye are my Friends, if ye do whatfoever I command you. † Gal. 5. 6. In Jefus Chrift, neither Circumcifion availeth any thing, nor Uncircumcifion, but Faith which worketh by love. †Gal.6.15. InChrift Jefus,neither Circumcifion availeth anything, nor Uncircumcifion, but a new Creature. Col. 3. 11. Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, Circumcifion,



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HE fame day went Jefus out of the houfe, and fat by the Sea fide. a 2. And great b multitudes were gathered together unto him, fo that he went into a Ship, and fat, and the whole multitude ftood on the fhore. 3. And he fpake many things unto them in Parables, faying, Behold, a Sower went forth to fow. 4. And when he fowed, fome Seeds fell by the ways fide, and the fowls came and devoured them up. 5. Some fell upon ftony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they fprung up, because they had no deepnefs of earth: 6. And when the Sun was up, they were fcorched, and because they had not root, they witherf 7. And fome fell among Thorns: and the thorns fprung up and choked them. 8. But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, fome an hundred-fold, fome fixty-fold, fome thirty-fold.

ed away.


9. Who hath Ears to hear, let him hear. 10. And the difciples came and faid unto him, Why fpeakeft thou unto them in Parables? 11. He answered and faid unto them, Becaufe it is given (1) unto you to know the mysteries


cifion nor Uncircumcifion, Barba-
rian, Scythian, Bond nor Free: but
Chrift is all, and in all. See on

Mat. 7.24.
Mar. 4. 1.
again to teach by the Sea fide:
and there was gathered unto him
a great multitude, so that he entred
into a Ship, and fat in the Sea-

And he began 5

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Luk. 8. 4. And when much 10 People were gathered together, and were come to him out of every City.

Luk. 5.3.

- And he fat

down and taught the People out of 15

the Ship.

d Luk. 8. 5. A Sower went cut

to fow his Seed...

Eph. 3. 17. Rooted and ground

ed in love. Col. 2.7. Rooted and 20


built up in him, and ftablished in the Faith, as ye have been taught. Jer. 4. 3. Break up your fallowground, and fow not among Thorns.

8 Gen. 26. 12. Then Ifaac fowed in that Land, and received in the fame Year an hundred-fold, and the Lord bleffed him.

ht See on Mat. 11. 15.

i Mat. 16. 17. Bleffed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Hea ven. Mar. 4. 11. And he faid unto them, Unto you it is given to know the Mystery of the Kingdom of God.Mat. 11. 25.- Thou haft hid thefe things from the wife


(1) These Words do not imply that God denies that Knowledge which


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