"Du Athem aus der ew'gen Stille, Durchwehe sanft der Seelen Grund; Füll' mich mit aller Gottesfülle, Und da wo Sünd' und Gräuel stund, Lass Glaube, Lieb', und Ehrfurcht grünen, Im Geist and Wahrheit Gott zu dienen. “O Geist, O Strom, der uns vom Sohne Aus Gottes und des Lammes Throne TERSTEEGEN, 1697-1769.
INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND NAMES. AGNEW, REV. D. C. A., 102. Ambrose, St, 168. Apostles, representing the CHRIST Our Life, by the Spirit, whole Church, 126. Articles (XXXIX.) quoted; IX., 182; XII., 99, 188; Atonement, Zinzendorf on, 115 Cave, Rev. A., 60. Augustine, St, 28, 73. BAPTISM, sacrament of, 79. Baptism of the Spirit, 220. Baptism of the Spirit, a tract, 223. Bayne, 234. Better Land, The, 171. Beveridge, Bishop, 80. Blasphemy against the Holy Bonar, Dr H., 102. Browning, Robert, 14. CANDLISH, DR R. S., 159. 40, 132, 161, 197. CHRIST revealed and glorified CHRIST, His place in the Spirit's work, 35, 38. CHRIST, communion with, 133. Chrysostom, St, 61. come, 5. Come, Holy Spirit, come, 120. -, a need of our day, 97. Creation and the Spirit, 46. Crabbe, 50. D'AUBIGNÉ, 5. their difference, 148. Drummond, Professor, 72. "EARNEST of the Spirit," 225. FABER, G. STANLEY, 68, 164. Faith and soberness, 117. 193. Fulness of the Spirit, 37, 210. 'GIFTS, SPIRITUAL," 149, 212. Goode, Dean, 216. HANNA, DR, 156. Hatherley, Lord, 60. Heart, the, 234. Homily, the first, quoted, Hooker, 76, 164. INDWELLING of Christ, 232. Inspiration, 48. "consciousness" of, 53. - attaches to the sacred the Spirit's work in, 64. Jov, an essential element in "KEEPING POWER" of the Kenôsis of Christ, 33. INDEX. LANGUAGE used by our Lord, Liddon, Dr, 34, 60. Life and work, relations be- Love of the Spirit, 101. MACMILLAN, REV. H., 191. in N. T., 199. Monod, Adolphe, 246. NEW Birth, 72. O'BRIEN, BISHOP, 244. PASCAL, 46. Paschal Discourse, 7, 82, 100, 122. 251 Passive aspect of spiritual Paul, St, his teaching on the Personality of the Spirit, 5, 168. why spoken of in Scrip- II. Πνεῦμα and Τὸ Πνεῦμα, 9. - Procession, the Dual, 24. QUIETISM, 197. REGENERATION, 80. Reichel, Bishop, 154. SANCTIFICATION defined, 35. Scripture and the Spirit, 47, Scripture not as another TABERNACLES, FEAST OF, 146. WALLER, REV. C. H., 60. Table, the Lord's, 143. Taylor, Bishop Jeremy, 162. Testimony, a personal, 134. 151, 198. Trench, Archbishop, 5. Westcott, Professor, 156. Whitby, 22. Work rightly done only in the Work not an equivalent for ZINZENDORF, COUNT, 92, 113 |