you with water untó repentance; but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whofe fhoes I am not worthy to bear he fhall 4 baptize you with the holy Ghoft, (1) and with Fire. Fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, 12. Whofe with the holy Ghost. † A&ts 19. 4. Then faid Paul, John verily baptized with the Baptifm of Repentance, faying unto the People, that they fhould believe on him that thould come after him, that is, on Chrift Jefus. † Ifa. 4. 4. When the Lord fhall have washed away the filth of 1othe Daughters of Zion, and fhall have purged the Blood of Jerufalem from the midft thereof, by the Spirit of Judgment, and the Spirit of Burning. † Mal. 3. 2. But who and who fhall ftand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers fope. Gal 4. 6. Becaufe ye are Sons, God hath 20fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts, crying Abba, Father. Tit. 3. 5. According to his Mercy he faved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the 26. John bare witnefs of him, and cried, faying, This is he of whom I fpake, He that cometh after me, is preferred before me, for he was before me. John an- 5 fwered them, faying, I baptize with water; but there ftandeth one among you, whom ye know not. Joh. 7. 38, 39. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath faid, out of his belly hall flow rivers of Living Water. (But this fpake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him, fhould receive: for the holy Ghost was not yet given, be-15may abide the Day of his coming? caufe that Jefus was not yet glorified.) Ifai. 44. 3. I will pour Water on him that is thirfty, and floods upon the dry Ground: I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, and my blefling upon thine Offspring. Acts 1.5. John truly baptized with water; but ye fhall be baptized with the holy Ghost not many Days hence. Acts 2 4. They were25holy Ghost. all filled with the holy Ghost, and beLuk. 3. 17. Mal. 3. 3. gan to fpeak with other Tongues as And he fhall fit as a refiner of Silthe Spirit gave them utterance, ver and he fhall purifie the Sons Acts 11. 16. Then remembered I of Levi, and purge them as Gold and the Word of the Lord, how that he30Silver, that they may offer unto the faid, John indeed baptized with Lord an offering in Righteoufnefs. Water: but ye fhall be baptized (1) The Word and does not always join Sentences together, but is fometimes ufed as an explicative, and denotes that the Words after it explain thofe that are before it. So that the Senfe of this Place feems to be, He hall baptize you with the holy Ghost, which is like Fire. As Fire refines Metals, and enlightens the Place where it is; fo the holy Spirit enlightens the Minds of Men, and purges and cleanfes their Souls. Or the Baptift may allude to that extraordinary Effufion of the holy Ghoft which was to fall on the Apoftles on the Day of Pentecoft, whofe appearance was like unto Fire, A&t. 2. 3. And that Baptifm with the holy Ghoft and with Fire fignifie one and the fame thing, is manifeft, because when our Lord difcourfed on this Subject with Nicodemus, Joh. 3. 5. He mentions the being born of Water and of the Spirit, but fays nothing of Fire. $ but he Year of our floor, and gather his wheat into the garner: will bun up the chaff with unquenchable Fire. 13. Then cometh Jefus u from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14. But John (2) forbad him, faying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15. And Jefus anfwering, faid unto him, Suffer it to be fo now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he fuffered him. 16. And Jefus, when he was baptized, went up ftraightway out of the Water: And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he faw a the Spirit of God defcending like a Dove, and lighting upon him. 17. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleafed. СНАР. from Heaven, which said, Thou are my beloved Son, in thee I am wellpleafed. † Joh. 1. 32, 33. And John bare record, faying, I faw the Spirit defcending from Heaven like a Dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not, but he that fent me to baptize with Water, the fame faid unto me, Upon whom 10thou fhalt fee the Spirit defcending and remaining on him, the fame is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghoft. It came to pafs in thofe Days, that Jefus came from 5 Nazareth of Galilee, and was bap tized of John in Jordan. Luk. 3. 21. Now when all the People were baptized, it came to pass that Jefus alfo being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened. Matt. 2. 22. * Ifa. 11. 2. And the Spirit of the Lord fhall reft upon him, the b Jah. 12. 28. Father, gloriSpirit of Wisdom and Understand-15fie thy name. Then came there a ing, the Spirit of Counfel and Voice from heaven, faying, I have Might, the Spirit of Knowledge, both glorified it, and will glorifie and of the fear of the Lord. t Ifa. it again. 42. I. Behold my Servant whom I с + Pf. 2. 7. I will declare the uphold, mine elect in whom my1odecree: the Lord hath faid unto Soul delighteth: I have put my me, Thou art my Son, this Day have Spirit upon him, he fhall bring I begotten thee. † Ifa. 42. 1. The forth Judgment to the Gentiles. Words are under ver.16. † Matt. 12. ** Luk. 3. 22. And the holy Ghost de- 18 Behold, my Servant whom I fcended in a bodily fhape like aishave chofen, my beloved in whom Dove upon him, and a voice came 'my (2) Thefe Words imply that St. John knew who our Lord was when he came to him. It may therefore be asked, How is this confiftent with his faying, Joh. 1.31. that he knew him not? To this it is answered, that he knew him not perfonally, having never converfed with him; but that being a Prophet, and full of the holy Ghost even from his Mother's womb, Luk. 1. 15. it was revealed to him who he was, at the time our Lord came to be baptized of him. T CHA P. IV. c HEN was Jefus led up of the fpirit into the Wilderness to be tempted of the Devil. 2. And when he had (1) fafted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3. And when the tempte came to him, he faid, If thou be the Son of God, com mand that thefe ftones be made Bread. 4. But he anfwered and faid, It is written, Man (2) fhall not live by Bread my Soul is well pleased: I will Mafter: left peradventure the Spiput my Spirit upon him, and he rit of the Lord hath taken him up, Thall fhew judgment to the Gen- and caft him upon fome Mountiles. Matt. 17. 5. -Behold. a tain, or into fome Valley. Ezek. Voice out of the Cloud, which faid, 3. 14. So the Spirit lifted me up, This is my beloved Son, in whom I 5 and took me away. Ezek. 40. am well pleased. + Luk. 9. 35. There 2. In the Visions of God, brought he came a Voice out of the Cloud, fay- me to the Land of Ifrael, and fet ing, This is my beloved Son, hear me upon a very high Mountain, by him. Eph. 1. 6. He hath which was, as the frame of a City made us accepted in the beloved. on the South. Acts 8. 39, 40. Col. 1. 13. Who hath delivered 10The Spirit of the Lord caught away as from the power of Darkness, and Philip, that the Eunuch faw him hath tranflated us into the King- no more. But Philip was found dom of his dear Son. † 2 Pet. 1. at Azotus. 7. For he received from God the Father, honour and glory, when there came fuch a Voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleafed. Heb. 4. 15. We have not an 15high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without Sin. a Mar. 1. 12. And immedi-20 ately the Spirit driveth him into the Wilderness. Luk. 4. 1. Jefus being full of the holy Ghost, was led by the Spirit into the Wildernefs. d Deut. 8. 3. Man doth not live by Bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth Man live. Wifd. 16. 26. That thy 25 Children, O Lord, whom thou lov 1 King. 18. 12. It fhall eft, might know that it is not the come to país, as foon as I am growing of Fruits that nourisheth gone from thee, that the Spirit of Man: but that it is thy Word the Lord fhall carry thee whither I which preferveth them that put know not. 2 King. 2. 16.-Let3otheir trust in thee. them go we pray thee and feek thy (1) Exod. 34. 28. Deut. 9. 9, 18. 1 King. 19. 8. Mofes and Elijah fafted forty Days and forty Nights. (2) The Senfe of thefe Words, according to the learned Surenbufius in his excellent Work, wherein he accounts for the Difficulties in the Texts cited in the New Teftament out of the Old, is this: Although I am very hungry, yet it is better to obey God, and to trust in his Word than Bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God. 5. Then the Devil taketh him up into the holy City, and fetteth him on a pinnacle of the Temple. 6. And faith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, caft thy felf down: for it is written, He fhall give his f Angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands they fhall bear thee up, left at any time thou dafh thy foot against a ftone. Jefus faid unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 8. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and fheweth him all the Kingdoms of the World, and the glory of them: 9. And faith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10. Then faith Jefus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou fhalt h worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou serve. 11. Then the devil leaveth him, and behold, Angels came and miniftred unto him. k 12. Now Year of our Lord 30, 3 when Jefus had heard that John was caft [Or, delivered up] into Prifon, he departed into Galilee. 13. And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt Neh. 11.18. All the Levites in the holy City were two hundred fourfcore and four. † Ifa. 48. 2. For they call themselves of the holy City. Mat. 27. 53. into the boly City. Went 5 f * Pf. 91. 11. For he fhall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. I in ferve, and to him fhalt thou cleave, ** Mar. 1.14. Now after that John was put in Prison, Jefus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. + Luk. * Deut. 6. 16. Ye fhall not 3. 19, 20. But Herod the tetrarch, tempt the Lord your God, as yerobeing reproved by him for Hero tempted him in Maffah. dias his brother Philip's Wife, and h * Deut. 6. 13. Thou fhalt for all the Evils which Herod had fear the Lord thy God, and ferve done, added yet this above all, him, and fhalt fwear by his Name.15that he fhut up John in Prifon * Luk. * Deut. 10. 20. Thou shalt fear the 4.14, 31. And Jefus returned in Lord thy God, him fhalt thou the than to hearken to any other Spirit whatsoever; becaufe God can preferve the Life of Man by other means than Bread, namely, by his most powerful and efficacious Word, by which he created all things at firft, and has hitherto preferved them, and by which eternal Life will be conferred on him who believes God to be a Rewarder of those who depend on him. If therefore I fhall obey his Word, tho' I have not Bread, yet I fhall not want Food. And this our Lord proves by the Word of God, which cannot deceive, in Capernaum, which is upon the Sea Coaft, in the borders Zabulon and Nepthalim: 14. That it might be fulfi led which was fpoken by Efaias the prophet, fayin 15. The Land of Zabulon, and the Land of Ne thalim, by the way of the Sea beyond Jordan, the Gentiles: 16. The people which fat in darkne faw great lights and to them which fat in the regio and fhadow of death, light is fprung up. that time Jefus : 17. Fro began to preach, and to lay, "Repen * Ifai. 9. 1, 2. -When at the first he lightly afflicted the Land of Zabulon, and the Land of Napthali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the Sea, beyond Jordan Galilee of the Nations. The People that walk ed in darkness, Have feen a great Light: They that dwell in the Land of the fhadow of Death, upon them hath the Light fhined. m* Mar 1. 14. The Words above, ver. 12. fo the Power of the Spirit into Gali- but finners to repentance. In Ma lee And came down to Caper. 2. 17. and Luk. 5. 32. are almo naum a City of Galilee, and taught the fame Words. Mar. 6. 12. The them on the Sabbath Days. Joh. went out and preached that Me 4.43. Now after two Days he de- 5 fhould repent. Mar. 1. 15. Th parted thence, and went into Ga- time is fulfilled, and the kingdon lilee.. of God is at hand: repent ye, an believe the Gospel. Luk. 3.8 10Bring forth therefore fruits worth of repentance. Luk. 11.32. Ma 12.41. The Men of Nineveh fhal rife up in the Judgment with thi generation, and fhall condemn it for they repented at the preaching o 15Jonas; and behold, a greater tha Jonas is here. Job 42. 6. I abho my felf, and repent in Duft an Alhes. Luk. 13.3 Except ye re pent, ye fhall all likewife perifh 20Luk 15. 7. -Joy fhall be in hea 1 King. 8. 47, 48, 49. If they ven over one finner that repenteth fhall bethink themfelves, and re- Luk. 24. 47. That Repentance and pent, and make Supplication unto remiffion of Sins fhould be preach thee, faying, we have finned and ed in his name among all nations.have done perverfly, we 2. 38. Repent and be baptized mitted wickedness; and fo return unto thee with all their Heart, and with all their Soul. Then hear thou their Prayer. Ezek. 18. 30, 31. Repent and turn your felves from3obe blotted out.all your tranfgreffions; fo iniquity fhall not be your ruine Caft away from you all your tranfgreffions, whereby ye have tranfgreffed, and make you a new Heart and a new Spi-35 rit.- Mat. 3. 2, 8. Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand: Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. Matt 9. 13.-I am not come to call the righteous, n every one of you in the name of Je and |