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From January 1, 1777, to July 31, 1778, inclusive.












WEDNESDAY, January 1, 1777.

Resolved, That 2000 dollars be advanced to the committee of secret correspondence; they to be accountable:

That 150 dollars be advanced to the board of war; they to be accountable. Congress being informed that lieutenant-colonel Baylor, one of general Washington's aid-de-camps, who brought the despatches from general Washington, read yesterday, was at the door,

Ordered, That he be admitted.

Lieutenant-colonel Baylor being accordingly admitted, gave a particular account of the late action at Trenton, and withdrew.

Resolved, That a horse, properly caparisoned for service, be presented to lieutenant-colonel Baylor, and that he be recommended to general Washington to be appointed to the command of a regiment of light-horse; and that he rank with colonel Sheldon, lately appointed to the like command, saving to colonel Sheldon any preference which arises from the senior date of his commission.

Resolved, That 18 79 dollars be paid to colonel Walter Stewart, for his expenses in going to Peeks-Kill with despatches for general Lee.

Resolved, That all the prisoners now in the town of Baltimore, be sent under a guard to Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, and there closely confined in the stockaded fort, erected for securing prisoners; and that it be earnestly recommended to the committee of inspection of Lancaster, not to permit any person to converse with them, except in the presence of the officer of the guard:

That the committee of inspection of Baltimore, be requested to send the prisoners under guard to Lancaster, and deliver them, with a copy of the above resolution, to the committee of that borough.

An intercepted letter from Patrick Tonyn, governor of East-Florida, to the right hon. lord George Germaine, dated St. Augustine, 19th July, 1776, being laid before Congress,

Resolved, That a letter be written to the president and council of the state of Georgia, by the president of Congress, enclosing a copy of the said intercepted letter, recommending to the said president and council, that they proceed immediately to apprehend and secure George Mackintosh, and take such other effectual measures, as they shall judge necessary, for the safety of the United States of America.

The several matters to this day referred, being postponed,
Adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow.

THURSDAY, January 2, 1777.

A memorial from Thomas Irving, a prisoner of war now in Baltimore, was presented to Congress, and read, praying that he be set at liberty, or allowed to proceed on his return to Carolina, agreeable to a permission granted him by governor Trumbull:

Resolved, That the said Thomas Irving be permitted to proceed to SouthCarolina, under bis present parole, to be, when he arrives there, under the direction of governor Rutledge, or the executive power of that state.



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