Nov. 10th. At Bristol, in the eighty-fifth year of his age, and the fifty-ninth of his ministry, the Rev. Robert James. He commenced his ministerial labours in 1798, and continued them for only seventeen years, being then disabled from an injury, the effects of which he continued to suffer through life. Such services as his infirm state permitted, he continued cheerfully to render to the cause of his Redeemer during a lengthened period of seclusion and suffering. He was a man of unaffected piety and sterling integrity; a painstaking, instructive, and earnest Preacher; and an example of submissive contentment under severe suffering and the mental exercises incident to protracted affliction. His last illness was short, though very painful; and, with a bright prospect of eternal glory, he died in great peace. J. L. Nov. 21st.-At Bideford, Mr. Thomas Honey, In his twenty-eighth year. It was at a prayermeeting, held after a sermon by the Rev. H. B. Trethewey on Psalm xxxii. 3, about eight years ago, that he was enabled to believe to the saving of his soul. During the last six years he has been a laborious and acceptable Local Preacher. It pleased the Lord to honour him with several conversions. Had it been the will of God, he would have rejoiced to live in order to be useful; but he was not afraid to die. He knew whom he had believed. He had perfect peace. Τ. Η. Nov. 28th.-At Alderney, Mr. Reuben Grigg, aged thirty-five. He had for many years been a member among the Wesleyans in the Bideford Circuit, and generally beloved. About three weeks before his decease he visited Alderney in accordance with medical advice, hoping to recruit his wasted strength. These last days were spent at the house of his friend who pens this notice, to whom it was solemnly delightful to behold the triumphs of Divine grace. Mr. Grigg had ofttimes manifested a thoughtful shrinking from the final struggle: yet, when his end drew nigh, he felt no dread-no struggling into life. On the morning of the 28th he said to his friend, "I am dying, but I have no fear. I have been a poor, weak Christian; but I trust in Christ. He has said, 'Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out.' 'I will heal thy backslidings, I will receive thee graciously, I will love thee freely." Some of the great and precious sayings of "the Book" were then quoted, concluding with the Saviour's words, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." With much fervour he responded, "Yes!" and then, with uplifted eye, as though he beheld the eternal gates unfolding, and Jesus waiting to receive him, he calmly added, ""When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, Thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers:' and I believe " Having thus spoken, he fell asleep, and quietly slept into the arms of death, -say, rather, into the arms of Jesus. F. C. H. herself with God's people. For more than forty Nov. 3d.-Aged twenty-six, Miss E. Drake, of Kingsland-road. Yielding to the influence of the Holy Spirit, at the age of fifteen she devoted her heart to God, united herself to the Methodists of Hoxton, (now worshipping in the New-NorthRoad chapel,) and joined the class in which she remained to the day of her death. Her attachment to Christ and His church was displayed by unwearied diligence in the cause of Missions, the Sunday-school, and the visiting of the sick and destitute. Her piety was cheerful: earth was regarded not as a forsaken wilderness, but a scale to heaven. Her last long illness was borne with perfect resignation. When life was fast ebbing, her language was, "I have no fear of the dark valley; all is bright beyond. I am a helpless sinner, trusting alone in the merits of Jesus. Though all else seems gone, I am kept by Jesus." The thought of re-union with departed friends greatly cheered her; while her anxiety for those around her was expressed by solemn and earnest requests to meet her in heaven. Μ. Nov. 6th.-At Hunslet, in the Leeds Fourth Circuit, Mr. Joshua Schofield, aged fifty-six. Though born of pious parents, he did not seek personal religion until his forty-second year, when he was deeply awakened under the ministry of the Rev. W. Brailsford. For more than fourteen years he maintained an unblemished character, and was distinguished by the simplicity of his faith, the fervency of his zeal, and the earnestness of his love to Christ. In his last illness, which continued for nearly four months, his great sufferings induced a longing to be released; yet he was perfectly resigned to the will of God. His last words, which were spoken in the midst of considerable pain, were, "O, how I love Jesus!" J. H. LONDON:-PRINTED BY JAMES NICHOLS, HOXTON-SQUARE. WESLEYAN-METHODIST MAGAZINE. FEBRUARY, 1857. MEMORIALS OF EDMUND THOMPSON, ESQ., FORMERLY OF ARMIN, LATE OF SCARBOROUGH. (Concluded from page 13.) THE domestic life of Mr. Thompson was most peaceful and happy. He was married, in the year 1810, to his cousin, Anne Harrington, of Earlscolne, Essex. This was a union of mutual and uninterrupted happiness during forty-four years. Home was the centre of his most sacred joys. He was in every sense the parent of a large family, though he never bore the name: from that of a beloved brother he numbered his sons and daughters. From the "Father of the fatherless" he took them as a solemn trust; and they only, by whom his name will never be uttered without a blessing and thanksgiving, can fully know how sacredly this trust was fulfilled. Each name was engraven upon the breastplate of his heart, and many times a day commended to the notice of the God of the families of the earth. Looking on the group assembled around his dying bed, he said with emphasis, "I have never prayed for myself but I have prayed for you." The fidelity which characterized his home relations was no less marked in his friendships. With a heart sensitive as that of a woman to neglect or indifference, he had such a wellspring of affectionate solicitude for those whom he called friends, (and they were many indeed,) that he could not be happy unless he had constant knowledge of their affairs. It is considered by many who have had extensive opportunities for observation, that, as a Christian master, Mr. Thompson had scarcely a parallel. The motto he constantly impressed on himself, in the presence of his servants, had a literal fulfilment in him and in them: "A Christian ought to be the best master, and the best servant, in the neighbourhood." His government was quite patriarchal. He never engaged a servant without prayer, in private and in the family-circle, for counsel from above. His "eyes" were "upon the faithful of the land;" and he would journey any distance to obtain religiouslydisposed persons. In this respect he was most successful, and they remained long in his service. In the space of forty years, only three were successively at the head of the female department, all women of high principle and established piety. The foremen, with few excep VOL. III. - FIFTH SERIES. H tions, were Christians, whose influence was most salutary on the younger men, many of whom came ignorant and careless, and left with minds enlightened and hearts renewed. Like Abraham, the master did not fail to "command his household after him." His authority was paramount-he required diligence, activity, obedience, and respect. Himself an early riser, and remarkable for regular hours and habits of life, punctuality was the law; and thus order and comfort were established. From the day that new servants entered the house, they were made to feel that they were taken into a near relationship that the master felt an almost parental concern in their welfare, both temporal and spiritual. Evening prayer was invariably held at a very early hour, to prevent drowsiness, and give time for rest proportioned to the daily labour. It was never allowed to degenerate into a mere form of worship. Each servant was required to bring his or her Bible, and to read aloud verse by verse; thus attention was secured, and a powerful stimulant given to self-improvement. Passages that seemed obscure were explained, and practical remarks, short and pointed, enforced. It was a very usual thing with Mr. Thompson, after closing the book, to lean forward, and give a colloquial address to the domestic company, in which he showed an accurate acquaintance with their state of mind and feeling, their trials and temptations; and convinced them that he considered them of equal importance with himself, in the sight of God. He spared no pains to induce them to read and think, telling them how many a great and good man had followed the plough, or been engaged in menial occupations. If any of them were beginning to seek the way to heaven, he endeavoured to improve the judgment, as well as to touch the heart; that, when the first fresh feelings should subside, "an anchor, sure and steadfast," might remain. He was never more successful than in his conversations with religious inquirers. A young man who had lived in his service hired himself to a master who never had family-prayer. The master, who valued his servant, was surprised at the end of the first week by receiving the intimation, "I am very sorry, Sir, but I must leave your service." On an inquiry into the cause, he respectfully replied, that in Mr. Thompson's family there had always been morning and evening worship, and that he found it impossible to live where there was not. The master was rebuked, (he had known the way of righteousness,) immediately restored family-prayer, and retained the young man. -" My husband came to Armin," says a worthy Christian lady, "a sincere seeker of salvation, but ignorant of the way of faith. At the family-altar he received power to believe with the heart unto righteousness, (your uncle the teacher,) and he went on his way rejoicing. Barnabas Shaw, too, was under serious impressions when he was hired by Mr. Thompson. He was instructed in like manner: and was Barnabas Shaw's conversion of little moment?" It will be well known that Mr. Shaw became one of the most laborious and useful Ministers in South Africa. Soon after his conversion he evinced a love for reading. His piety became so fervent, |