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normal crisis, but to the rule and habit of life-Filled
the Spirit; how?—Practical meaning of the
precept Surrender to the presence of the Spirit-
The Baptism of the Spirit-Passages examined-Is
it to be sought for, like the Filling ?-Apparently not
-Work of faith in receiving the fulness of the Spirit
-Blessed results in detail-The Sealing, Earnest,
and Firstfruits of the Spirit-A Prayer


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The Spirit in the writings of St Paul: Christ dwelling
in the heart by faith-Sacred treasures of the close
of Eph. iii.—The passage takes up that at the close
of Eph. ii.—Likeness and difference between the two
passages-The former contemplates the Community,
the latter rather the Individual-Context of Eph. iii. 17
-The Indwelling-It means more than the Vital
Union-Significance of the word "heart"—The In-
dwelling designed for all believers-And to be con-
tinuous-The language implies an Arrival in order
to dwell-In what senses such an arrival is and is
not for all Christians-The work of the Holy Spirit
in this matter-Strengthening-In order to a willing
welcome of the divine MASTER-Nature in the fall
shrinks from this-So the Spirit's enabling is needed
-Significance of the words "by faith"-Faith in
this as in all its work is the Spirit's gift-Conclusion
-Dying words of Adolphe Monod





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HE following chapters have a very simple purpose. They are not intended to constitute a technical treatise, certainly not to carry the reader into elaborate enquiries into the history of doctrines. They are intended to be a reverent review of some, and only some, of the main teachings of the Holy Scriptures concerning the ever-blessed Spirit of God, the heavenly Paraclete, the eternal Third Person, the Lord and Life-Giver, and His revealed work in Redemption. And this review shall be made, by His most merciful assistance, with a constant reference to the actual needs of the human soul, the actual experience of the people of God.

The theme is one of altogether special importance for the believing Church of these latter days. In John Owen's Pneumatologia, his deep, massive, and most spiritual "Discourse

Concerning the Holy Spirit" (1674), occurs a remarkable passage (bk i., ch. i.), in which he traces through the ages and dispensations a certain progress of divine tests of living orthodoxy, related to each of the Three Persons in succession. Before the First Advent the great testing truth was "the oneness of God's nature and His monarchy over all," with special respect to the Person of the Father. At the First Advent the great question was whether a Church orthodox on the first point would now receive the divine Son, incarnate, sacrificed, and glorified, according to the promise. And when the working of this test had gathered out the Church of Christian believers, and built it on the foundation of the truth of the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit came in a new prominence and speciality before that Church as a touchstone of true faith. Wherefore the duty of the Church now immediately respects the Spirit of God, who acts towards it in the name of the Father and of the Son; and with respect unto Him it is that the Church in its present state is capable of an apostasy from God. . . . The sin of

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