Imágenes de páginas

MARTYR (PETER). De Rebus/ Oceanicis/ et Novo Orbe, de-/cades tres, Petri Mar-/tyris ab Angleria/ Mediolanensis. Item eivsdem,/ de Babylonica/ Legatione, Libri III./ et item/ de Rebvs Aethiopicis,/ Indicis Lufitanicis & Hifpanicis, opufcula quæda/ Hiftorica doctiffima, quæ hodiè non facilè/ alibì reperiuntur, Damiani/ A Goes Equitis/ Lufitani./ Quæ omnia fequens pagina lattùs demonftrat./ Cum duplici locupletiffimo Indice./ Coloniæ, Apud Geruinum Calenium & hæredes/ Quentelios. M.D. LXXIIII. Cum gratia & Privilegio Cæsareo./ 24 prel. leaves and 655 pp. 'Index,' 28 pp. Fine copy, Vellum. Small 8vo. (1l. 10s. 6d. 1805) MARTYR (PETER). De Novo Orbe,/ or/ the Historie of/ the weft Indies, Contaying the actes/ and aduentures of the Spanyardes, which haue/conquered and peopled thofe Countries,/inriched with varietie of pleasant re-/lation of the Manners, Ceremonies,/ Lawes, Gouernments, and/ Warres of the Indians./ Comprised in eight Decades./ Written by Peter Martyr a Millanoife of Algeria, Cheife/ Secretary to the Emperour Charles the fift,/ and of his Priuie Councell./ Whereof three, haue beene formerly tranflated in-/to English, by R. Eden, whereunto the other/ fiue, are newly added by the Industrie, and/ painefull Trauaile of M. Lok Gent./ London Printed for Thomas Adams./ 1612./ 5 prel. leaves; viz. Title, reverse blank Epistola Dedicatoria' 4 pp. Signed 'Michael Lok.' To the Reader' 4 pp. Signed 'M. Lok.' Text 318 folioed leaves. Wanting leaf folioed 158. 4to. (2l. 12s. 6d. 1806)

MARTYR (PETER). The/ famovs/ Historie of the Indies :/ Declaring the aduentures of the Spaniards, which haue conque-/red thefe Countries, with varietie of Relations/ of the Religions, Lawes, Gouernments, Manners,/ Ceremonies, Cuftomes, Rites, Warres,/ and Funerals of the People./ Comprifed into fundry Decads./ Set forth firft by Mr Hackluyt, and now pub-/lifhed by L. M. Gent./ The fecond Edition./ London: Printed for Michael Sparke dwelling at the figne/ of the blue Bible in Green-Arbor. 1628./ 3 prel. leaves; viz. Title the reverse blank; 'To the Reader' Signed' M. Lok.' 4 pp. Text 318 folioed leaves. Calf extra by Bedford. (4l. 14s. 6d. 1807)


MARTYR; OVIEDO & XERES. Libro Primo/ della Histo/ria de l'In/die Oc/ciden/tali / [verso] Svmmario de la Generale/ Historia de l'Indie Occi-/dentali cavato da li-/bri scritti dal si-/gnor don Pietro Martyre del consi/glio delle Indie/ della Maesta/ de l'Imperadore,/ et da molte/ altre par=/ ticvla-/ri rela-/tioni./ 79 folioed leaves, the 80th blank. Libro Secon/do delle In/die Oc/ciden/tali/

MDXXXIIII. Con gratia & priuilegio./ [verso] Svmmario de la/ Naturale et General Histo/ria de l'Indie occidentali, compofta da Gonzalo ferdi-/ nando del Ouiedo altrimenti di valde, natio de la terra di Madril: habitatore & rettore de/ la citta di fanta Maria antica del Darien,/ in terra ferma del' indie: ilqual fu riue/duto & corretto per ordine de la/ Maefta del Imperadore, pel fuo/ real configlio, de la dette In/die. & tradotto di lingua/ caftigliana in Italia-/na. Co priuilegio/ de la Illuftriff./ Signoria di/ Vinegia,/ per ani xx. 64 folioed leaves, the 65th containing the Table and the 66th the explanation of the maps. Libro vltimo del svmma/rio delle/ Indie Oc/ciden/tali/ MDXXXIIII. [Colophon]



In Venegia, Del mefe d'Ottobre./ MDXXXIIII./ 16 leaves, the 16th being blank. The three Parts complete, a very large copy, with the Map of Isola Spagnvola' and La carta uniuersale della terra firme,' both of which are here inserted in facsimile. (2l. 12s. 6d. 1808) MARYLAND. A/ Relation/ of/ Maryland ;/ Together,/ With [A Map of the Countrey,/ The Conditions of Plantation,/ His Majefties Charter to the/ Lord Baltemore, tranflated/ into English./ Thefe Bookes are to bee had, at Mafter William/ Peasley Efq; his houfe; on the back-fide of Dru-/ry-Lane, neere the Cock-pit Playhoufe; or in his abfence; at Mafter Iohn Morgans houfe in/ high Holbourn, over against the Dolphin, London./ September the 8. Anno Dom. 1635./ Title reverse blank, and 56 pp. "The Charter of Maryland.' 25 pp. Blue morocco extra by Hayday. Map 153 by 112 inch. wanting. 4to. (3l. 3s. 1809)

MARYLAND. The/ Declaration/ of the/ Reasons and Motives/ For the Present / Appearing in Arms/ of Their Majesties/ Protestant Subjects/ In the Province of Maryland./ Licens'd, November

28th 1689. J. F./[Colophon] Maryland, Printed by William Nuthead at the City of St./ Maries./ Reprinted in London, and Sold by Randal Tay-/lor near Stationers Hall, 1689./ 8 pp. unbound.

(1. 11s. 6d. 1810)

MARYLAND. The Charter/ of/ Maryland./ [Lon-
don] 23 pp. 8vo.

(10s. 6d. 1811) Letters numbered I

to XVII. [Boston, 1775.] 118 pp. First Edition. (10s. 6d. 1812) half mor.

8vo. MASSACHUSETTENSIS: Or a Series of Letters, containing a faithful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foundation of the present Troubles in the Province of the MaffachusettsBay; interspersed with Animadversions and Reflections, originally Addreffed to the People of that Province, and worthy the confideration of the True Patriots of this Country. By a Person of Honor upon the Spot. The Third Edition. Boston printed. London reprinted for J. Mathews, MDCCLXXVI. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 1812*) viii and 118 pp. half mor. MASSACHUSETTENSIS: Or a Series of Letters, containing a faithful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foundation of the present Troubles in the Province of the Maffachufetts-Bay; interspersed with Animadversions and Reflections, originally Addreffed to the People of that Province, and worthy the Confideration of the True Patriots of this Country. By a Person of Honor upon the Spot. The Fourth Edition. Boston printed: London reprinted for J. Mathews, MDCCLXXVI. viii and 118 pp. Half morocco. (7s. 6d. 1813)


MASSACHUSETTS. An Account of the Massachusetts State Prison. Containing a description and Plan of the Edifice; the Law, Regulations, Rules and Orders: With a view of the present State of the Institution. By the Board of Visitors. Charlestown: Printed by Samuel Etheridge. 1806. 48 pp. With 2 folded plutes. 8vo. (2s. 6d. 1814) MASSACHUSETTS-BAY. A/ Collection/ Of the Proceedings of the/ Great and General Court or Affembly/ Of His Majesty's Province of the/ Maffachusetts-Bay,/ in/ New-England;/ Containing


feveral Inftructions from the Crown, to the/ Council and Affembly of that Province, for fixing a/ Salary on the Governour, and their Determinations/ thereon. As also,/ The Methods taken by the Court for Supporting the feveral/ Governours, fince the Arrival of the prefent Charter./ Printed by Order of the House of Reprefentatives./ Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, in Pudding-Lane./ 1729./ 112 pp. half calf. 4to. (1. 1s. 1815) MASSACHUSETTS BAY. A Brief State of the Services and Expences of the Province of the Massachusett's Bay, In the Common Cause. London: J. Wilkie, MDCCLXV. 24 pp. Half morocco. (7s. 6d. 1816) MASSACHUSETTS BAY. The Proceedings of the Council, and the House of Representatives Of the Province of the Mafsachusetts-Bay, relative to the Convening, holding and keeping The General Afsembly At Harvard-College in Cambridge: And The feveral Meffages which pafsed between His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and The Two Houfes, Upon the Subject. Published by Order of the House of Representatives. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill, Printers to the Honorable House of Representatives, 1770. Title, and pp. 5-83. half mor. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 1817) MASSIE (J.) Calculations and Observations relating to an Additional Duty upon Sugar. Dated Westminster, 20th January 1759. 2 pp. single sheet. (4s. 6d. 1818)

Folio. MASSIE (J.) A State of the British Sugar-Colony Trade; shewing, That an Additional Duty of Twelve Shillings per 112 Pounds Weight may be laid upon Brown or Muscovado Sugar (and proportionably higher Duties upon Sugar refined before imported) without making Sugar dearer in this Kingdom than it hath been of late Years, and without Diftreffing the British Sugar-Planters; for their Profits will then be Twice as much Money per acre of Land, as the Landholders of England receive for their Eftates. All which Matters are plainly made appear, and the vaft loffes which this Kingdom hath suffered by the Sugar-Colony Trade, written Thirty Years laft paft, are particularly

pointed out. Moft humbly fubmitted to the confideration of the Honourable House of Commons. By J. Maffie. London, T. Payne, MDCCLIX. Title and 40 pp. half calf. 4to. (5s. 6d. 1818*) MATHER (COTTON). Late/ Memorable Providences/ Relating to/ Witchcrafts and Poffeffions,/ Clearly Manifefting,/ Not only that there are Witches, but that Good Men (as well as others) may poffibly have their Lives fhortned/ by fuch evil Inftruments of Satan./ Written by Cotton Mather Minifter of the/ Gospel at Boston in NewEngland. The Second Impression./ Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard/ Baxter in London, and by the Minifters of/ Bofton and Charlestown in New-England./ London, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and/ Three Crowns in Cheapfide near Mercers-/Chapel. 1691./11 prel. leaves, viz. Title reverse blank, 'To the Honourable Wait Winthrop Efq;' 2 pp. To the Reader.' 4 pp. The Preface.' 9 pp. A Catalogue of Books' etc. 3 pp. The Introduction.' 2 pp. Text 144 pp. Small 8vo. (21. 2s. 1819)

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MATHER (COTTON). The Life and Death/ Of
The Renown'd/ Mr. John Eliot,/ Who was the/
First Preacher of the/ Gospel/ to the/ Indians in
America. With an Account of the Wonderful
Suc-/cefs which the Gospel has had amongst the
Hea-/then in that part of the World: And of the/
many ftrange Cuftomes of the Pagan Indians,/ In
New-England./ Written by Cotton Mather./
The Second Edition carefully corrected./ London :/
Printed for John Dunton, at the Raven/ in the
Poultrey. MDCXCI./ 3 prel. leaves, and 138 pp. calf.
Small 8vo.
(1l. 5s. 1820)


A/ True Account/ of the Tryals, Examinations,/ Confessions, Condemnations, and Executions of divers/ Witches,/ At Salem, in New-England,/ for/ Their Bewitching of fundry People and Cattel/ to Death, and doing other great Mischiefs,/ to the Ruine of many People about them./ With/ The Strange Circumftances that attended/ their Enchantments :/ And/ Their Converfation with Devils, and other/ Infernal Spirits. In a Letter to a Friend in London./

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