Imágenes de páginas

tion of state losses, justice, 367
Samuel J., and exchange, 148n.
nd Manuscripts, American Papers, 181n.
James T., Elbridge Gerry, In.
a-Hungary, commissioner to, 197, 210n.,

John, jr., letter to, 321n.

William, and accounts of New England
ippers, 485; deputy commissary-general
purchases, 314, 412

", Richard, conference on defense, 332n.
Fraus, Jean G., and mercenaries, 451n.
r, Thomas, French in American Revolution,

nore, removal of Congress to, opinions on
ife at, 174n., 175-180, 182-184, 183n., 186-
89, 195, 196, 200, 201, 208, 209, 214, 215,
232n., 237, 240, 243, 255, 284, 287
more County, Md., militia, 180n.

roft Collection, American Revolution, 68n.;
Langdon-Elwyn Papers, 402n.; Letters of
J. Adams and J. Q. Adams, 53n.; Livings-
ton Papers, 17n.; Wayne Papers, 100n.
ret, John, on treatment of prisoners, 438
rington, William, prisoner of war, 438n.
row, Sir John, Richard, Earl Howe, 94n.
row, Mrs. Thomas, exchange, 147, 148
tlett, Josiah, member, and Howe's concil-
iation proposals, 20, 66, 88; and plan for
army, 83, 89; and Stark, 463; attendance
urged, 319, 538; Correspondence, 145n.;
leave, 127; Letters, 125n.; letters of (1776),
5, 12, 20, 29, 39, 47, 53, 62, 65, 66, 82, 88,
117, 117п., 125, 126; letters to (1776), 145,
157, 158, 186, 187, 198; (1777), 238, 271,
303, 319, 342, 342n., 357, 440, 449, 456 (2),
538; on Alsop's resignation, 39; periods of
service, lii

artlett Correspondence, 145n.

arton, William, and army reforms, 594
ass, Joseph, brings foreign despatches, 440
ate, James, mission, 203n.

atwell, Daniel, parole, 550, 600

ayard, John, and cantonment of army, 591
aylor, George, bears news of Trenton, 201;
horse for, promotion, 201, 202
Feaumarchais, Pierre A. Caron de, see Hortales
Selton, Joseph, plan against British fleet, 9n., 20
Benjamin, W. R., letter possessed by, 500n.
Bennington, battle of, handbills on, for Wash-

ington's army, 473n.; news, 460, 462, 464,
466; reward for Stark, 473n., 474, 508
Benson, Egbert, committee on Rhode Island ex-
pedition, 587

Besonett, Charles, tavern keeper, 136
Bethlehem, Pa., protection for Moravians, 499n.
Bicker, Victor, marine command, 192
Biddle, Alexander, Old Family Letters, 7n.
Biddle, Nicholas, preparation for cruise, 155
Biddle, Owen, conference on defense, 332n.
Bigelow, John, Benjamin Franklin, 94n.
Bills of credit, see Loan certificates; Paper

[blocks in formation]

481-483, 485, 488-492, 503, 510; see also

Bingham, William, agent at Martinique, 64n.,
96n.; and diplomatic correspondence, 129,
130; and French officers, 368; and supplies
from France, III, 112n.; letter received by
Congress from, 96; letters to, 96, 232, 259;
news from, 165n., 178, 226, 232, 362, 583;
remittance to, 233

Blaine, Ephraim, deputy commissary-general of
purchases, 412n.; Indian proposals, 45
Bland, Theodorick, and bounty for corps, 269
Blankets, from state prize, 134; need by army,
500n.; requisition, 296

Blockade by British, hindrance to despatches,

219; of Delaware and Chesapeake bays, 233,

334, 338, 339; raising at Delaware capes, 215
Blount, Jacob, and North Carolina accounts, 324
Board of war, and defense of Pennsylvania

(1776), 160; and Hazen court-martial, 138;
and troops for Philadelphia, 123; letters of,
39, 128, 132, 146, 147, 160, 269, 360, 378, 539;
needed reform, 186; new, of outside men,
members, xi, 196, 190. 210, 210n., 528, 539,
559, 563, 570-576, 582, 584, 588, 589; salaries,
573-575; Secretary at War succeeds, 211n.
Boismartin, see Du Boismartin
Bolton, Reginald P., Bombardment of New
York, 9n.

Bordeaux, ship from, 352n.
Bordley, William, news of British movements,

Borré, Chevalier Prudhomme de, arrival, 352n.,
conduct at Brandywine, resignation, 493,

Boston, fortification, 211; marine officers at,
318n.; naval board, members, duties, 318,
334, 339-341, 356, 359, 386, 404; rumor of
intended attack, 350; see also next title
Boston, siege of, Charlestown's petition for
damages, 363, 366-368, 378; medal, 49, 50
Boston Gazette, 436n.
Boudinot, Elias, member, commissary-general
of prisoners, 212n.; elected delegate, liv
Boudinot, Jane J., Elias Boudinot, 212n.
Boundaries of states, and Confederation, 29, 44,
48; jurisdiction over disputes under Con-
federation, 536, 555; see also Western

Bounty, effect of delay in offering, 247; extra,
in New England, 340; in North Carolina,
44; money and land, for war or three years
enlistment, 44, 57, 61, 83-85, 89, 95, 99, 103,
106, 116, 143, 144, 151n., 157, 159, 160-163,
166; special extra, refused, 378; Virginia
lighthorse on re-enlistment, 269; Wash-
ington and, 122; see also Pay

Bowden, Lawrence, and capture of ship, 144,
145n., 149

Bowdoin, James, and Temple claim, 58n.; presi-
dent of Massachusetts council, letters to,
228, 327

Boynton, Edward C., West Point, 108n.
Brackett, Joshua, letter to, 26n.
Bradford, John, continental agency, 25, 125;
letter to, 25

Bradford, William, member, elected delegate,


Brandywine, battle of, Borré, 493; inquiry and
Ticonderoga inquiry, 518; news, 492; situ-
ation after, 494; Sullivan and defeat, 495-
497, 514, 517-520

Braxton, Carter, member, expected absence, 32;
periods of service, lxix

Brieven van en aan Joan Derck van der Capel-
len van de Poll, 400n.

Brigadier-generals, election (1776), 45-47. 55,
61n., 141; (1777), 235, 256, 269, 271, 325n.,
361, 362, 462n., 493n., 508, 560n.; see also
Officers of army

Brimer,, Hancock's demand on, 29
Brimstone, armed vessel, 334

Bristol, Pa., camp at, 328, 338, 350; removal of
stores, 499

Brit, Lt. - bears letters, 192

British army, see Burgoyne, John; Howe, Sir
William; Mercenaries; Newport; Prison-
ers of war

British Historical Manuscripts Commission, Re-
port on American Manuscripts in the Royal
Institution, 566n.

British Museum, Additional Manuscripts, Auck-

land Manuscripts, American Papers, 181n.
Bromfield, Henry (?), and Thomas Morris, 391
Brookfield, Mass., and magazine, 226, 270, 324
Brotherhead, William, Book of the Signers,


Brothers and Doffler, petition, 513
Brown, John, alias John Lee, conspirator, 333n.
Brown, John, express, 305, 407
Brown, John, of Philadelphia, as messenger
from Howe, 559, 562

Brown, John, of Providence, and Continental
agency, 125

Brownson, Nathan, member, periods of service,

Bryan, George, vice-president of Pennsylvania,

letters to, 561n., 591, 592, 600

Buchanan, William, and commissary difficulties,
588; conference on commissary, 564; dep-
uty and later commissary-general of pur-
chases, 315n., 408n., 412
Bull, John, memorial, 146n.
Bulloch, Archibald, member, elected delegate,

Burgoyne, Alan H., Submarine Navigation, 201.
Burgoyne, John, expected re-enforcements for,

189; false news of plan, 326, 350; feared,
preparations against (1776), 5, 40, 41; see
also Saratoga campaign

Burke, Bartholomew, command for, 236
Burke, Thomas, member, Abstracts of Debates,
v, 238, 240, 241, 249, 253, 261, 265, 268, 274,
275 (2), 282, 285, 298, 320; and Confedera-

345, 395; attendance urged, se z
238, 256; attitude as delegate, A
leave, 399, 417, 472, 542; letters a
235, 257, 287, 294, 3140, 324 355
370, 398, 416, 431, 437, 472, 406, 42 ;
letters to, 547, 562, 583; notes on
Confederation, 552; on alarm (Apr.
326; on bluffing declaration
274; on conventions to regulate in
254, 258; on displacing Schuyler
on election of general officers
financial problems, 257, 432, 47211
gia delegates, 275, 282, 371; on iz
cates interest, 241, 242, 282; 0.
states and western claims, 257
prospects (1777), 472; on militant
542; on New England, 257; #F
West Florida expedition, 421, 45
taliation, 265, 266, 299; on return
delphia, 285; on right of a state
postponement, 282-284; on size ci
tions, 239;
on status of Conge
period of service, lx; remarks a
federation, 556

Burnett, Edmund C., " American Ne

for Commercial Treaties", Ite

mittee of the States", 540n.
Burr, Thaddeus, and W. Franklin,
Bushnell, David, submarine, 201, 42
Byers, James, and cannon casting, 12.1
Byram River, as New England line, 5
Cadwalader, John, brigadier-general, 2:

Cady, Jeremiah, petition on pay, 142
in New Jersey campaign, 206
Caldwell, James, letters to, 32, 34, 293
292, 293

Calendar of New York Historical Man

Revolutionary Papers, 207n.
Campbell, Archibald, as hostage for Le
Camelia, H. M. S., capture by, 2240

Campbell, Donald, court-martial, 218
259, 265, 266, 300, 302; parole, 512
Campbell, Farquhard, as prisoner, 287
Campbell, William, privateer, capture b
Canada, appeal to re-enforce expedition,

command of retreated expedition,
commissioners, report, 16; disgrace of
from, 57; Gates and vacancies in army
Gates on condition of force, 46; propag
in (1777), 579; proposed expedition ag
British lake shipping, 590; reasons for
ure in, 36, 41, 46, 47n., 99; retreat in
army at Ticonderoga, 28; special pay cas
of expedition, 142; Wooster exonerated
54, 126n., 135; see also Northern milita

tion and state rights, xviii, xxi, 249, 275- Cannon, board, 219; borrowed from Connect

281, 294-296, 325, 345, 346, 354, 360, 370, 542,
554-558; and Gates, 385; and Loyalist pris-
oners, 287; and publicity of proceedings,
285, 295; and recruiting, 325; and removal
to Lancaster, 499, 502; and settlement of
North Carolina account, 398; and Sullivan

cut, price, 307; casting, heavy, brass, 4
22, 94, 190, 219; importation, 218, 591, 595
naval, casting, 117, 124, 192; need, 190; pl
for board of outside men, 210; see as f

Canvass, see Duck

at Brandywine, 496, 515, 519; and Vermont, Cape Fear River, fortification, 137, 138, 466

van de Poll, Joan Derck van der,
rieven, 400n.

Lookout, fortification, 4, 466
François, as depot of arms, 110, III
ton, Sir Guy, and Saratoga convention,

sle, Pa., magazine, 205, 213, 226, 226n.
engton, Edward, censure and its removal,

oll, Charles, "Barrister," member, and
Loyalist prisoners, 204; letters of, 172, 181;
period of service, xlv

oll, Charles, of Carrollton, member, at-
tends, 499; committee on Nicholson affair,
372; letters of, 27, 450, 499; on Confedera-
tion, 450; on hiring mercenaries, 451; on
Wooster, 46n.; periods of service, xlvi
ter, Landon, letters to, 89, 149, 217, 286
well, Richard, governor of North Carolina,
and French engineers, 389n.; letters to
(1776), 154; (1777), 235, 257, 287, 294,
314n., 324, 345, 353, 360, 370, 398, 416, 431,
437, 450n., 464n., 466, 472, 494n., 496, 498,
502, 502n., 507, 514, 524n., 526, 526n., 540n.,
542, 545n., 570

ttle, purchase for army, 409; see also Pro-

.valry, authorized, 211; Connecticut regi-
ment, 176; importation of equipment, 218;
light horse for Northern department, 378;
schedule, 338; Southern light horse, 23;
Virginia light horse, re-enlistment, 269
ecil County, Md., militia, 180n.
edars, affair, Ion., 57

erberus, H. M. S., capture by, 43
eronio, Stephen, and despatches, 129, 130
hamberlaine, James Lloyd, commissioner to

army, 140n.; letter of, 151n.

hamber of Commerce, plan, 196, 210, 211.
hamplain, Lake, fortifying, 5; proposed expe-
dition against British shipping, 590; see also

Chaplain department, new arrangement, pur-
pose, 376

Chaplains of Congress, Duché, his form of
prayer, 34, 39; White and Duffield, 533
Chapman, James, promotion, 57
Charleston, campaign (1776), 22; expected at-
tack (1776), 153-155; (1777), 457, 460, 461;
price-regulating convention to meet at,
2671.; R. Howe on commercial situation,
443; sale of stored tea, 24
Charlestown, Mass., petition for damages, 363,
366-368, 378

Chase, Samuel, member, absence, 387; and am-
bassadors to France, 8; and Brandywine,
496; and committee of secret correspon-
dence, 8n.; and Confederation, 32, 44, 48;
and Gates; 41n.; and St. Clair, 79; and sign-
ing of Declaration of Independence, 8; and
Stark, 462, 464n. ; and western claims, 32, 44,
48, 161, 165, 422; as veteran delegate, 260;
attends, 32, 159; Canadian commissioner, re-
port, S. Adams on, 16, 46n.; committee on
treatment of prisoners of war, 225; leave,
513; letters of (1776), 8n., 16, 27, 32, 44, 79,

150, 161, 162, 165, 168, 174, 186; (1777), 204,
208, 224, 225, 226, 229, 236, 237, 267, 493,
501n., 506n., 513; letters to, 7, 229n.; move-
ment for publicity, 285; on administration,
186; on displacing Schuyler, 424; on new
levies, 161, 186, 267, 268; on powers of
Maryland delegates, 162; on proposed West
Florida expedition, 422; on regulation of
prices, 251; on request for conciliation con-
ference, 264; on Wooster, 41, 46, 46n.;
periods of service, xlvi

Chaumont, —, on mercenaries, 451n.
Cherokee Indians, defeat, 121; hostilities, co-
operation against, 30

Chesapeake Bay, blockade, 233, 334, 339;
Howe's army in, 462

Chew, Benjamin, parole advised, 448, 449
Christiana, Del., and casting of brass cannon,

Church, Benjamin, exchange refused, 506
Citizens, interstate privileges under Confedera-
tion, 552

Claiborne, John F. H., Mississippi, 566n.
Clark, Abraham, member, absence, 10; and
Caldwell, 292, 293; and chaplain, 34; and
Vermont, 377; committee on camp in Penn-
sylvania, 322n.; committee on defense,
332n.; expected temporary attendance, 134;
leave, 292; letters of (1776), 7, 10, 32, 33n.,
134; (1777), 242, 291, 293, 594; on appoint-
ment of general officers, 291; on canton-
ment of army, 594; on Congress at Balti-
more, 243; on crisis, 10; on displacing
Schuyler, 425; on proposed West Florida
expedition, 421; on Washington's procla-
mation on New Jersey neutrals, 243, 292;
periods of service, liv

Clark, Seth, deposition, 438n.

Clarke and Nightingale, and powder, 49
Clay, Joseph, deputy paymaster-general, 444n.,
458; letter to, 458

Clingan, William, member, attends, 539; letter
of, 550; period of service, lxi
Clinton, George, member, governor of New

York, and Hudson River defenses, 590;
letters to, 506, 546; period of service, lvii
Clinton, Sir Henry, at Newport, 189; Hudson
River advance, 566; retirement from South,

Clinton, James, brigadier-general, 46, 55
Clinton, Fort, capture, 566n.

Closed doors, order, 53n.; see also Secrecy
Clothier-general, Mease, 334, 470n.
Clothing, clothier-general, 334, 470n.; commis-

sary, 470n.; committee, 170n.; deficiency in
Washington's army, 567, 598; for New
York troops, 221; from state prize, 134,
297, 298; furnished to troops, 122, 144, 158,
166; payment by soldiers, 43; price regula-
tion, 571; scarcity, 134, 145; state furnish-
ing, 271; survey and purchase, 170, 171,
221; see also Supplies

Clymer, George, member, committee on camp
in Pennsylvania, 322n.; committee on com-
missary, 416; committee to visit army, re-
port, 104, 107, 149n.; conference on de-

fense, 322n.; executive committee in Phila-
delphia, 177, 183, 185, 191, 193, 214; fron-
tier commission, 562n.; letters of, 193, 198,
205, 272, 284; letter_to, 205; periods of ser-
vice, lxii; see also Executive committee
Coast defense, at state expense, 137; Boston,
211; Congress and, 466; for North Caro-
lina, 4, 137, 138, 466

and Stockton, 243n.

569, 574, 575, 580-582; reception, 313n.; see
also Deane, Silas; Foreign relations
Commissioners for Indian affairs, letter to, 18
Committee in Philadelphia, see Executive com-

Committee of foreign affairs, letters of, 352,
451n., 509; on hiring mercenaries, 451n.;
origin, members, xii, 327n., 402; see also
Committee of secret correspondence

Cochran, John, and medical department re- Committee of intelligence, letter of, 473; mem-

forms, 3211.

Coffin, Charles, cruise, 312

Coinage, control under Confederation, 555
Collins, John, bears letter, 329

Colony, post-Declaration use of term, 200
Colt, Peter, bears letter, 58; deputy commis-
sary-general of purchases, troubles, 412n.,
543n., 544, 588, 589
Commerce, see Trade

Commercial committee, letters of, 565, 565n.;
organized, members, xi, 211n., 402; see also
Secret committee
Commissary department, abuses, 315, 335; and
depreciation of currency, 381; contract
question, especially in Northern depart-
ment, 84, 85, 104, 120, 121, 126, 127, 173,
204, 315, 335; failure in Philadelphia cam-
paign, 506; remodelling with division, re-
sulting confusion and breakdown, inquiry,
361, 364n., 381, 383, 387, 392, 392n., 393n.,
394, 407, 408, 412, 414, 416, 542-544, 563, 571-
573, 576, 584, 587, 597, 598, 603, 604; settle-
ment of Trumbull's affairs, 505, 512, 542-
544, 572, 576, 584, 587-589; see also next
titles, and Provisions; Staff
Commissary for prisoners of war, 212
Commissary-general, complaints against dep-

uty, 227; pay, 126-128; see also adjoining
titles, and Trumbull, Joseph

Commissary-general of issues, deputies, 408n.,
412n.; office created, 364n., 381; Stewart,
405n., 408n., 412n.; see also Commissary

of purchases, Blaine,
412n.; Buchanan, 315n., 408n., 412; depu-
ties, 382, 383, 386, 387, 408n., 412n.; office,
created, 364n., 381; place of office, 505;
Trumbull declines, reasons, 383, 392, 393n.,
394, 407, 408, 414, 445, 542, 571, 573, 584,
588, 589; Wadsworth, 408n., 412n.; see also
Commissary department
Commissary of clothing, 470n.
Commissary of hides, 463
Commissioners at Paris, and bills of exchange,

488, 489; and British treatment of prison-
ers, 438; and conduct of Thomas Morris,
390, 391; and curiosities for ladies, 359;
and foreign officers, 369, 379, 389, 389n.,
394, 398, 400, 403, 406, 417-420, 426, 430, 438,
448, 486n., 569, 583; appointment, instruc-
tions, 8, 105, 128-132; letters of marque,
352; letters received by Congress from,
304, 313n., 314n., 327, 328n., 352, 363, 435;
letters to, 181, 183, 197, 218, 310, 352, 509;
need of strengthening, 448; neglected, 178;
recall of Deane, successor, Adams, 431, 448,

bers, 473

Committee of secret correspondence, and
Deane's cryptic letter, 111n.; becomes com-
mittee of foreign affairs, xii, 327n.; keeps
intelligence from Congress, 110, 111, 165n.;
letters of, 96, 129 (2), 181, 197, 232, 310;
letters to, 178, 451n.; members, powers, III,
112; Morris as member, 184; new appoint-
ments to (1776), 130; origin, 8; statement,
110; see also Foreign relations
Committee of the states, plan, 540, 555
Committee on defense, letter of, 322
Committee on executive departments, members,
work, 196, 210n.

Committee on Ticonderoga inquiry, letter of,
475; see also Ticonderoga
Committee on ways and means, report on
foreign loan, 452

Conarroe Collection, 228n.
Concklin, Col. -, Loyalist command, 120n.
Confederation, agreement deemed hopeless, 56;

allegiance before 1781, 292; and alliances,
xv, 44, 514; and credits to currency, xix
and independence, xiv, 28; appointment of
delegates, 552; Articles adopted, xxi, 547,
550, 552, 562, 578; Burke's notes on Ar-
ticles, 552-556; coinage, 555; committee of
the states, xxi, 540, 555; committee on, xv,
xvi, IIn.; consideration, laid aside and re-
sumed, delays, xiv-xxi, 6, 11, 16, 21, 28, 30,
32, 41, 44, 48, 53, 62, 83, 89, 113, 115, 321, 323,
329, 342, 345, 355, 360, 362, 388, 391, 392n.,
399, 416, 417, 417n., 450, 468, 476, 484, 485,
498, 503, 506n., 513, 514, 521, 529-531, 536,
540, 542, 547; control of foreign affairs,
553-555; criticism of Articles, xxii-xxiii;
delegation of power, 556; freedom of dele-
gates, 553; Indian affairs, 553, 555; inter-
state disputes, boundaries, western claims,
jurisdiction, xvi, xx, 29, 32, 44, 48, 468, 536,
555, 579; interstate impositions, 552; inter-
state privileges, 552; navy, 553, 555; neces-
sity, timeliness, xiv-xxiii, 32, 450, 542, 548,
550, 562; power to borrow money and emit
bills, 555; printed draft of Articles, pub-
licity, 47n.; printing of Articles, submission
to states, xxii, 561, 562, 564, 568, 569, 574,
577, 578; prophecy of early dissolution,
xxii, 515n.; ratifications, 600; representa-
tion, voting, xvi, xx, 29, 32, 33, 44, 360, 371,
374, 392, 399, 485, 514, 517, 536, 553; requi-
sition quota, xvi, xx, 32, 44, 48, 399, 514,
517, 529, 530n., 535, 536, 541, 548, 564, 569,
578; special congress suggested to con-
sider, xvii, 56; state sovereignty, xviii, 345,
346, 360, 371, 536; weights and measures,

555; yea and nay vote, 379; see also Divi-
sion of powers.
Confiscation of property of British subjects,
resolve, 26

Connecticut, accounts for new levies, 244; and
general officers, 288; and new levies and
additional pay, 155, 158, 159, 314; and re-
lief of Rhode Island, 330, 340; appeals to,
for troops, 14n., 68n., 160n.; arms for, 400;
cavalry regiment authorized, 176; clothing
for army, 170n.; conduct of W. Franklin,
362n.; Danbury raid, 348, 353n., 355; Dec-
laration of Independence sent to, 2n.; flour
purchases in South, advance to, 320; lack
of representation, urge, 112n., 187; line
troops for defense, 363; loan of cannon by,
307; militia for Hudson River, 495; militia
for Saratoga campaign, 413n., 440, 441n.;
oath of fidelity, 321; Public Records, 77n.,
227n.; see also next titles, and New Eng-
land; Wyoming

Connecticut, governor of, see Trumbull, Jona-

Connecticut delegates, see Adams, Andrew;

Dyer, Eliphalet; Ellsworth, Oliver; Hos-
mer, Titus; Huntington, Samuel; Law,
Richard; Sherman, Roger; Williams, Wil-
liam; Wolcott, Oliver

Connecticut Historical Society, Jeremiah Wads-
worth Papers, 543n.; Jonathan Trumbull
Papers, 435n.; Joseph Trumbull Papers, iii,
50n.; Oliver Wolcott Papers, 47n.; Papers
of Jonathan Trumbull, Commercial, 308n.;
Papers of Jonathan Trumbull, jr., iii, 40n.;
William Williams Papers, 362n.
Connecticut State Library, Joseph Trumbull
Papers, iii, 27n.

Constitutional convention, early idea, 56n.
Constitutions, state, dispute in Pennsylvania,
331, 337, 344; making, as general business,
135, 149

Contee, Thomas, commissioner to army, 140n.;
letter of, 15in.
Continental agents, complaint against, in New

England, 318n.; conflicting, in Massachu-
setts, 25; list, 125; see also Prizes
Continental army, vii, viii; and foreign aid, 354;
attitude toward service, 57, 61, 342n.; con-
gressional commissioners, 166; Connecticut
home regiments, 363; control of artillery
and engineers, 169; damage by troops, 513;
Declaration of Independence sent to and
proclaimed before, 2, 5, 6; Delaware troops,
37; desertions, check, 275-281; dictatorial
powers for Washington, viii, 193, 196, 198,
199, 210, 221, 317; discipline, lack, restora-
tion, 102, 107, 273, 274, 452; German regi-
ment, 9; hope in new levies, 217; increase,
190, 190n., 193, 211; Maryland troops to
restrain Loyalists, 330, 343, 350; necessary
to liberty, 79; New Hampshire troops, 186,
271; New Jersey troops, 33; New York
troops, extra, 169; North Carolina troops,
43, 153-156, 236, 256, 437; petition on griev-
ances, 226; rangers, 51; reform of abuses,
ix, 198, 585, 589; Rhode Island troops, 52;

seamen in, 194; South Carolina troops, 6;
state civil governments and, 295, 316, 325,
557; swearing in, check, 339, 376; Virginia
troops, 223, 250; weakness, viii, 339n., see
also Accounts; Articles of War; Artillery;
Board of war; Canada; Cavalry; Defense;
Engineers; Enlistments; Fortifications;
Military chest; Military departments;
Militia; New Jersey campaign; New York
campaign; Officers; Pay; Philadelphia
campaign; Prisoners of war; Saratoga
campaign; Staff; Supplies; Sutlers; Wash-
ington, George

Continental Congress, and Continental army,
vii, viii; and promotion of freedom, 2;
bluff, 274; changing personnel, 260, 393, 399;
character of meetings and members, spirit
(1776), 21, 118, 149, 186, 195, 196, 198, 200,
202, 209; (1777), 400, 447, 448, 476, 477, 481,
484, 602; conservatism banished, 238; de-
bate on size of delegations, 238, 239; double
sessions, 462n.; efforts to discredit, 149;
engrossed with minor matters, ix, 388, 399,
529; full representation, 321, 342, 345; har-
mony, 325, 584; increase in attendance, 238;
manner of considering letters, 549; Papers,
170n.; resolves, transmission, publication,
306, 522n.; sectionalism, attitude toward
New England, xiv, 41, 47n., 54n., 118, 155,
157, 186, 208, 230, 231, 235, 238, 257, 275, 374,
377, 381, 382, 400, 410; thin, bare quorum,
urge to fill (1776), xviii, 66, 83, 112, 113,
126, 134, 147, 149, 156, 159, 172, 193; (1777),
215, 229-232, 236, 238, 239, 246, 261, 296,
297, 301, 303, 393, 414, 523, 583, 602; threat
against, 5; troops to protect (1776), 123;
see also Administration; Confederation;
Continental army; Delegates; Division of
powers; Finance; Foreign relations; Inde-
pendence; Indians; Journals; Loyalists;
Militia; Navy; Officers of Congress; Re-
moval; Secrecy; Trade; Voting
Continental Journal and Weekly Advertiser, on

arrival of ships from France, 352n.; on
foreign despatches, 352n.

Continental stables at Philadelphia, mismanage-
ment, 177

Conventions, sectional, on price regulation, see
New England; Prices
Conway, Thomas, and French officers, 369; ar-

rives, 353n.; commission, 386, 527, 528, 563;
inspector-general, 528n.; see also next title.
Conway Cabal, criticisms of Washington, viii,
521, 522, 570, 571, 593; Washington and
Conway, 527, 528.

Conyngham, Gustavus, arrest in France, 490
Cook, George, and Loyalist rising, 237, 238;
Loyalists taken by, 172, 224n.

Cooke, Nicholas, governor of Rhode Island,

letters received by Congress from, 199, 207;
letters to (1776), 52, 78, 87, 115, 133, 156,
188, 189n., 199; (1777), 207, 226, 254, 289,
301, 312, 316, 357, 401, 453, 467, 531, 577,

Cooper, Samuel, letter to, 339
Cooper, William, letter to, I

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